1. Nightmares into reality

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He lounged at his desk, bored as hell while he waited for his stupid computer to fucking finish updating.

To pass the time he throws a ball up and down while talking to his brother on the phone. "For the last time! Sparkington is the worst name for a dog! Even for a fuckin robotic one!" He claimed while tossing the small ball.

Elijah shook his head disapprovingly in the projected hologram. "You have no imagination."

Gavin scoffed "Says the man bun, seriously how did that get into style? Thought Chloe was supposed to be your impulse control."

"If he's anything like you, Reed. There is no way to control any and all impulses. Like for example, when you chugged an entire pot of coffee then prompted to throw up on my shirt." Connor piped in from his desk across the way, still pissed about last week.

Eli burst out laughing "What the hell is it with you and coffee?! I remember you trying to grow your own coffee plants when we were kids!"

The detective grimaced at that, he had used actual coffee grounds and their father had beat his ass for it. He was only six when it happened.

It's a slow day at the precinct, Hank is on his day off but his twink of a partner is on duty and fuming. Ever since those two got together, Connor has been enraptured by Cole and wants to spend every minute he can with the boy.

It's sickening to watch those two interact, Connor having obvious puppy eyes for the blonde Lieutenant while the other teases him without remorse.

Gavin has put in transfer after transfer to please move his desk away from the couple but either Fowler doesn't care or just loves watching Reed suffer, all his transfers have gone un answered.

"Oh right, you coming over for dinner on Friday? Mom and Dad are in town and I thought it would be nice if we had dinner together." Eli suggested while the ball smacked Gavin right in the face on its descent from the heavens.

He tried to not let his panic show as he thought of being trapped in a no exit room with his step mother and father. "I -Imma have to take a rain check on that, Eli. I'm going to be picking up Mocha today so I have to spend a lot of time with her so that she can get used to me."

It's not totally a lie, the kitten does need a lot of socializing due to where she came from. Though she doesn't need to be glued to his side the entire time so he could leave her for a few hours.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Connor perk up at the name Mocha, it's no secret that the kid loves dogs. Almost every damn day he's covered head to toe in Sumo's dog hair and has some pictures of the giant dog to show off.

"Eli! Need you down in the basement! Now!" A voice called off screen, sounding a lot like Eli's girlfriend.

With that, Gavin is saved by the bell and hangs up as he collapses at his desk. "Why the fuck are those two in town?" He covered his face with his arms to try and stave off the panic attack, since the Kamskis are in town then that is going to make his life a lot more difficult.

"Mocha? Is that a dog or cat or...?" Connor asked while lightly bouncing on his heels as he's suddenly right at Reed's desk.

The detective looked over at him, using the twink to ground himself as he controls his breathing. "Yeah, want to see my cat?"

Brown eyes shined like marbles as Reed straightened up and pulled his phone out, Connor glued at his shoulder while he swipes through some recent pics of a very fluffy long hair tortoise shell.

"It took a few visits to the shelter but one day she just rammed herself at the glass. Trying to get to me with this pleading look in her eyes, how could I say no?" Gavin explained with a dreamy look in his green eyes.

"I was thinking about getting a dog of my own but Hank doesn't think it's a good idea. He wants us to move in together but I don't want to upset Cole, you know? Hank and I have only been dating for a few years and sure Cole's warmed up to me but moving in together is huge in a relationship. Especially for a child." Connor explained while Gavin gives him a look.

"You are one hell of a bleeding heart, Connor Stern. I swear to god I have no idea why the fuck someone like you is a cop." He chuckled before Connor grabbed his seat and spun him around.

"Hey!" He spun around and round as Connor kept the chair spinning.

"Connor! Prick! Stop!"

The Police department watched with amusement as the department asshole is spun around and round like a knock off spinning top.

Gavin should really learn not to piss off Connor, the guy was a baseball star as a kid. He's got the arm and stamina to keep him spinning for hours if he wants to.

Gavin held onto the arms of his chair as the G Force keeps him pinned against the leather.

"You hitting on my older brother now, Gayvin?"

He felt his heart drop to his shoes as Connor let go of the chair, the spinning knocking it over with Gavin in it. Both crashing to the ground with a plastic clunk.

"Nathan, what are you doing here? Di-didn't you go to the CIA?"

He waits for the dizziness to pass before picking himself up from the ground "I think you spun me too hard, Con. Could have sworn I heard someone I know."

A heavy hand grabbed his shoulder and lifted him up "Well well look at that, little Gayvin became a cop after all. Did your rich daddy have to help you?" Piercing blue leer into his storm greens.

His breath catches as the square jawed face of Nathan Stern comes into focus. Those narrow eyes, black hair and eyebrows but most notably is the scar on his cheek. "I don't know who you're talking about but if you don't let me go, you'll be charged with assaulting an officer. "

The blue eyed brute threw his head back and laughed "An officer? So what would happen if an officer is assaulting another officer?"

At that Connor stepped in and got his younger brother to let Reed go. "What are you doing here, Nathan?" He used his bad cop voice. The one that left no room for negotiation.

It's effective on practically everyone.

Everyone except his little brother apparently.

"Hey, Connie! Wow you have not changed at all, still a short twink." Nathan chuckled as he insulted his older yet shorter sibling.

Connor bared his teeth and stared his brother down "I repeat. What are you doing here?"

The blue eyed brother grinned "Didn't Amanda tell you? I'm transferring to the DPD! Yeah I was kicking it with the CIA but I felt like I was in a rut so I'm back in Detroit! Isn't that awesome?!" He grinned from ear to ear like he hadn't told the two cops the worst news they have ever heard.

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