Rika's school

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        To my surprise mama never mentioned that is was Leo who brought the bag of groceries back. She hadn't seen him and years and she didn't even care to mention it. I guess mama had other priorities like trying to wake me up on the first day.
Rika's mother: RIKA!!! It's time to wake up. You'll be late if you don't.
Rika: ma~ma~ ugh! I don't wanna wake up.
Rika's mother: to bad. You already are. Get ready!
Rika: yeeeeees____
        I finally got up and ate breakfast. Afterward I changed into my uniform and looked in the mirror.
Rika: nnnngh~ something isn't right. . . . . . . ah, right. I loosened the neck bow and pulled my skirt up a little. The past few years I decided to become more open and friendly to others. I was almost like a gyaru but I didn't care what other might say. I was popular with boys and even most girls. Whenever a girl felt threatened by my looks I made it completely clear that I didn't want a boyfriend or anything like that. I wanted to be sure that the people in this school thought the same. I then  said goodbye to mama and walked out the door ready to go to school.
Rika: (sigh). . . .
        I took my time walking towards the school but as I reached closer I got a chill down my spine due to the cold air.
Rika: I should've brought a jacket, ugh
        After another several minutes I reached the entrance of school. Many kids were walking, and talking around. In the front was a desk with two people there.
student: welcome~ how can we help you?
Rika: orientation? For new students.
student: first year?
Rika: yes
student: heh~ take the pass and head to the auditorium. There will be an announcement there shortly. Have a wonderful day!
Rika: Thankyou~
        I walked to the auditorium as the student said. I passed many other students, but most of them were already in a group it seemed. Once I walked in I stood in the back watching everyone else.
Leo: watching everyone isn't gonna get ya anywhere.
Rika: EEK!? . . . Ah- what the hell? Why'd you scare me?!
Leo: I didn't scare you. That was yourself.
Rika: it was not! Why are you here anyway?!
Leo: I teach here. Didn't your mother tell you that?
Rika: NO! Mama never tells me anything until last minute. That's what she does best.
Leo: (sigh) do you know what class your in?
Rika: why?
Leo: I teach one of the classes.
Rika: . . . . It's 1-B
Leo: eh? 1-B? You're quite smart huh?
Rika: should I take that as an insult?
Leo: no, not at all~ it's good that your smart. You were always a quiet, smart, shy kind of girl.
Rika: hmph~ well a lots changed since then.
Leo: oh~ . . . .
( DiNG!)
        Suddenly the bell rang and a beast man walked up onto the stage. He grabbed the microphone and cleared his voice.
Principal: (ahem) WELCOME EVERYONE! I'm glad you all have chosen to come to this school! Most of you are probably 1st years but to all those who are in attendance I liked to properly introduce myself. I am your beloved principal of this school. This year I hope to rule justly, just as I have these past 6 years. It's been a pleasure to help get this school year started and I hope you all enjoy your stay. Now for your first assignment is to go to your classrooms. Once you are there your teacher will give more instructions to help you start your year here.
       The principal finished his speech and everyone clapped for him. He left the stage and most of the students dispersed.
Leo: are ya coming?
Rika: I have to go to my classroom
Leo: 1-B right? Well your in luck. I'm the sub for that classroom until they get a new teacher.
Rika: WHAT? . . . .
Leo: Come on. The class doesn't wait forever.
        I rushed over and followed Leo up the stairs to second floor where the first year classes were. He stood in front of the door that said "1-B" and took a pause.
Leo: you should go the other way. I'll take this door.
Rika: ack- fine (rolls eyes)
        I opened the door to a full classroom with students all over the place. I looked at the board where it had a seat chart written on it. I found my name in the back row nearest to the door.
Rika: (whisper)- gasp, yay, an inner window seat ^-^
        No one was at my seat so I sat down and slowly began to look at the people in the room. In the front left corner seemed to be where at the popular people were. Two girls were waaaay out of dress code and were sitting next to each other. One doing her nails while the other one texting. Two guys were standing up in front of them. One wearing a sweater and the other normal. Another guy next to them was in a normal uniform but had died hair that stood out way to much. In the back row where I was were a group of three girls looking at their phones showing each other stuff and laughing. In front of me we're a few kids scattered out that seemed not to had a group they were in but just trying to get some rest. In the next moment, suddenly Leo came in and the room went silent. He walked up the the podium and gave a poker face.
girl 1: Sensei~ your a sub again?
Leo: I am. . . . .
guy 1: YAHOO!!! Hey Sensei! Can I take a smoke. I haven't had one today.
girl 2: I thought you said smoking was bad for ya so you were gonna stop?
guy 1: I never said that~
girl 2: ugh
Leo: no smoking. Get to your seats and we'll begin introduction.
Everyone took their seats and became quiet. Leo walked to a desk and dug through some stuff then called out my name
Leo: Rika, since your the back corner you start.
Rika: !? O-ok-
girl 1: Sensei~ how do you know her? You don't have a seat chart yet.
Leo: I met Rika at the orientation. She got lost coming here so I directed her here.
girl 1: ooh~ is that so____
He played it off so well. I was actually stunned at how well he made it seem like we just met. I slowly stood to continue my introduction.
Leo: so Rika, what do you like?
Rika: like? ummm. . . I- I like school, I guess. And swimming, and staying at home. I'm not really the type to go out with friends. But I love having lots of friends :)
Leo: that so. . . Alright. Next person in front please.
student: I'm- . . .
        The introductions went on until everyone had their turn. After that there was a short presentation of  the way classes and PE would work. After that the day was cut short and we were allowed to look around the campus. I walked around for a little until I found a small corner where no one could see me.
Rika: (sigh) this really blows doesn't it~
Miyuri: what blows?
Rika: ?! . . . .

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