Saving the drunk S.J P1/2

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This is a request thank you Maisie_Romandoff

This is a request thank you Maisie_Romandoff

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Also Y/B/F means your best friend

Scarlett's POV:

I turned over from my place in the cold bed when I hear my phone go, I look at it to see Y/N calling me and remember that she's out with some friends so I answer the phone incase somethings up "hey babe what's up"

"Oh hey Scarlett it's Y/B/F"

"Hey what's up"

"Erm well Y/N very drunk and we need you to come get her, we would take her home but we've all had a drink and I don't think we should take her in a taxi"

"Oh right yeah I'm coming what's the name of the club?" I hang up once Y/B/F told me the name and get my shoes on and grab my keys heading to the car

Timeskip to when she gets there:

As soon as I pull up to the club I already see Y/N looking like she's about to pass out and her friends outside, I sigh and head out over to them "hey babe you ready to come home?" I try not to laugh as Y/N looks up at me with a really confused face
"Nooo I have a girlfriend and I love her very very much I ain't going home with another girl" at that I couldn't stop myself from laughing, she's so cute.

"babe I am your girlfriend look" I pull out the photo of us that I always keep in the back of my phone and show her "ooh my girlfriend has that exact same photo in the back of her phone how did you get it?"

"Cause I am your girlfriend now come on"

"Hmm okay stranger who pretends to be my girlfriend" I help her into the car and then turn back to her friends "thank you for taking care of her" I smile at them and get into the car handing Y/n the bottle of cold water I grabbed on the way here "nooo I don't want it"

"Babe it's special tequila" I giggle as her face lights up at the sound of tequila "ooh gimmie" I watch her drink nearly the whole bottle "go to sleep hunny you're going to regret this in the morning" I watch her out her head back and close her eyes and start driving home.

Time skip again to them getting home

I pull up to the house and silently get out unlock the house door and go over to Y/n side of the car and try getting her out without waking her up. After getting her upstairs I slip off her clothes and put her pjs on and then take some wipes and some makeup remover and clean off her makeup.

I go downstairs to lock the door and get her a paracetamol and bottle of water making sure to put the bottle in our mini fridge in the room so it's cold for the morning and put a bin beside the bed incase she's sick and put the paracetamol on the night stand, kissing her forehead before getting myself into bed "good night baby I love you" I giggle as she mumbles something in her sleep and cuddle up to her.

Elizabeth Olsen x Scarlett Johansson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now