Chapter 4: Milo, I Can Explain

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A/N: im tired of trying to purposely make english errors, so imma just write and not revise. Btw, sorry its short uwu

The four awoke dazed on the forest floor. The last thing they remember was Robin jumping out of the window, leaving them alone for training.

Jack was the first to wake up. He stood up, legs wobbling beneath him. "Ah damn it. Where the hell are we?" He looked around.

The forest they were in gleamed with bioluminescence night light. Little lights danced in the trees that gave off a faint green glow. A funny little rabbit jumped out from the shimmering bushes and ran pass the sleeping men.

Jack stared hard, wondering what happened before going over and waking up the men. He kneeled between Milo and Aridith to laid facing each other.
"Milo. Milo? Hey, wake up. You, too, Aridith."
His speckled eyes glanced at Armedes, a sly and smug smile creeping up on his face. He rose and walked over to the cat man. He stood at Armedes' feet, leaning over him. This was a once in a life time opportunity to draw on the Summer Champion's to humiliate him as Armedes did to Jack occasionally, especially in front of Knight Jack. He took out a small glass container of sparkling blue ink and a crude wooden 'quil'. He walked over and sat on his knees, opening the ink. Jack dipped his pen in and began giving Armedes a thick mustache.

The smell of the ink flood Armedes' lungs. His toes twitched, just out of Jack's field of vision. In a sudden burst of consciousness, Armedes shot upright, crashing his face into Jack's. "WHAT IN NINE HE-" He shouted, hitting Jack and falling back down. He winced and cried out in pain.

Jack, on the other hand, was caught off guard. The second Armedes head-butted him, he knew he fucked up. His hands fumbled and dropped the ink on himself and Armedes. Out of reaction, he covered his face, crying out as well.
His brows furrowed as he pealed his hands from his face. A very faint blue image of a heavy mustache appearance on Jack's palms; the ink on Armedes' face didn't dry, so it transferred to Jack's face and on to his hands.
He looked over at Armedes, who was leaning on his elbows.

The cat man had tears in his eyes and a very red face; hell, he almost looked like his Knight. His bare chest was covered in this blue ink that dripped lewdly down his pecks and abs. "What did you do?" He asked, brows also furrowed in confusion and embarrassment.

"I-" Jack began before getting cut off.

"What are you guys doing?" Aridith asked as he woke up, holding himself. Milo also seemed to get up as well.

Armedes and Jack both turned to the champions. The smudged ink on both of their faces gave off the wrong idea.
"Shit." Jack mumbled.

Milo's eyes widened—while Aridith stared in confusion, exchanging telepathic messages with each other.

Jack put his hands up like someone trying to console an anxious animal. "Milo, I can explain-"

Milo got up, thinking the worst. "Then explain." There was a hint of hostility in his normal serene tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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