Chapter 2

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Amber was being carry while naked as Eddie was taking her to their loving home then looks at her. “It was a good thing I gotten that man off of you before he could do anything he wanted to your body…. Unless you’re a whore…….” He snarled and gripped her body tightly a little which made her yelp in pain. “N-No…” She said and tears up a little bit in fear while looking at him. He loosened his grip and sighs softly then looks at her and says, “I know you would never do that to me dear…” Eddie smiles and looks ahead as he keeps walking. “Where are you taking me?” Amber asked with a soft tone. “Why home of course my darling, we have to take you some where safe where no other man could hurt you.” He replied and stopped at a door. “Here we are, home sweet home” he said again and opens the door as he and she went in. The room looked like a livening room with a kitchen and a dining area, Eddie sets Amber down on the couch as he smiles softly at her. “Wait here darling, I’ll bring you some new clothes you can wear in the meantime” he said and went somewhere else leaving her by herself at the moment, she studies the room thinking a way out when she gets the chance to escape.

Soon he came back with a white dress and a pantie as he want up to her, he smiles warmly at her and hands her the two clothing. “Hope these will fit you well darling if not then I’ll need to make you a new dress to wear” Eddie said and saw her take the dress along with the pantie as well. Amber nods and thanks him as she stands up then starts to put on the two clothing on, once she was done she looked at the insane man. He grins ear to ear and says “darling you look amazing, like an angel~” he goes up to her then stops in front of her.

“W-What are you going to do to me……?” She asked him with a hint of fear in her tone, he puts on his hands on her waist while the other on her shoulder as he says this “why to make you as my bride of course.” Eddie chuckles softly but stops when she tries to pull away as his face darkness. “Y-Your bride!?” Amber said and tries to move away from him but he tighten his grip on her which made her gasp in pain then pulled her back to him. “Why yes darling… Unless you’re a slut like the others……” He snarl at her and says more, “I been looking for the perfect bride my whole life, to have a family I always wanted but I ended having whores who doesn’t love me or betray me… Are you a slut?” He gave her a death stare almost thinking about she isn’t the right one.

“No, I-I’m not a s-slut…” Amber said and tears up due the pain she is getting from him as she stares at him with fear, Eddie realize what he was doing for a little by looking her eyes they were like his mother’s when his father would harm her. He calms down and loosen his grips as he says, “I’m so sorry darling, I shouldn’t hurt you like this. I know some women like you are very sensitive and I shouldn’t think of any of those thoughts of you like that.” She calms down a little knowing he has calm down for now then she says, “I was just surprised when you said that…” He gave her a small smile and chuckles softly “Well, since you know now that you be my bride that means you’ll be the mother of my children. I’m guessing you know how to cook and clean right?” He said and saw her nod but frowns a little bit. “What’s wrong darling?” He asked. “I’m guessing I’ll be doing all the housework…” “Why of course dear. After all it is a woman’s job to do the housework.” Eddie said almost in a cheer tone which made Amber upset by hearing that.

“I’m sorry to inform you but it’s not the 1920’s and it’s not every woman’s job as a housewife, it’s the 2000’s now and we have rights to do what we want in our life.” She said and saw him frown again.

“Still since you’re getting marry to me I make the rules in our marriage and our family.” He snarl

“But I do as well if I marry you.” She said in a calm tone.

“No, you don’t.” He said starting to sound mad.

“Yes, I do because we women are human beings like you as well and have thoughts on we want to do with our life. We have rights you know.” Amber said.

Eddie then snaps and pins her to the wall by her neck as he yells at her. “Listen here bitch! I’m in charge and you don’t have the rights to do whatever the fuck you want expect being a wife and the mother of my children!” She looks at him with fear again but is still upset with him and asked, “then why did you save me from that inmate you just killed?” He stares at her with a blank face and thinks for a moment, why did he save her he asked himself over and over. She felt him let go of her neck which made her sigh of relief as he was still thinking but shook his head and looks at her, “I’m not sure my darling…?” He said and looked to the side as he sighs.

“Anyways, we should get some rest darling. We have a big day later so we need the energy for it.” Amber saw him smirk and looks at her again then picks her up as he carries her to a bedroom, once the two got there he sets her on the bed and laid down next to her. She doesn’t know what to do expect laid down and get some rest so that what she did as she felt Eddie wrapped his arms around her body bringing closer to his which made her blush. “Sweet dreams darling,” he said and closes his eyes. “N-Night Eddie…” She said and closes her eyes as well as the two went to sleep.

“Did any of you found the girl yet?” The man with the glasses said.

“Not yet but soon we will~” The woman reply to him and said once more,

“Is it right Chris?~”

“Yes little piggy…” Chris said and looks at her.

“So, Trager what will we do to the girl~” The woman said.

“Well, all for I know is selling her body parts Teeth,” Trager said and looks at her.

Teeth smirks and starts thinking where the girl could be yet still has to kill Waylon and a guy name Miles.

“Hopefully we can get to her before the others does,” she said.

The two men nods and starts going back to what they were doing as she starts looking for the girl.

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