15| Voice crack

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It officially started. The search for Clay.

He had been getting increasingly more nervous since the ball and there was nothing I could do. He had become more argumentative and wasn't doing too well with his training, either not showing up or doing bad performance wise.

I opened my eyes and I was there again. I was in the prison again. Quackity was standing above me, Clay right behind him.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. I heard it in my own voice, the fear. Whether or not people can sense fear, they can surely hear it.

"Clay, how could you team up with him?" I stood up, walking over to the man standing very close to the lava.

"It was either you or me, Vienna." He said. Clay didn't look at me, and I didn't know why.

"After all I fucking did for you. You do this." I yelled. He still didn't look up. "Fucking look at me!" I yelled at him.

Clay looked up, but it wasn't him. I have no idea how to describe him but he wasn't Dream. He was a nightmare. He looked terrifying, scars covering his face, hair messed up and greasy, eyes droopy like he hasn't slept in days. But the worst part was the fake smile plastered on his face.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" I screamed at Quackity who was watching silently.

"I found out you were the one who broke him out. And the best thing to torture him is to torture you." He chuckled. "And I know the best way to torture both of you."

I stood there, watching, confused. Quackity walked over to Clay who was standing even closer to the lava.

I watched in horror as Quackity stuck out both of his arms and pushed Clay into the lava. I didn't say anything. I didn't scream, I didn't cry.

I ran over to the lava where he was just pushed in and jumped in.

It was bright again when I opened my eyes. I sat up from the couch that I appeared to be on and rubbed my eyes. Some hair fell out of place and I pushed it back. My hair was wet.

I looked around at the unfamiliar room. Turning to my left, I saw the familiar fireplace that sat in the corner of the house. I was at Techno's house.

I looked around more and saw Clay sitting in mum's old rocking chair with a blanket that she made covering him.

I blink rapidly, brain trying to catch on as to why I'm here. There's a shuffling sound, then Clay smacking his lips. He immediately looks over at me and sees I'm awake, rushing over to me.

"Thank fucking God." Falls from his mouth as he instantly wraps his arms around me.

"You stay here, I'm going to go get Techno." He says then he's up, walking out of the room.

Clay walks back in momentarily, Techno by his side.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, handing me a warm and wet towel. I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out. I try again to say that I'm fine but all that comes out is a pathetic noise.

"Shit..." I hear Clay mumble. I turn to look at him, tears forming in his eyes. I stare at him until his eyes meet mine, making grabby hands towards him to call him over.

"Do you remember what happened?" I hear Techno ask as Clay settles down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his chest.

I shake my head no, responding the only way I can.

"You were sleep talking again," Clay says softly, "And I tried to wake you up but you just wouldn't wake up.

I furrow my brows, confused as to how it led me to be here.

"I watched you get up out of bed and sprint out the door. You sprinted to the lake and jumped in." Clay said, voice shaky, tears still spilling from his eyes. "I jumped in after you, trying to save you. When I got you out of the water you just wouldn't wake up so I took you here."

Well, that would explain why my hair is wet. I wiped the tears from his eyes, pressing a kiss on his jaw, trying to do something to calm him down. Mum walks in a second after, holding a mug.

"Hi, darling." She smiles gently, handing me the mug of hot chocolate. "It has some health potion in it, you should be better in a day or two." I took the mug from her hands, blowing on the top, then taking a sip.

Techno walked to his desk, grabbing a notebook and quill. "Can you tell us what happened?"

I gave my drink to Clay and began to write the whole story. I gave it to Techno to read first, then he handed it to Clay. As Clay read it, he had a terrified expression on his face, tears falling onto the piece of paper.

I wish I could say something, do something to comfort him. There was nothing I could do, though, except just reach for his hand and hold it, squeezing him tight once to show him I'm here and alive. He started to rub small circles with his thumb around my hand, comforting me back.

"You need some rest right now. Let's get you back home." Clay smiled, eyes puffy from crying. I nodded and then stood up, legs wobbly.

We arrived back home and I got into bed, Clay tucking me in. A dorky grin plastered itself on my face as he did so.

"You have a fever and this weather won't help anything. I brought you a small bell so you can call me whenever you need." He placed the small bell on the nightside table.

I nodded. Clay kissed the top of my head, then walked out. I heard him close the door as I flipped on my side. I couldn't help but wonder why he was so scared when he read what I wrote. It didn't happen to him, so how come--

The door opened again, but nobody walked in. Well, I thought it was nobody until Patches jumped up on the bed. I smiled as she curled up next to me, purring lightly.


God, that was the fucking scariest thing I've experienced. I don't even know what to think. I never even told her about Nightmare. So how did she dream of him?

I don't even think I should call him a 'him'. I had no idea what the fuck he was. He's shown up before and he looks exactly like me, but worse. Messy hair, baggy eyes, ripped clothes. That fucking creepy smile pastered to his face.

Just like my mask.

He was terrifying, I was scared of him even though he was me. He hadn't shown up in a while, thank God.

I stand up from the couch and walk to the bedroom to find Vienna still asleep with Patches resting next to her. My two girls.

She made me the happiest I've been in a long time. Even before I was sent to prison, I wasn't the same. She made me feel like me again, made me better. She made me appreciate life more when I was with her.

I can't lose this girl. I love her too much.

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