Chapter 3 Part 2

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Sapphire woke up to a new day at Beacon, "Mmmmgh, never got tired of this feeling..." She said as she sat up stretching. As Sapphire was getting dressed she heard a knock on the door, "Huh, guests already?" She asked herself, she got dressed, slipped her hood on and opened the door, "Hello, neighbor!" Ruby shouted suddenly, Sapphire screamed in response and hit the floor, "Oh, sorry, was that too much?" Ruby asked, upon inspecting Sapphire more closely, she noticed silver eyes, "Wait... Wait a minute..." Sapphire knew this was it, the jig was up, "You have silver eyes too?! No way, so do I!!" Sapphire stared at Ruby in disbelief before getting up and slamming the door shut, "Okay, I'll talk to you later!" Ruby said behind the door, Sapphire sunk down to the floor and placed her hands on her face in disbelief, "Oh man, how am I gonna do this while I'm pestering... myself?!" Sapphire asked herself. "Was I really THAT oblivious...? On top of that, I had no idea I used to be this... Loud." She said, rubbing her head a little. "I might end up giving myself a headache... Now I know how Weiss felt when we first met." Suddenly, another knock on the door, she went to the door and opened it as she began to speak. "Oh my god... Ruby I don't want to talk right no----" Standing at the door was none other than Weiss, she started speaking in a tone Sapphire was all too familiar with.

"Hello, I'm Weiss Schnee. You seem like a respectable person, so I would like to know if you wish to hang out." She said, she had seemingly taken an interest in Sapphire, although the reason why was unknown to her. "Uhm... I guess...?" Sapphire said, Weiss then grabbed her hand and took her to their dorm, "Oh, how wonderful, our dorm rooms are right next to each other..." Sapphire said through her teeth as she tried to force a smile. This was gonna make things infinitely harder... Or easier if she played her cards right. Weiss walked into her dorm, leading Sapphire in as well as she closed the door, as the door closed, Sapphire's hood got caught in it, she started to cringe as she began to pull. Weiss was unaware that Sapphire's hood was caught in the door though. Sapphire panicked as she started tugging at the hood harder, trying to get it unstuck as Weiss began to speak. "So, what shall we do first?" Weiss asked as she pondered, rubbing her chin. "W-Well...! We can talk about... Things...!" Sapphire said in between tugs, pleading for her hood to get unstuck. Sapphire gave it one big tug, but slipped as her hood fell off at the worst possible time, "Maybe we can tr-" Weiss said, turning around to see someone she never expected, "S-So... About those things..." Sapphire said awkwardly. "RUBY-" Weiss was about to scream but Sapphire quickly covered her mouth, completely giving up on trying to conceal her voice. "Please, don't scream Weiss. Yes it's me... But not the one you know...." Sapphire said moving her hand away from Weiss' mouth, "You're asking me not to scream at this...?! Why are you wearing blue?! Why is your hair different?! What is this?!" Weiss asked. Sapphire rolled her eyes a bit. "Yeah, that reaction is about what I expected..." She commented as she led Weiss to her bed and sat her down on it, sitting next to her and placing hands on her shoulders.

"Weiss, I can explain what's going on, but you NEED to calm down before I do." She said. "R-Right, okay..." Weiss said as she took a few deep breaths and composed herself. "I apologize for losing my composure." Weiss said. Once she was calm enough, Sapphire then started to explain everything that happened in her timeline, deciding to leave out any mention of the Fall of Beacon, and making up a lie, instead saying that the others went missing, so as to not cause any panic. "So... You're Ruby from the future, and you're here because something horrible ended up happening? You're saying that we... We lost...?" Weiss asked, Sapphire slowly nodded. Weiss took a moment to think about what Sapphire was saying... Then her expression became annoyed, it didn't seem like she believed it, she folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You expect me to believe that time travel actually exists? That's just fiction." She said, Sapphire rolled her eyes in response. "Really Weiss?" Sapphire asked, folding her arms in annoyance. "Come on, Ruby. You're not fooling me." Weiss replied. Sapphire groaned a bit. "Weiss, if I really was tricking you, do you think I'd be acting this way?! Plus, how was I able to change my appearance so quickly?! On top of that, you've SEEN Ruby and I interacting!" She said, Weiss sighed. "Alright, then you're just Sapphire. Two people looking similar is more common than you'd expect." She said with certainty, still not buying the time travel story.

"Weiss, I can prove that I'm not just another person... The day we first met, I accidentally fell into your luggage and knocked it everywhere, you started shouting at me. I remember saying sorry, but you said. "Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the kind of damage you could've caused?!". You also called me braindead. Heh heh..." Sapphire explained. At first, Weiss continued as normal. "Sapphire, that's not how we met and you know it. That's how I met..." Realization started to set in as she looked at Sapphire in disbelief. "How did you...?" Sapphire smiled slightly. "Weiss, I've already proven I'm not tricking you, and I've proven I'm not just another person... Take another good look at my face and tell me, who do you see...?" She asked. Weiss' eyes widened as everything finally sank in.

"Oh my gosh, Ruby... It really is you, I mean, it always was you but, it actually isn't?" Weiss tried to wrap her head around the whole time travel thing, but it was hard to. Although she quickly dismissed trying to really think about it, instead she tried to process the current situation. "Ruby, I... I apologize that I didn't believe you..." Weiss apologized, placing a reassuring hand on her back. "It's Sapphire now..." Sapphire said, "Hmm, not very conspicuous if you ask me." Weiss replied, "I know it isn't, I thought of it on the spot!" Sapphire said in slight frustration, "Hm, name aside. You're so..." Weiss began, a bit hesitant at first. Sapphire went ahead and finished what she was about to say. "Different? Yeah... Two years of being alone can do that to you..." She said, sighing a bit as she rubbed her arm. "Guess even though I have the same face, my personality is really different from the Ruby you know. So I don't blame you for not believing me..."

"So if you're here... Then you'll be able to stop that horrible thing you mentioned, right?" Weiss asked, "It's not that simple Weiss, I have to wait for it to begin before I can interfere, there'll be consequences otherwise..." Sapphire said. "Weiss, please don't tell the rest of your team. Especially Ruby. I need to keep this mission as low-profile as I can, I don't want to cause any unnecessary panic...!" Sapphire said. Weiss sighed a bit, but she nodded. "Okay Rub- I mean Sapphire, I won't." Weiss said before soon becoming enveloped in a hug from Sapphire. "You don't even know how much I missed you guys..." She said, "I... I'm sure it was a long time..." Weiss said, not sure how to take the hug. "Two years too long..." Sapphire replied, sniffling a little as she held back her tears. Weiss slowly hugged back, "Don't tell anyone about this, okay?" She said, Sapphire pulled out and nodded. "I won't." She said.

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