Chapter 9: Fate Arrives

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Sapphire hurried to Beacon Tower as fast as she could only to get knocked back by a huge explosion, "N-Ngh...!" She tried to scan her surroundings to assess the situation. She needed confirmation that The Fall was really happening. In her haste to get out here though, she had forgotten to pull her hood up. She reached back to pull it up, but, "You traveled back quite far to stop this, didn't you... Ruby?" Cinder said from behind as she grabbed Sapphire by the hood. Sapphire had rage in her eyes as she attempted to break free. "C-Cinder...! H-How did you... Find out about me...?!" She asked. "Oh, I had some people listening in on you. You always were strange, since day one... Now we know why..." Cinder added, Sapphire gritted her teeth and managed to shove Cinder away as she pulled out Wailing Tsunami and transformed it. "You ruined my life...! You took the lives of the people I care about!" Sapphire said, tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. Cinder scoffs, making her fire swords appear, "Well, at least you'll die with them then." She said. Tears began to roll down Sapphire's cheeks as she gripped her weapon. "Shut up!!!" She shouted as she charged at Cinder in rage. Cinder effortlessly blocked Sapphire as the two clashed weapons. "My, I never thought I'd see someone as bubbly as you swinging that scythe around in anger." She commented in a provoking manner. Sapphire gritted her teeth hearing this. "And that look in your eyes. Did I really break your spirit that well?" She asked. Sapphire screamed in rage and swung her scythe downwards. Cinder then moved out of the way with a grin as she kicked Sapphire in her side. "Ngh...!" Sapphire grunted for a moment as she kept aimlessly attacking Cinder in a blind rage. All she saw was red, she was absolutely furious. She wanted to kill Cinder. "Attacking me like that only makes you vulnerable, Ruby..." Cinder said with a laugh as she continued to provoke Sapphire. She went in for another rage-fueled swing, but Cinder dodged to the side, revealing that Ruby was trying to sneak up on her, but instead she got a good look at Sapphire, finally realizing who she really was, Sapphire's rage subsided when she saw Ruby, her eyes widened. "N-No..." She said to herself. "Y-You're... Me?!" Ruby said in shock. Sapphire was about to answer, but she stopped herself as she started scanning the area for Cinder. "I know you have tons of questions, Ruby. But save it for after we're, y'know, NOT in danger!" She shouted that last part, fed up trying to keep her secret at this point. She only wanted one thing, revenge. Ruby walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Sapphire glanced over to Ruby, she looked concerned for her. Sapphire took a deep breath to calm down fully as she looked at Ruby curiously. "Yes, I do have tons of questions, but right now, let's forget about keeping secrets..." Ruby then pulled out Crescent Rose, "For now, we've got a world to save." Ruby finished.

Sapphire smiled and held her weapon at the ready. "You wanna learn how to make that tornado with your semblance? Cause I think now would be the perfect time for a lesson!" Sapphire said. Ruby smiled with determination to save everyone, "Let's do it, Sapphire." She said, "Ruby, Sapphire!!" Weiss said, as she ran over with Blake and Yang, "What's going on?!" She continued, Sapphire glanced back over. "Don't worry about us! You guys focus on getting as many people as you can to safety!" Sapphire said in a commanding tone, taking up the role of leader in that moment. "Yang, Blake, stay together, have each other's backs!" She continued, "What about me?!" Weiss asked, "Use your dust, make easy getaways for people who are trapped!" Sapphire added, "Got it!" Weiss responded. Once she saw them leave, she looked back to Ruby.

"Alright, listen closely, cause I'm about to tell you how to make a tornado with your semblance." Sapphire began as she started whispering to Ruby, quickly explaining how to do it. "O-Okay... I think I can do that...?" Ruby said with a surprising lack of confidence. Sapphire put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Well, I KNOW you can... After all, you're me." She said, once again getting her weapon ready. "Now, wait for my signal on when. For now, we fight like we always do!" She said, Ruby nodded, twirling Crescent Rose ready to fight. Sapphire started charging towards Cinder. "No matter what happens, I WON'T let my future continue down this path!" Sapphire exclaimed as she swung at Cinder with a more controlled swing, keeping her rage under control and instead trying to think before she acted. "Looks like your timing was off, Sapphire, if you were early, you could've stopped us from killing Penny." Cinder said, grinning evilly, Sapphire gritted her teeth. "Don't you DARE mention her!" She exclaimed, still trying to keep her cool as she stuck her scythe in the ground and pulled the trigger, firing it like an Assault Rifle.

Ruby's eyes lit up in amazement seeing the modifications that Sapphire made to her weapon. Sapphire soon pulled her scythe out of the ground and pressed another button, detaching the scythe part like how Blake did with her weapons; she then started swinging it around at Cinder. As she was swinging the scythe, she pressed another button on the handle as the scythe part turned into a heavy hitting weapon. "So... Awesome...!" Ruby said, amazed at all the modifications. Sapphire glanced at Ruby. "You ain't seen nothing yet!" She exclaimed as she pressed one last button as the weapon started being enveloped in electricity as it made contact with Cinder, she got launched a ways away from the sheer force of the hit. It definitely looked like it hurt. Sapphire grinned as she retracted the weapon back up and turned it back into her scythe, the electricity slowly disappearing from the weapon. "What do ya think of that?" She asked Ruby. Ruby was in so much amazement, as Sapphire was getting ready to charge towards where she launched Cinder. "Hi Ruby, who's your friend?" Velvet walked up in curiosity, "GAH!! Velvet, uhm, she's... Uhm... My twin sister... Blueby...?" Ruby responded. Sapphire rolled her eyes. Blueby? Really? "and everyone thought Sapphire was too on the nose." She muttered to herself as she lightly smacked Ruby upside the head in response to what she said. "Ruby! Now's not the time for small ta---" She was interrupted by Cinder attacking her. She was thrown a ways away, falling to the ground, the wind being knocked out of her as she started coughing and wheezing. Ruby was quick to push Velvet away from the fight. "Now's really not a good time, Velvet! Sorry!" She exclaimed quickly as she turned her attention back to Cinder. Sapphire was trying to catch her breath as she still had a tight grip on her weapon, she looked over to Ruby, having an idea. "R-Ruby...!" She called out as she transformed her weapon and tossed it towards Ruby. "Catch!" She shouted. Ruby caught Sapphire's scythe and twirled Wailing Tsunami and Crescent Rose both at once, "Oh sweet mother of god..." Cinder muttered, the sight of someone like Ruby wielding two scythes was quite intimidating to see. Even Sapphire was impressed. "...Never tried dual-wielding weapons before. Didn't know I had it in me." Sapphire said in amazement. "Sometimes I even impress myself." She added as she watched Ruby fight.

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