Chapter 1

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Amber gasp softly and opens her eyes quickly then she sat up. She blinks for a few seconds and looks around to see where she is at, she was in a room with white walls and she was laying on a bed that is very uncomfortable, then she saw her black bookbag in the corner of the room. Amber gets out of the bed and stands up but stumbles a little bit as her legs were still trying to wake up. She toke a deep breath but she hiss in pain from the soreness around her neck, she rubs her neck in hoping to make the pain go away then she toke a deep breath again and sighs softly.

Amber goes up to her bag and picks it up as she puts it on. She went up to the door to open it but the door won't open. "Crap, it's lock......" She said to herself as she was about to look for another way to get out until she heard a click form the door which made her jumped a little. So, she looks at the door again and went up to it as she tries to open it again and this time the door was unlock. She opens the door slowly to see what's she is going to be facing and once it was full open there was nothing as it looks like it is a cell block. She looks around and says, "okay... I need to find Waylon and get the fuck out of here...." She heads up to a bar door then stop dead in her tracks when she saw two naked twin men with machetes looking at her. "I see the little rabbit is awake.." One of them said. "She looks very sacred..." The other one said. "Maybe we should kill her..." "Or maybe help her then we kill her....." As they were talking to each other, Amber was trying her best not to pass out on what she is hearing. " Well brother we haven't seen a female in a long..... Maybe we could have fun with her....." "But I don't think farther Martin would be happy about that...." "True......" Then that was the end of there talking as they left her all alone now. Amber breaths heavily and looks at the ground. "What the actual fuck...?" She said and looked around for a way out of the block. It was weird that there's no one in the block and it was dead quiet soon she found a way as she starts walking out and starts looking for her brother.

Hours went by as Amber kept walking still looking for her mother. "Waylon...?" She called his name hoping for a response but nothing yet, she sighs softly and went back to walking as she can't help but feel like she is being stalk by something or someone. Amber sighs softly and looks ahead as she says, "Waylon, please god be safe......"

Meanwhile a group of people were in a room, talking to each other about the people who are sane and a sane female in the building.

"It is true on what I heard from the twins...." One man with glasses said.

"Little little pig...." Another man said.

"Yeeesss, she is a little little pig hun~" A female said.

"Hopefully the Walrider doesn't kill her, I would like to sell her body parts." The glasses one said.

"We would have to kill her first before it does...." The other on said.

"Yep... Or the fucking groom..." The female said.

"But we have to get rid of the sane men in case they are going to help her...." The glasses one said again.

The three nods and went to work on their plan.

Meanwhile with Amber, she has enter into a room and keeps walking until she saw the naked twins again. She said sighs and was about to walk away until one of them grabs her arms which made her panic and tries to get away. "Where do you think your going?" One of them said and pulls her towards them. Amber whimpers softly in fear not knowing what they are going to do her. The two looks at her and at each other as one of them says, "Aw, look at the little rabbit scared as hell...." One of them let's go of her and looks at her. "How about we play a game....?" One said and other nods. That made Amber heart sunk and looks at the two with fear.

"You run away from us and if we get you we get to kill you... Slowly....." "We'll give you a two-minute head start... So, get ready little rabbit...."Amber looks for a way to get away form the two and sees a door not to far. "Let the game start....." One of said and saw her start leaving as she was now gone.

Amber starts running away as fast as she could and it toke hours for her to get away from the twins as it seems she lost them for now and is now walking. She came to a stop in her walking when she saw an office with a radio "Maybe I can call for help...." She said to herself and went in the room as she heads to the radio then starts to call for help but saw pulled back from someone. "No!" Amber yelled in panic and tried to reach for the radio but fails.

"Well well well, Amber Park. I see you are still alive; you couldn't let yourself get kill you fucking bitch." It was Blaire. He pins her onto a wall with one hand while the other had a needle with something in it.

"Where's Waylon?" Amber asked him.

"It's none of your fucking bee wax Ms. Park." He replied and smirks then stuck the needle on the side of her neck and inject something into her. She feels her body started get heavy and feel sleepy. "I really hope you'll be kill while your asleep..." He said and saw her pass out as he lets go of her limp body watching her slide down onto the floor. Blaire smirks and knows where to take her; he picks up and carries her to the place where he is taking her at. After a bit of walking for an hour he had reach his dissention. "Have fun here you bitch..." He said and dropped her body onto the ground leaving her on the cold floor. Blaire looks at her for the last time and left as Amber was now alone not knowing what's going to happen to her.

Soon she woke up and tries to get up but her body feels weak. "Crap....." Her voice was soft and was hard to hear from far away. She then heard footsteps coming up to her and looks to see who it is but it was a huge mistake of looking at the person. The inmate was looking at her and slowly goes up to her then snaps when she try to move away. He pins her on to the ground and starts taking her clothes off as he has a pissed looked. Amber try to scream it was useless she has no way to get help or get the inmate off of her. She tears up in fear and discomfort as she closes her eyes accepting her fate but she then heard someone yell at them.

"Get your fucking hands off of her you baster!"

Then the inmate was drag off of Amber's naked body and looks over to see what is going on. The man that toke the inmate off of her had him by the neck with a knife in hand. Then the inmate gotten stab many times and once he dead the other man let go of him as head turns his head to the scared woman who was shaking in fear. He made is way up to Amber and kneel down to her which made move away from him a little. "Darling, there's nothing to be afraid now. He can't hurt you anymore.." He said and picked her stuff up then he picks her up which made her looked at him. Her eyes widen a little realizing who he was.

It was.....

Eddie Gluskin......

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