Rain - Ash (3)

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I knock twice on the thick black oak door.

“Who is it?”

            The words come from behind the door. I don’t answer but knock more frantically. I hear his footsteps approaching. I wish for them to be faster.

“Oh for heaven’s sake, is it really that hard to get an answ…”

His sentence was left unfinished as he looked at me. I know exactly what he is seeing. A girl drenched in sweat with eyes wild with fear, and on the brink of crossing into hysteria.

“Ash,” He looks over me again. “What in the world happened?”

He drags me inside and sits me down on the couch. He looks at me while I look at him. He sighs and heads into the kitchen. This is why he is my best friend. He understands and knows when to speak and when not.

            As Jule walks out, I watch his leaving figure. I watch his tall and broad muscular frame and his short rich brown hair. It is times like these that I understand exactly why he is so popular with the girls. The thought fills me with sadness where I can’t quite pinpoint the reason.  I push the thought and feelings away quickly. We are and will forever be just friends.

He walks back into the room while I am in the midst of trying unsuccessfully to slow my breathing. He sits down and stares at me with his warm pale green eyes. Pale green eyes. They seem to see right through to my soul. I get lost in them. The events that happened  previously return me. I stiffen and avert my eyes.

“Are you planning on telling me what’s wrong?”

 He says the words softly but forcefully. I look back up to meet his eyes. I recount what happened, excluding the vision of course. I can’t have him thinking I’m crazy. On my last words, I catch a look of fear in his eyes. It leaves as fast as it came.  He leans in closer and closer and I watch as his eyes softened.

“Are you sure that’s all?”

He looks into my eyes and I drawn in them. They seem to want to pull me and tell me a story.

“He said he loved me. He lied.”

The words echo inside my skull and I immediately grimace. It was the voice of a female.

“Is there anyone else here?” Jule eyes widen slightly. “A girl?”

Jule looks at me in astonishment and moves back slowly. His eyes filled with concern and his face showing worry. He must definitely think I’m crazy. Hell, I think I’m crazy. Of course there’s no one here.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

I mumble the words under my breath. I get up abruptly and walk to the bathroom around the corner.

“Ash, wait,”

Too late, by the time he says the words the bathroom door is already closed. I turn on the faucet and let the water run. I see a girl in the mirror. Medium length back hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and a petite figure.  Her eyes look wide; scared; young. That girl is me it seems. Though, I don’t know which reflection I see will ever be me. Three knocks on the door pulls me back to reality.

“Are you all right?”

I open the door and meet his earnest eyes as they look down at me.

“Peachy. I’m going home now.”  

He steps out of the door slowly to allow me to pass. I make my way to the front door slowly to gather my thoughts.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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