Hey everyone! I'm creating another story. Obviously. This one is gonna be different . . .
Who's interested in humor? I'm going to try that, though I'm not great at writing things like that. I'm going to really try. Help me along the way! I'm going to really appreciate all those votes and comments I know you guys will give *hint* *hint*.
Hah. I never do those things with the asterisks. Is that how you spell it? I don't know . . .
Anyways, today is my little brother's birthday. He's turning ten! Wooooooo! March 10 baby!
We went to Olive Garden to celebrate. Guess what topic came up? KUNG FU PANDA. The BEST movie ever! I'm so excited for the second movie to come out in May! If you haven't seen it . . . well you HAVE to see it! The Wooshie Finger Hold . . . the vase containing voices of a thousand warriors . . . the sword that cuts you when you look at it too long. Ah. Good movie. Love it.
So, quick hypnosis of this book here: A girl named Hannah Vaughn lives in a suburban environment. She is a sophmore at Oakton High School, a regular public school. She falls in 'love' with different guys, but one guy named Jace Meroy really catches her eye. This is the normal teen love story. I hope you like it!
Thanks, for everything!
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He Ate My Heart
Roman pour AdolescentsThere is more than one "He" for Hannah Vaughn. She falls in love with them, then finds out they don't love her. Her mother sends her to a shrink and she helps her fix Hannah's problems with infatuation, or so called 'love'. Her time through therapy...