Chapter 1 Part 2

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As she entered the camp, she rolled her eyes upon seeing Qrow talking with Raven, "Now that was rude of you, kid. I only wanted to say hey." Qrow said in a snarky tone, Ruby clenched her fist tightly in rage, "What, you gonna hit your old man?" Qrow said. Ruby wanted to yell at Qrow, but she knew that wouldn't do any good, so she stormed off to not cause more pain to her own family. "I'm telling you sis, you gotta do something with her." Qrow said to Raven, "Like you haven't? She's grieving Qrow, she needs time." Raven responded, "She's been grieving for two years Raven, way more than you have." Qrow said in his snarky tone, at that point, Raven grabbed Qrows shirt in a fit of anger, "And you don't think I'M grieving?! I lost my daughter!" She snapped at him, Qrow just sipped his drink, unfazed as he spoke. "You stopped grieving the moment you stopped caring about her." Qrow said. Meanwhile, Ruby just sat in her personal tent, filled with rage, sadness, and depression. "No, deep breaths, don't attract the Grimm here..." Ruby said to herself, taking a deep breath as she quelled her anger at least. "I guess I'll just sleep on it... Again..." Ruby told herself as she got into bed and fell asleep.

Ruby woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep as she sat up and rubbed her head. "Ugh, my head is all out of whack..." She muttered as she stood up. "I need to take a walk..." She said as she quietly left her tent to try and calm down, deciding to go out on her own for a while. Ruby walked through the woods, trying to clear her head up. "Why did this all happen to me...? What did I do to deserve this?" She asked herself, feeling lost and abandoned. She had already lost so much, it felt like the world had abandoned her, left her to fend for herself. As all these negative emotions started to take hold of Ruby, she started thinking negatively too, she was feeling lonely, hopeless, and angry, all these emotions swirling in her, it hurt... She wanted it all to just end... Just when things couldn't get any worse, Grimm showed up. Ruby looked up at the Grimm, her eyes devoid of any expression. "Just do it... I'm not gonna run from you anymore... What good am I if I couldn't even protect the people who were dear to me...?" Ruby said, accepting her fate. The Grimm began to close in on her as Ruby closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

However... Nothing happened... All the noise coming from the Grimm just... Stopped... It was as silent as the night... Ruby slowly opened her eyes, the Grimm were all gone... She scanned the area, not a single emotion shown on her face. Then she spotted the one who was likely responsible for the Grimm being gone; It was Glynda Goodwitch, her old headmistress at Beacon Academy. "Hello Ms. Rose, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Glynda said. Ruby didn't respond though, she just looked at Glynda, eyes still devoid of emotion. Glynda looked worried as she approached Ruby. "Why...?" Was all Ruby asked. Glynda hugged her in an attempt to comfort her, Ruby didn't do anything, she just stood there in silence... Glynda soon spoke up. "Because someone like you doesn't deserve a fate as cruel as death." She said. "T-That's not..." Ruby was about to speak, but she was interrupted by Glynda, she didn't look too happy seeing Ruby acting like this. "Now you listen to me, Ms. Rose, wishing you were dead is wishing for the enemy to win, you're a strong girl, you may have lost your friends, but you're a survivor of The Fall of Beacon Academy!! You may be down now, but your silver lining is ready for you, you just have to find it. You'll come to see it when you're older." Ruby was stunned to hear this. "But... I-It hurts so much..." She spoke up in a weak voice. "I know it hurts, but wishing for death is not the answer. It'll only do more harm than good..." She explained. Ruby stared at Glynda in disbelief, but as her words set in, tears started welling up in her eyes as she began to cry. "I-I'm... I'm sorry..." Ruby said as she cried. Glynda did her best to comfort Ruby. "I know..." She said. "M-Ms. Goodwitch... Do you know what day it is today...?" She asked, tears still flowing down her cheeks. Glynda narrowed her eyes sadly as she began to speak. "I didn't want to bring it up, but... Yes, I am aware of what day it is, Ms. Rose..." She said, Ruby continued. "Two years ago... The day Beacon Academy fell..." Ruby wanted to say more, but she couldn't bring herself to, the thought of it hurt too much. Glynda saw the pained look in her eye and spoke up. "You don't have to say it, I know what happened..." She said. Ruby was trying desperately to hold back her tears, fearful that she might attract Grimm. "I-I don't know what to do anymore..." Ruby said. Glynda pulled out of the hug and placed her hands on Ruby's shoulders. "Live... For the sake of Remnant and the people who lost their lives that day..." She said. Ruby hesitated, but she slowly gave a nod, wiping her tears away as she sniffled. "Now, you should get back home. It's dangerous out here. Goodnight, Ms. Rose." Glynda said as she saw Ruby off.

Ruby lifted up her hood as she made it back to camp, not wanting to show anyone she was crying. As she walked in she ran into Qrow again, although she didn't say a word as she started walking back to her tent. However, Qrow stopped her. "Kid, we need to talk..." He said. Ruby didn't make eye contact with Qrow. "What about...?" She asked. "I think you know what." Qrow responded. "...You spied on me again, didn't you...?" Ruby asked in a blunt tone, still not making eye contact. "Yes..." Qrow didn't sugarcoat things either as he folded his arms. Ruby really didn't wanna deal with Qrow right now after everything that happened. "guess you don't know a thing about privacy..." She muttered under her breath. "Well if you truly wanna be alone, then fine." Qrow replied, furrowing his eyebrows a bit, he definitely seemed to be fed up with Ruby at this point. Ruby flinched, feeling a few tears rolling down her cheeks, but she tried her best to keep her cool. "So... What exactly did you want to say to me...?" She asked. She already knew what Qrow wanted to talk about, but she was also hoping that maybe, just maybe it wasn't what she thought it was... Although the chances were pretty slim... "Look kid, I know you're hurting, but that shouldn't give you a reason to give in to your emotions." Qrow said. Ruby sighed a bit as she slowly looked over to Qrow. "Do you really think I haven't been trying, Uncle Qrow...?" She asked. "Every single day, I think about what I could've done to change this. What I could've done differently. These emotions, all this pain and suffering... It's all been eating away at me for two years...!" She began, "I would even give myself up if it meant that my friends could live!" She exclaimed, her expression becoming frustrated. Qrow narrowed his eyes at Ruby as he spoke up, "I get it kid, but you can't let it haunt you your whole life." He said. Ruby turned away from Qrow. "I'm going to bed..." She said coldly as she walked away and entered her tent. Qrow sighed and turned into a crow, then he flew off. When she walked in, she collapsed into her bed, feeling emotionally drained from the whole day as she went back to sleep.

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