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Location: Kyoto, Japan

Date: January 28th 2021

Time: 19:30

In Kyoto, a man in the RONIN building in Kyoto is currently working on a drone alone. He calls himself 'Kitsune'. The drone he's working on is a dragonfly drone, which he's programming to be controlled from a tablet of his and he's even repairing it. He then finishes up and grabs his tablet to test it.

Kitsune: "そうです、どうぞ。"
(Right, here it goes.)

He then turns on the drone and he gets it to fly up first before testing it. He then flies it left, right, and back and forth. Then, a smile grows on his face as the drown works.

Kitsune: "素晴らしい! 次に、射撃場で武器をテストします。"
(Brilliant! Now to test its weapons at the firing range.)

He gets up from his desk and takes his drone with him and goes to a lift to head upstairs to the firing range. Up there, he turns on his drone again and activates the range's targets.

Kitsune: "テストを開始します。 開始...今。"
(Beginning test.

He uses his pad to fly the drone forward and the firing range's targets activate. He then activates its machine guns and shoots down the targets with a few bullets missing their shots. He smiles and he flies it back to him.

Kitsune: "できます! 私が雇われるときはいつでも、私はこれを戦闘で必ず使うでしょう。"
(It works! I'll be sure to use this in combat whenever I'm hired.)

As he picks up the drone, he hears footsteps from behind and he turns around to see the CEO himself, Koji Hamada with his hands behind his back.

Kitsune: "O-oh、サー!"
(O-oh, sir!)

Kitsune stands up straight and Koji places a hand on Kitsune's shoulder and smiles.

Koji: "あのドローンは素晴らしく見えます、キツネ。 きっと役立つと思いますよね?"
(That drone looks great, Kitsune. I'm sure it will help out, yes?)

Kitsune: "押忍!"
(Yes sir!)

Koji smiles and he removes his hand from Kitsune's shoulder.

Koji: "とにかく、私は誰かが銀行で助けを必要としていることをあなたに知らせるためにこの部屋に入ってきました。 ダウンタウンで強盗があり、緊急の人質状況があるため、警察は何もできません。 だからあなたは必要です。 あのドローンを持って行ってみませんか?"
(Anyway, I came into this room to inform you that someone needs help at a bank. There's been a robbery downtown and the police are unable to do anything since there's an urgent hostage situation. So you're needed. Why don't you take that drone of yours?)

Kitsune: "よろしくお願いします。"
(I'll be honoured to, sir)

Koji: "素晴らしい。 ああ、そしてあなたのペリドットの友達が来ています。 彼女の名前は何ですか?"
(Brilliant. Oh, and your Peridot friend is coming. What's her name again?)

Kitsune: "エミ、サー。"
(Emi, sir.)


At the Bank of Kyoto, police cars are outside the building as 12 armed men are inside the bank armed with SMGs. The people in the bank are all rounded up and tied together and all have their heads covered in bags. In the safe of the bank, the men are all grabbing the cash inside the safe and are stuffing it into duffel bags and backpacks of theirs. As they keep stuffing their bags, the police outside are preparing the Special Assault Team and in the nick of time, a RONIN car, with Kitsune inside it arrives and he walks out the door with a Peridot, named Emi. There, Kitsune asks one of the police officers about the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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