Chapter nine Special request

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--kid's pov--
Me and scar have been together six months and i havent gotten past first base, she drives me absolutely insane...
Anyway i hugged her from behind, pulling her into our bedroom and sitting her in my lap, nuzzling her neck.
"Morning my most beautiful symmetrical angel." I said, kissing her pale flesh gently.
She giggled.
"Morning my prince of death." She said and i chuckled, i love that nickname.
I kissed her neck a bit harder.
"Sweetie... I need to ask.... You really drive me crazy..." I started, pulling her closer to me and looking into her now glowing violet eyes. "Is there any way we can.... Go farther?" I asked and she blushed.
".... I.... I guess..." She said and i grinned, hugging her waist tighter.
"You won't regret this my love." I said, pushing her down into the bed.
I woke up the next morning and went to streach but felt something on my chest, i looked down to see my beautiful girlfriend. I smiled, gently shaking her shoulder.
"Scar... Scar baby, wake uuup~." I cooed and she shifted, her green eyes blinking open.
She looked at me and blushed slightly, smiling shyly. I kissed her forehead and stood up, pulling on a pair of boxers and my regular symmetrical suit. Once scar got dressed i pulled a small rectangular box out of my dresser, hugging her gently and smiling.
"Scarlet... I know we aren't married, but your still part of my life, and your my family, so i got this." I said, opening the box to reveal a skull shaped broach, exactly like mine.
Scarlet smiled and hugged me tight, picking it up and pinning it to her shirt on the left side, a little ways away from her shoulder.

--scarlet's pov--
Kid gave me a skull broach, the insignia of his family. We walked to school together, hand in hand. Liz and Patti made fun of us for having our 'fun' last night. Me and kid were blushing madly and laughing awkwardly. Once we got to class we sat together in our seats. I leaned my head on his shoulder and yawned. I felt kid playing with my hair and smiled. He pulled it into a tight but elegent braid. We sat that way through class until gym, i fought against kid for only the second time. We agreed no weapons, just martial arts. Once the whistle blew kid ran over to me, pushing me up by my stomach and throwing me to the ground. I grabbed his feet, pulled him down and sat on top of him ,twisting his arm. Kid yelped, kicking me off of him and standing oposite of me, he went to flip me again but i lept into the air, doing an arial summer sault before doing a hand stand on his shoulders and flipping back down, kicking him in the stomach twice. He groaned and flipped me into the ground hard, hard enough to make me land on my back with a loud THUMP and cough a bit of blood. Kid started worrying about me and i kicked him in the face, pushing up with my hands and landing back on my feet, holding my hands up. The fight continued until kid's nose was broken, along with his left arm, and blood was pouring from my mouth, my right lung collapsed. We both emded up in the infurmiry but kid won, because i passed out first. Once we woke up, both our bodies healing quickly, we laughed and cuddled once again. I fell asleep into kid's chest and woke up a few hours later, looking up to find no one. I saw a note.
"Follow the white rabbit to find me, watch your step, it's dark
- your prince of death, death the kid"
I groaned, standing up and seeing a red eyed rabbit on the floor, i went to pick it up but it scampered off. I had to run to keep up with it.
The rabbit lead me to the park, which was beautifully --and symmetrically of course-- decorated with black, white, silver and red flowers. I continued to follow the rabbit, feeling arms wrap around me and a strange smelling rag being put over my mouth...

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