3 - Congratulations

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The door opened and light flooded into the trailer, temporarily blinding Scarlett as Chris Evans entered. Seconds later the door closed.

Scarlett's eyes quickly adjusted. He just stood there looking at his sister stunned.

Like her, he was dressed for set in a red satin robe.

She asked if he was there to go over the lines of the script with her as her script was stuck tucked in her pocket.

- You remember my sister Scarlett, don't you Chris? - Scarlett somehow managed to say.

He gave Barbara a tentative smile.

- Of course! How are you? - He laughed lightly. - Congratulations on your pregnancy. Barbara didn't mention that she was going to be an aunt.

- With good reason, believe me. - Scarlett came between them. - I didn't know that when we spoke last time. She is pregnant with twins and is about two months away from their arrival.

He nodded to Barbara.

- Well, congratulations anyway. It can't be easy to be pregnant, much less with twins. He turned to Scarlett with a smile.

Her heart sped up, her blood rushed, and the wetness filled her groin as it always did when she was near him. But this time she couldn't hide behind her sister.

- They should be almost ready there on set. He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. - With any luck we'll be able to improve this scene and leave with plenty of time for tonight's premiere. He held the door open for her and smiled at his sister. - Good to see you again.

With the script in hand Scarlett forced her legs to move.

Barbara would be jumping for joy at having deceived Chris.

The game had started.

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