Chapter 6 - Truth of Reformed Part 1: Befriended

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(Fade as cut to night sky, pan down to Inhabitants walks on the Christmas Rose Park. Fade to Cal close-up as seems sadly.)

Cal: (narrating) I'm feeling self-pity when after I did it. It's caused like my wife was died while I got lost as self-doubt... (He looking Lucy who she holds his hand in happily; barely smiling in sadly while he continues narrating.) Well, my friends have been forgiven me when I've got infected by my friends as they're happy to me for join me.

Lucy: Uh... Cal?

Cal: Yes, Lucy?

Lucy: You've a lot of used negative emotions by yourself when you've been first lost at the chess challenge.

Cal: (sighs in sadly; regret) Yes, I know... I was alone since Betty died... I don't have a real siblings for my real family... While always left me... (Start sobbing and crying as walks and sitting onto box while other Inhabitants stops walks and looking him as they toward to him in worried as join him for sitting on the boxes.) It's all my fault!

Jose: (pats Cal's shoulder) Hey, Cal. It's not your fault. It's our.

Eis: (pats Cal's shoulder) Yes, he's right, Cal! You see... You finding a real family even adoptive family of group! And we're still be friends as never leave you!

Cal: (sadly while sobs) Yes... (Wipes his tears) That's why I always with you.

Fortstopher IV: That's what talking about, Sir Suresh!

Fortie VI: (in Cal's head) Yes! Woo-hoo!

Cal: (stops crying) Thank, guys! You know, there constellations for stars in the sky at night as looking that, right? (other Inhabitants nods.) Like one of us...

Sana: (realized) Wait a second, guys! Don't you think for same us about constellations?

Iben: Yeah, what is it?

Sana: Twelve Zodiac Constellations!

Inhabitants but Sana: (realized) Oh! Twelve Zodiac Constellations!

Cal: You're right, sister! We're Twelve Zodiac Constellations! (He and other Inhabitants laughing until stop as they heard familiar sobbing offscreen.) Did you guys hear that? (He and other Inhabitants shocking surprise from familiar screaming after sobbing.)

Bruce: (points at Haunted Funhouse) There! Inside Haunted Funhouse!

Cal: (nervously) Oh...! I don't likes that!

Eis: Then come on! (He and other Inhabitants hop off from the boxes and runs to Haunted Funhouse.)

(Cut to inside of Haunted Funhouse at the completed dark. Cal opens doors as he and other Inhabitants enter it in walk as step, they looking around while walking as their eyes was glowing from Vision Goggles.)

Voice #1: (in male kid high-middle tone; whispering in worried) I'm so scared! I can't see everywhere without light!

Voice #2: (in male pre-teen middle tone; whispering) Shh! I know! I heard someone inside it. Just keep away from them... (Sound of walking as away.)

Fiona: But I can see everywhere for inside with light.

Anjellica: (in Fiona's head) That's a night visions. You and your friends can everywhere in the dark for half-corrupted powers from me and my friends.

Cal: I heard that, Anjellica. We have a night visions! Also, I have a mind reading!

Inhabitants but Cal: (dumbfounded) Wow! You have a mind reading?!

Cal: Yes.

Haoyu: That's amazing! I wish has my visions' power without Vision Goggles.

Worville Wright: (in Haoyu's head) Oh, you will to have it.

Jose: Hey, Cal. (Holds up Shovel as gives to Cal.) Here, you calling to us.

Cal: (confused) Us? What do you means? (Fiona holds Picture of Fiona and Dolphin, Yuri holds Dome of Bug Case with Bugs, Haoyu holds Flat Screwdriver and Paper Airplane, Sana holds Birdhouse, Cass holds Paula's Daisy on her Purse with Handbag, Iben holds Wedding Ring, Attilio holds Clown Mask, Lucy holds Painting of Distorted Lucy, Eis holds Firefighter Hat, and Bruce holds Cane as 11 Inhabitants give Cal.) You means I takes caring your items? To keep it as safely?

Inhabitants but Cal: Yes, Cal.

Yuri: Just be careful for this.

(Cut to Cal walks to the box on the cart as holds and pushes it to Inhabitants as they putting all items in the box, then he holds out Black King Chess Piece which Inhabitants gasp in surprised.)

Attilio: It's looks like you already be... (Fortstopher IV covered his mouth.)

(Cut to shadow of Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI appear as behind Cal who shocking to them which they feeling nervously.)

Fortstopher IV: (nervous) Actually, it's... uh... (Uncovered Attilio's mouth; To Cal as whispering) Sir Suresh, give me your King Chess Piece, please?

Cal: (confused) Okay? (He gives Black King Chess Piece to Fortstopher IV which takes it.)

Fortie VI: (nervous) We're just... excuse us... for second... (Laughs nervously along Fortstopher VI as they're faded away.)

(Cut to shadows of Nega-Bosses appear as behind Inhabitants who shocking to them which they feeling suspiciously.)

Hooverton: (suspicious) I thinking Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI seem acted... good and nice us even Cal.

Bruce: (shocking confused) Uh... What?

The Hydrac: (suspicious) We're just follow them without sound... (To Eis; glares as Eis scared) You stay here, Eisley. (He and Nega-Bosses faded away as moment to other Inhabitants looking Eis in shocking surprised not even Cal who feeling nervously.)

Cal: Well, his long name as others called that of his long name as I heard his name for I was child.

Eis: As I heard your name for your parents called you "Caleb".

Inhabitants but Jose, Cal, and Eis: (shocked) Caleb?!

Jose: Yeah, his secondary first name as I always called him with his long name.

Eis: As only be friends to call Caleb as his true long first name.

Cal: (sadly) But others calling me Calvin as my primary first name.

Eis: I was always responsible after your chemistry was highly extremely dangerous one as it hurts me with fire as school's destroyed. When I was healed as I'm went the school to find you at Grade 7 as high school but you're not here at school which you goes the other school as I don't know where you are, then I started guilty to I did you! (Other Inhabitants gasp in shocked.)

Sana and Cal: (shocked) WHAT?!

Eis: I went a high school when School Reunion Day as I looked Cal until I saw Wally Darren doing Cal's new experiment as he got a plan, then whole school was fire! (Other Inhabitants gasp in horrible.) Everyone's out of school as I finding Cal but I found Wally which I found out his true color about school as I battle him until he's defeated, I'm continued to find Cal until I found him where he's stuck for his legs on heavy materials, during and after threw away materials while I told him for I'm caused him for my irresponsible as I apologize him and then Cal agreed that as I'm holds him for school was started break as I running to fire exit where it's been blocked as Cal told me about how unblocked door of fire exit, and then Cal and I finally out of school as survived!

Inhabitants but Cal and Eis: (quietly amazed) Wow...

Jose: Reasonable to that. That's why you always responsibility and when you become a friend of Cal.

Eis: (sadly) Yeah... (determining) But we're just following the people inside of this place! (He and other Inhabitants walk away even Cal pushes the cart.)

(Cut to Inhabitants stopped walking as looking 12 tunnels.)

Cal: Okay! Let's split up! (He and other Inhabitants nods and going through tunnels each one.)

(Cut to Mirror Hall where other room from Haunted Funhouse as Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI with silhouette of perfect shapes as they looking in panicked until sigh in relieved.)

Fortie VI: I thinks we're lost them like that, brother.

Fortstopher IV: (holds Black King Chess Piece as he and Fortie VI looking it in sadly worried) Well, we're finally freed of negative morality and understanding about human culture and society by this with Sir Suresh's saying about his true happiness from few years ago.

(Cut flashback to Cal's consciousness when Fortstopher IV crying and Fortie VI fall slowly from anti-gravity as holds Cal's box of macarons.)

Fortstopher IV: (flashback; crying) Nobody to me for being friend!

Fortie VI: (flashback) Actually... I got the box as Sir Suresh disappeared. (Holds Cal's box of macarons.)

Fortstopher IV: (gasps in surprised) What?!

Fortie VI: (walks to Fortstopher IV) He's left it as dropped it. (He opens the box as he and Fortstopher IV gasp in surprised as inside of box was one lemon cheesecake, four red velvet macarons, and four cinnamon roll macarons.) Wow! Sir Suresh brought this box! (He and Fortstopher IV notice White King Chess Piece floating and glowing mix of red and indigo layers.) Wow, White King Chess Piece was floating and glowing.

(Cut to White King Chess Piece as unknown figure appear with glowing indigo holds it as stopped glowing figure and White King Chess Piece as revealed was Illusion Cal who looking and holding White King Chess Piece in happily.)

Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (shocked) Sir Suresh?! (Fortie VI runs to Illusion Cal but phases him which he and Fortstopher IV confused shocking) Huh?!

Fortstopher IV: I thinks he was illusion, Fortie. Just listen to him.

Fortie VI: Okay...

Illusion Cal: (flashback; happily) I finally understand that! Winning or losing doesn't matter for I wanted! I'm so happy about children playing it while I'm teaching them as they're winning or losing as I forgot about past glory as never doing that again! (Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start shaking and hold their head as closing their eyes.) I realized about I got a first lose of chess... (Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start glowing mix of red and indigo layers around them.) It was... (Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start groan and grunt.) ...My past mistakes! (Rises up White King Chess Piece as start glowing of dark violet.)

(Cut to Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI screaming and open their eyes with completely fill of dark violet as they floating as dark aura come out and flying into White King Chess Piece which it covering black from bottom to top until it filled as Black King Chess Piece while Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI stopped screaming and close their eyes as they falling down as lied down on the ground, then Illusion Cal fades as disappeared with red and indigo sparkles as Black King Chess Piece floating and glowing mix of red and indigo layers. Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI groaning as wake up as open their eyes, and then stand up as rubbing their head.)

Fortie VI: What's happened, brother? (He and Fortstopher IV gasp in shocked surprising as Fortie VI covered his mouth.)

Fortstopher IV: (shocked worrying) Brother? Why you calling me?!

Fortie VI: (uncovered his mouth) Because we're connection with Lance's magic and Sir Suresh's DNA! (He and Fortstopher IV gasp in shocked realising.)

Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (shocked realising.) His DNA?!

Fortstopher IV: I thinks we're twins as I was first one as oldest and you were second one as youngest of Sir Suresh!

Fortie VI: (gasp in realized) Which means...

Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (happily) He have a real brothers! (Shocked confusing) Huh?! What?!

Fortie VI: (shocked) Why we're acted like this?!

Fortstopher IV: I thinks we've been removed our negative morality from Lance's magic as it went into (Points at Black King Chess Piece floating to he and Fortie VI.) that piece.

Fortie VI: Hey, brother. (Walks and takes Cal's box of macarons as back toward Fortstopher IV.) Macarons?

Fortstopher IV: Sure. (Fortie VI passes three red velvet macarons him and holds one as start eats it but he and Fortie VI shocked as looking each other; shocked.) Hey, brother?

Fortie VI: (shocked) Yes?

Fortstopher IV: (still shocked) I thinks we've got understanding about human culture and society from Our Bishop's memories and morality! (He and Fortie VI gasp in realized.) I thinks we did hurts him when we have a dark aura!

Fortie VI: (gasps) Oh no... (He and Fortstopher IV looking Black King Chess Piece and then each other in worried.)

(Cut to present as end of the flashback, Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI looking Black King Chess Piece on the Fortstopher IV's hand in sadly.)

Fortstopher IV: (sadly) You know... Sir Suresh wanted a real siblings as never be alone.

Fortie VI: (sadly) Yeah... He's just always be friend. I wish be like Sir Suresh being friend as never alone.

Fortstopher IV: (still sadly) Me too... (Black King Chess Piece start floating and then glowing mix of red and indigo layers as he and Fortie VI start floating which they scared.) What's happening?!

Fortie VI: (scared) I don't know, brother!

(Black King Chess Piece shoot Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI with red and indigo magic while Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI screaming loudly while other Nega-Bosses with silhouette of perfect shapes run and then looking Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI in horror. Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI covered them as unshown with light aura, then flashes of light explode as massive wave of light aura which Haunted Funhouse turned on all of light even Cal falling down on the ground as wall broken as another tunnel, then he stand up and looking broken wall as new tunnel.)

Cal: (shocking surprised) Huh?! (Runs as pushes the cart going new tunnel.)

(Cut to Mirror Hall which mirrors was all scattered while other Nega-Bosses shocked expression for moment and then Cal arrived as enters it.)

Cal: (still shocking surprised) What's going on here?!

Fortstopher IV: (offscreen; happily) My Bishop! You're here! (Cal shocked expression as looking as same Nega-Bosses.)

Fortie VI: (offscreen; confused) Sir Suresh? Are you okay? You're looking... worry.

Cal: (still shocking surprised but worried as points at Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI) Just... looking... yourselves... (Picks and holds big broken mirror to Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI.)

(Cut to unknown shapes of Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI as they holds big broken mirror as looking their reflection as revealed was their human form as they're screaming and then each other in horror while Cal and Nega-Bosses screaming in horror. Cuts in one to Inhabitants heard the screaming in echo. Cut back to Cal, Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and other Nega-Bosses continue screaming until they stopped by Cal start shouts.)

Cal: (shouts in loudly) STOP! EVERYONE CAN HEAR YOU!!

Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: (worried) Sorry!

Cal: I can't believe! (Notice Black King Chess Piece stopped floating as falls on his hand.) This piece was my Corrupted Source! And you finally have a human form!

Fortie VI: Yes! Also... I kind of likes this! Look! I got a hat! (To Fortstopher IV) And you got a crown!

Fortstopher IV: (notice his crown on his head) Oh right! I liked this form as same of Sir Suresh!

Fortie VI: Yeah! Because his DNA!

Cal: My DNA? You have my DNA?

Fortie VI: Yes! I thinks me, my brother, and my friends was made of you and your friends' DNA and Lance's dark magic!

Cal: Cool! Nice saying, Archie!

Fortie VI: Archie? What was that?

Cal: Your human name, brother.

Fortie VI: Cool! He knows his brother to me!

Cal: You means... I knows my brothers to you of both?

Fortstopher IV: I thinks we need full name for our human name. Just thinks... (He, Cal, and Fortie VI start thinking.)

Cal: (ideal as snaps his fingers) I know! (Points at Fortstopher IV.) Your human name is Christopher IV Suresh! Chris is your short human name!

Fortstopher IV: (happily) That's perfect!

Cal: (points at Fortie VI) And your human name is Arthur Ford Suresh! Archie is your short human name!

Fortie VI: (happily) Oh! I loved it!

Cal: I telling our closest friends about you but we don't telling you!

Fortstopher IV: Well, not all of our closest friends, brother.

Cal: (shocked confusing) Huh? What did you means?

Fortstopher IV: My friends still have a negative moralities yet, My Bishop.

Fortie VI: They will get us.

Cal: (shocked) What?! (He and his brothers notice other Nega-Bosses who glares at them.)

Inkabelle: I know you two was befriended Cal and his friends!

The Hydrac: Which you both removed negative moralities!

Princess Marey: You both have understanding about human culture and society from Cal's memories and morality!

Cuckoo: And then you both have a human form!

Cal: Run! (He and his brothers runs as gets stuff.)

(Cal gets tool box, Fortstopher IV gets mine cart, and Fortie VI gets motor, then they back to the cart as building cart with tools as finished was Motor Carts as they're hop in of front cart as Cal presses the blue small button as pop out and covered of glass dome for carts and then he presses the red big button as start driving as out of Mirror Hall.)

The Grim Creeper: They're getting away!

Barktholomew: Get them! (He and other Nega-Bosses chase them.)

(Cut to Suresh Brothers on the Motor Carts as Cal driving it on the hallway)

Cal: We're on the hallway!

Wormsworth: (offscreen) Come back here, you nasty boys!

Fortie VI: (looking mirror as reflection of other Nega-Bosses; worried) Brothers! We've been problem about that!

Cal: I got idea! (Turns to left as drive away, cut to 11 Nega-Bosses runs to left side until stopped for dead end.)

Purrla: Hey! They're just headed to left side of path! Meow!

Hooverton: Just finding them, youngsters! (He and other Nega-Bosses runs away.)

(Pans down to below the floor as revealed location called Winter Mine as Suresh Brothers on Motor Carts as driving on the ground of Winter Mine which they looking around.)

Fortie VI: Wow! Winter Mine looks like Iben and The Grim Creeper's stage set world!

Fortstopher IV: Indeed, brother! (To Cal) So, you still finding exit of Winter Mine, Sir Suresh?

Cal: Not yet... (Suddenly, he and his brothers hear baby voice crying.)

Fortie VI: (worried) Ah! What was that?! There's baby monster in the mine?! (He and his brothers notice shadows of big one holding small one who crying. He screams.) There's snow monsters in the mine! (Hugs in tightly to Fortstopher IV in worried.)

Fortstopher IV: Ouch!

Cal: Wait a minute! (shocked) Ben and Elie?! (Cut to Ben walks as light on him as holds Elie who stopped crying as she looking Suresh Brothers in happily; To Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI) See, brothers? They're never scared you. (Fortie VI let go Fortstopher IV who rubbing his arms.)

Fortie VI: Who's Ben and Elie?

Cal: Ben was Iben's fiancé and Elie was Iben's youngest daughter.

Fortie VI: If Elie was youngest daughter of Iben and Ben, then who oldest child?

Cal: Ward was Iben's oldest son! You knows, he helping Bruce to cleaning the sidewalk at the park.

(Cut to Ben and Elie as Ben holds Elie as walk toward to Suresh Brothers.)

Ben: Hi, Calvin! You have a two people, they like... you as your face like brothers to them.

Cal: Ben, this is Christopher IV and Arthur Ford. (To Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI; whispering) Just don't used your real names! Just used human names!

Fortstopher IV: My name is Christopher IV Suresh! Anybody calling me Chris for short as Cal's younger brother and Archie's older twin brother as middle one of Suresh Brothers!

Fortie VI: And my name is Arthur Ford Suresh! As calling me Archie for short! As Cal's youngest brother and Chris' younger twin brother as youngest one of Suresh Brothers!

Cal: And Chris' older brother and Archie's oldest brother as oldest one of Suresh Brothers! We are...

Suresh Brothers: Suresh Brothers!

Ben: Nice of you and your introduction as new one, Calvin! (realized) Oh! I knows where exit of Winter Mine and where's Iben?

Cal: First, thank you to help us. Second, she's up with her friends as finding two people inside this.

Ben: That's means...! There's my son!

Cal: (shocked) Ward?! He's inside Haunted Funhouse?!

Ben: Yes, Cal.

Fortstopher IV: If Ward was one of two voices...

Fortie VI: Then who's people inside along Ward?

Cal: (suspicious) Hmm... That's voice sounds... familiar. (Gasps in realized) Flint Glover!

Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and Ben: Huh?

Cal: A boy who saved from fire of building by his uncle Eis Glover who trying to brave from his fear of fire to save his nephew!

Ben: Then come on! (He and Elie hop on the front cart of Motor Carts as back seat, notice box on the back cart.) Cal, what was that?

Cal: My closest friends gave me their special items. I keeping it safely from any dangerous.

(Cal starts driving along his brothers, Ben, and Elie as Motor Carts moving to turn the right while pans to Darren Family creepy smiling as Willy holds walkie-talkie as speaking to it.)

Willy: Tora, I found Cal! Inside Winter Mine! As he gets his friends even he have a two brothers. Also, they're heading exit of Winter Mine as finding Ward and Flint!

Tora: (speaking through of Willy's walkie-talkie) Great! Good luck! (Hang up of Willy's walkie-talkie.)

Wally: Okay, guys! Let's following them and then we're removing to Cal's covered!

(Darren Family laughing echoes as fade to Suresh Brothers looking each other in worried while Darren Family's laughing throughout echoes, pans to back cart of Motor Carts, them fade to inside the box as Inhabitants' items start glowing mix of Nega-Bosses' main color theme. Cut to silhouette of 11 Nega-Bosses looking and walking in slowly to Suresh Brothers, Ben, and Elie on Motor Carts in smiling evilly.)

11 Nega-Bosses: We just be a friends, Suresh Brothers! (Laughing evilly.)

(Cuts in one to Inhabitants heard the laughing in echo as feeling worried. Fade out as pitched black screen.)

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