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Dream: Phil...

Phil: What is it?

Dream: We...We need two spy for...egg

Phil: Me and who?

Dream: I don't know...We have meeting about this.

Phil: Okay I call them.

Dream: Thank you.

Dream signed and sat on the chair.

Dream: This is dangerous...

After they gather, they sit on floor or chair.

O.Tubbo: ...Where is sapnap.

Dream: ! No please say no-

Napsap: !Sapnap! he...he

Dream suddenly stand up and hit napsap's head.

Napsap: What's that for?!

Dream: To cut you and sapnap's connection.

Napsap: What...yeah I-I don't feel pain anymore...

Dream: Bad, Skeppy and Sapnap...

O.Wilbur: Three people...

Dream: We need two watch egg.

Phil: I will do.

Dream: Thank you. Phil and someone.

O.Wilbur: I will do!

Dream: Thank you O.Wilbur... Okay you two spy on egg now.

O.Wilbur and Phil: Got it.

Dream: Please be careful.

O.Wilbur: We will.

Dream: Next meeting is after 4 days.

All: Okay.

Dream: Don't go somewhere or do something alone.

They left and dream signed silently.

Dream: This will be worst happen in dream SMP.

Except tommy's first exile...

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