Chapter 14 - Old Artifact From Event

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(Fade and then pans to Timeville as outside where ruin with Nega Vines to covering it while Negatis walk or fly around in there.)

Cal: (narrative) Me and my friends gonna recusing my old friends from enemies... From my haunted memories. As old first friend who working was curator of natural history museum in Timeville! Atticus Factious, Chapter 1: The Scientist Who Wanted To Prove New Worlds! He was struggling about can't find new discoveries while people takes seriously to him.

(Pans stop to the roads as blue energy as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses appeared on the road, they shocked looking around street.)

Yuri: I hate it about this mess!

Bruce: (whispering) Me too.

Sana: What they've done for that!

Eis: Hey, Sana. Don't be stress! (To Cal) Well, Cal, where are we?

(Cuts to Cal holds Hologram Map of Timeville, he turns it on along dots appear as zoom in as white line on path and Timeville Science Museum as one big green dot appears at the start of the path.)

Cal: Okay, we're here! (Points at green dot.) On the path of science museum, there's seven parts of security on it.

Jose: Seven parts of security? Familiar numbers to--

Cal: Your Chapter Costumes, Jose.

Inhabitants expect Cal: (shocked) What?!

Barktholomew: I thinks he's right, Farmer Ted.

Fortie VI: There's many security on Timeville as areas of twelve locations, parts of security was based of Costumes.

Fortstopher IV: We're here as path of Timeville Science Museum was protected by Security of Chapter 1!

Inhabitants: Wow!

Cal: Now you know that! Come on! (He and his friends running toward but he stopped as hold to stop his friends for runs as they look was broken path.) Wait for it. They're start about this.

(Cut to broken path start shakes as rise up The Land of Fertility's Security where seven part areas as based of Jose's Stage as Negatis on it. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses impress to that.)

Jose: So, this is The Land of Fertility's Security!

Barktholomew: Hmm-hmm, exactly, Jose!

Cal: There's gate! We unlock the gates for each area! Fight Negatis appear Positive Crystal Tears as it toward the gate for clear the path before the gate's opened with the key as same unlock the Costume!

Everyone expect Cal: Wow!

Cal: Eis, you have power of Key Mouse, right?

Eis: Yup, it is, pal!

Cal: Nice!

Yuri: Then come on!

(Cut to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses toward and then look to Tornado Wolf's Security Area called Farmtown's Disaster Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Tornado Wolf as his head fur, feet, and hands for Cool Colored Marks and his middle body, arms, legs, and tail for Hard Gold Marks who spins himself as shoot corn-like arrows which flying toward Inhabitants and Nega Bosses who start panic.)

Sana: Watch out!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run as dodging corn-like arrows until they stopped.)

Cass: What was that?!

Barktholomew: It looks like Lance creating Nega Costumes in every area of security! That Nega Tornado Wolf take corns, make an arrows, and then he's throwing us!

Fiona: Yikes! That's not good!

Anjellica: It's only defeat Nega Costumes was same powers, and find and hits weakness spot to them!

Haoyu: Cool! It's like going chemistry class!

Worville Wright: Yup, it is!

Cal: Okay! Everyone fight Negatis! (To Jose and Barktholomew) Jose and Barktholomew, you fight Nega Tornado Wolf! As keep Nega Chapter Costumes to you!

Jose: Wow! I'm feeling happier than we're younger after you saved me!

Cal: (shivers; uncomfortable) You did stop it already?! I'm getting distress!

Jose: Sorry, buddy! But if we--

Cal: (distress within nervously voice) Jose!

Jose: (shocked as exclaim) Okay, okay, okay! (Runs out with Barktholomew.)

Eis: (impress) Wow...! Looks like he's always loyal to you! (Chuckles.)

Yuri: And I always loyal to him!

Cal: (still distress but more nervously) Enough talking, okay?!

Lucy: In long time, Cal!

(Everyone expect Jose, Cal, Barktholomew, and Fortie VI laughing while Jose happily, Cal groans as covering his eyes while shook his head, and Barktholomew and Fortie VI confused.)

Fortie VI: You guys gonna fighting or what?

Barktholomew: Yeah... He's tells.

Jose: (hits realized along everyone but Cal, Barktholomew, and Fortie VI) Oh right! Let's go, Bark! (Runs along Barktholomew as everyone continue the fighting.)

(Cut to Cal fights Negatis with his powers while he laughing in delight.)

Cal: Wow! That's amazing! I has a powers of Fort Brothers and My Chapter Costumes! This gonna be-- Huh? (Noticed unknown figure inside Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Tornado Wolf at his back of heart who continues fight to Jose and Barktholomew as Cal seeing Negative Bubble attached Negative Connector with Warm Colored Mark to Nega Tornado Wolf. Cal gasps in realized.) Jose! I seen the weak spot!

Jose: Where?

Cal: There! (Points at Negative Connector.) It's connected between Negative Bubble and Nega Tornado Wolf!

(Cut to Jose and Barktholomew looks Negative Connector as Cal's says about it.)

Jose: Got it, Cal! (To Barktholomew) Bark, you attack that and I'm going to that connector!

Barktholomew: Oh right!

(Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Tornado Wolf while Jose dodging Nega Tornado Wolf's attacks and then break Negative Connector with Tornado Wolf's Power into disappeared which Nega Tornado Wolf and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer.)

Cal: You did it for that, Scarecrow Jose!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward and then look to Jumping Jack's Security Area called Bouncelands' Jumping Run Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Jumping Jack as his bottom body for Cool Colored Marks and his middle body, ears, and plushy toy for Hard Gold Marks as Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Jumping Jack at his back of arms who jumps up and runs in mid-air while Negative Bubble start moving as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watch Nega Jumping Jack.)

Cal: Okay, guys. Negative Connector was weakness spot of Nega Costumes as it connected of their back of part as behind. I seen someone inside... (Starts shocked surprising as noticed another unknown figure inside Negative Bubble.) INSIDE THE BUBBLES!

Fortstopher IV: Oh right! There's everyone as your friends inside Negative Bubbles!

Fortie VI: Which they controlling Nega Costumes.

Cal: (gasps) I KNEW IT! I knew it they're been controlled!

Sana: Then who's controlling our friends?

Cal: Obscurity Rivals.

Inhabitants expect Cal: (shocked) What?!

Hooverton: We must defeat Obscurity Rivals from controlling the people.

Bruce: He's right, guys.

Cal: Guys, let's fight them for same time!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time. Cut to Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Jumping Jack while Jose toward behind him as looks Negative Connector was two parts for each arms.)

Jose: Oh wow. That's nice but I want short time about that. (Thinking) Mmmm... (Hit realized as got an idea.) That's it! (He used Jumping Jack's Power as hold parts of Negative Connector as he puts it together into a whole part which Nega Jumping Jack falls on the ground.) Done!

(Jose break Negative Connector with Jumping Jack's Power into disappeared which Nega Jumping Jack and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer.)

Eis: How'd you know that?! That was amazing!

Jose: Cal said Nega Costumes defeat by same power of Costumes, I take the parts as together it for solved it!

Inhabitants and Nega Bosses: Just like last event!

Cal: Of course! As based it of last event when Leo and Emma solved in puzzle as finish the act stages of theater!

Cass: Just like same time!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward and then look to Pounding Pig's Security Area called Muddy Slopes' Pounded Muds Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Pounding Pig as his clothes for Cool Colored Marks and his legs and foot for Hard Gold Marks as Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Pounding Pig at his back of head top who jumps down and falls fast onto the ground as pounds it shows up the mud as covering Negatis while Negative Connector start moving as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watch Nega Pounding Pig as Cal and Bruce watching in worried and disgust.)

Cal: (nervously) Okay...guys.

Attilio: What you means? And why you're so worried that? (Cal points at Nega Pounding Pig jump down onto the mud puddle as covering Negatis which runs but slipping anywhere.) Okay... Now I understand that.

Princess Marey: Me too.

Cal: Guys, be careful about that.

Bruce: And watch out for that.

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time as getting difficult but they flying in Costumes' Powers for easy. Cut to Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Pounding Pig while Jose toward behind him as looks Negative Connector still moving while Negative Bubble just stay on the mid-air. They stop as covering in mud.)

Jose: (wipes his eyes in deadpans) Okay, he's right about this.

Barktholomew: (notice the ground was circles with gold outline) But you remember solves about Pounding Pig?

Jose: (hits in realized) Of course! The pillars!

(Cut to Cal realized as looking ground of center of Muddy Slopes' Pounded Muds Area as big circle with gold outline.)

Cal: Hey, Barktholomew! I seen this! You lures him! (Points down as at it.)

Barktholomew: Got it! (To Nega Pounding Pig) Hey! You takes the bath! Because you're smell bad!

Jose: (worried) Bark?! What are y'all doing?!

Barktholomew: (Teases Nega Pounding Pig) You catch me first! (Runs away whild Nega Pounding Pig chases him.)

(Cut to Barktholomew runs to Cal who grabs him and fly up which Nega Pounding Pig starts jump.)

Cal: Everyone! Watch out!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses move back from Nega Pounding Pig jumps up, tried catch Cal and Barktholomew, and then falling onto the center as the pillars hold up from ground and mud flying while Cal dodges it and Barktholomew gets covered by the mud.)

Cal: Oops! Sorry!

Barktholomew: It's okay, Sir Suresh. I'm play the dirt!

Cal: (shivers in disgust along Jose) Okay then! Now, get him! (Drops Barktholomew and Cal dust off the mud on the hands.)

Barktholomew: Okay!

Cal: (muttered in disgust) I don't like this, like last time.

(Cut to Jose looks Barktholomew fly down to Nega Pounding Pig's head which knocks out which made a dizzy as walks big pillar. Barktholomew pop out as thumbs up to Jose.)

Barktholomew: Okay! Your turn, Farmer Ted!

Jose: Sure I do it, Bark! (He walks to pillar and use Pounding Pig's Power on it which other small pillars down as shoot out with mud balls and big pillar hits up Nega Pounding Pig and it down as Nega Pounding Pig dizzy, mud balls fly to his head which Negative Connector stopped move and floats down on the ground as Jose dusting off on the hands.) Now... Let's finish the job!

(Jose break Negative Connector with Pounding Pig's Power into disappeared which Nega Pounding Pig and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer.)

Cal: Finally! It's over! Phew! I'm almost getting worried about that!

Bruce: Me too!

Eis: Okay! Let's go to next one!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward and then look to Dainty Dragon's Security Area called Pyro Plateau's Fire Breath Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Dainty Dragon as his horns and head for Cool Colored Marks and his middle body for Hard Gold Marks as Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Dainty Dragon at his back of between upper and lower who walks and shoot fire to the targets as fall into small volcano while Negative Bubble start moving as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watch Nega Dainty Dragon.)

Eis: Wow! Now, that's a blast of area! (The Hydrac roars in happily.) Yup! That's right!

Cal: Okay, I remember Eis and I went to games while we're streaming along my friends. Mostly... Eis, Bruce, and I was mostly active of Wonder Stars' Streaming Videos.

Fortie VI: Just like Cal's monologue when he telling someone for his life.

Cass: Yeah, I know.

Attilio: Me too.

Purrla: Okay then. Let's go and fight them!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time. Cut to Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Dainty Dragon while Jose toward behind him as looks Negative Connector still moving by Negative Bubble.)

Jose: Okay. That bubble moving connector. (Notice small volcanos as closer to Nega Dainty Dragon.) I got an idea! Listen... (Whispers in Barktholomew's ear which he smile as he thumbs up him.) Okay?

Barktholomew: (thumbs up) Got it! (Runs to Nega Dainty Dragon) Hey! Fire Bad Dragon! (Nega Dainty Dragon looks him in irritated.) You catch me, if you can! (Runs as Nega Dainty Dragon chases him.)

Jose: Nice. Now, where may I? Oh, yeah. (Shoot the fire from mouth with Dainty Dragon's power as it into a small volcano which it started erupt.)

(Cuts to Barktholomew toward to small volcano along big corns, small volcano got erupted as blow up in lava, fire, and rocks flying up as everyone covered with anything else while one of rocks fly into Negative Bubble which falls as Nega Dainty Dragon knocked out and Negative Connector float down as stop moving. Cut to Eis and The Hydrac happily.)

Eis: Wow! You did it!

(Cut to Jose break Negative Connector with Dainty Dragon's Power into disappeared which Nega Dainty Dragon and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer.)

Eis: Nicely done, Scarecrow Jose!

The Hydrac: (roars as translate) Yeah! You got solved about defeat Nega Costumes!

Cal: (quietly) I liked you says that, Hydrac.

The Hydrac: (roars as translate) Huh? You understand me?

Cal: Yes. Why?

Fortstopher IV: Oh, yeah! He, Fortie, and I can communication to animals or misunderstand noises.

Fortie VI: Which Sir Suresh shown up Knight Chess Piece. In whole time. (Everyone look Cal who show from his hand was Black Knight Chess Piece.)

Cal: (hisses in awkward) Yeah... I'

Sana: That's why you should use anything while you're listening.

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward and then look to Elastiplant's Security Area called Croptopia's Elastic Health Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Elastiplant as his petals for Cool Colored Marks and his waist, arms, and feet for Hard Gold Marks as Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Elastiplant at his back of bottom who stretch holding for grab the fruits and vegetables, and puts in the basket while Negative Connector getting longer when Nega Elastiplant walks far and Negative Bubble was stay as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watch Nega Elastiplant.)

Sana: Wow... He's quietly nice...

(Cuts to Nega Elastiplant noticed Inhabitants and Nega Bosses, he moves his basket on his head, stopped hold of stretching as release from bottom as he hits it with head, and fruits and vegetables flying away into anywhere. Cut back to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses.)

Cal: Yet dangerous!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run as dodging fruits and vegetables until they stopped.)

Cal: Oh no! I don't like that!

Jose, Sana, and Lucy: Like last time from school!

Cal: Stop it! (Whining; quietly) Somebody help me!

Iben: (To Eis, whispers) Seems Cal doesn't like food fight.

Bruce: (whispers) Yup. Since he never touched the germs as he is afraid of it.

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time as dodging fruits and vegetables from Nega Elastiplant. Cut to Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Elastiplant while Jose toward behind him as looks Negative Connector still moving as getting longer while Negative Bubble just stay on the mid-air. Jose looks Negative Connector and then Nega Elastiplant.)

Jose: (gasps) Bark! Catch fruits and vegetables when he throws you!

Barktholomew: Got it!

Jose: Then throw me! I got a plan!

(Cut to Barktholomew catches the fruits and vegetables from Nega Elastiplant, then he throws it to Jose as he catches it.)

Jose: Nice throw! (He throws it down on the ground as it into puddle.) Bark! Go to it! (Points down at puddle.)

Barktholomew: Right! (Runs toward the puddle.) I'm onto it!

(Nega Elastiplant jumps up into puddle which slipping and falls as lie on the ground which Negative Connector stopped longer. Jose use Elastiplant's Power to break Negative Connector into disappeared which Nega Elastiplant and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer.)

Cal: Finally! It's over! (Got hits into his face with tomato. He irritated.) Dang it, Sana!

(Camera pans to Sana holds a tomato as she laughs while Cal getting more irritated.)

Eis: Come on, Sana! You like... 25 times for doing mischief on any game to anybody even him!

Cal: But you getting uncomfortable in every Monday.

Sana: Yeah, I know.

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward and then look to Metal Bad Boy's Security Area called Groove Moon's Music Beat Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Metal Bad Boy as his clothes for Cool Colored Marks and his hands and feet for Hard Gold Marks as Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Metal Bad Boy at his back of head who playing electric guitar while Negative Bubble start moving as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watch Nega Metal Bad Boy and Cal covering his ears.)

Cal: Oh! Not that song again! As same song from 19 years ago!

Sana: Wait. You know that song?

Cal: Yeah, I was fell asleep in my bed, then I heard songs from outside in everyone! But someday... I heard the worst one called it... The Dark Meaning of Secret!

Jose, Sana, and Lucy: What?!

Jose: Because the lyrics sounds dark, hurt, and traumatic?

Cal: Yes.

Sana: Now, I understand Cal won't likes about Jose's strange behavior.

Cal: Yeah... (Determine.) Okay! Let's go and unlock to other side of this area!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time but Cal covering his ears with headset. Cut to Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Metal Bad Boy while Jose toward behind him as looks Negative Bubble still moving.)

Jose: Okay... (Looks Cal whining.) Jeez, I gonna stop the music for Cal getting bugs on him. (Hit realized as got an idea while he noticed music pad.) That's it! (Walks toward onto music pad which his electric guitar hold up and turn on of powers.) Nice! Now... Let's rock and roll! (Jumps up and then down as playing electric guitar as playing "Stronger" but instrumental and electric guitar in Metal Bad Boy's Power.)

(Cut to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses, Sana, Cal, and Lucy happily while Nega Metal Bad Boy stopped play which he getting hurt as Nega Bubble stopped move. Cut back to Barktholomew, happily to Jose who hop off of music pad as he still playing electric guitar.)

Barktholomew: Nice! Now, finish this!

(Jose break Negative Connector with Metal Bad Boy's Power into disappeared which Nega Metal Bad Boy and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed as Jose finish the music and then electric guitar puts on his back. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer as Cal removes headset as sighs relief.)

Cal: Finally! It's over about old terrible song! As against with balance song! (To Jose) Thank you... friend.

Jose: (gasps) You're welcome, pal.

Eis: Good job, you stopped him for Cal wants to stop the horrible music... Okay! Let's go area of security!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward and then look to Super Skater's Security Area called Groove Moon's Dance and Play Area where Negati surrounded as Nega Super Skater as his legs for Cool Colored Marks and his clothes and helmet for Hard Gold Marks as Negative Bubble as it connected Nega Super Skater at his back of helmet who skatering in play and runs in mid-air while Negative Bubble and Negative Connector moving as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses watch Nega Super Skater.)

Jose: This is final area of The Land of Fertility's Security!

Barktholomew: Yup!

Cal: Wow! Super Skaters are fast as Speedy Cheetahs.

Fort Brothers: (nod) Yup! But different.

Jose: Okay, then. Let's do it!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time. Cut to Jose and Barktholomew run toward them as Barktholomew attacks Nega Super Skater while Jose toward behind him as looks Negative Bubble and Negative Connector still moving while Nega Super Skater charged and then skater in super fast which Barktholomew dodges him.)

Barktholomew: Wow! That guy's gonna skater fast when he's changed! How's we can stop him while he skating on?

Jose: (thinking) Mmmm... (Hit realized as got an idea which he looks a big crater.) I got an idea! Run!

Barktholomew: What?! Are you crazy?!

Jose: Just run! Trust me!

Barktholomew: (worried) I...I... (Breath inhale and then determine.) Okay! (To Nega Super Skater) Hey! You catch if you can! (Runs away as Nega Super Skater chase him.)

(Cut to Jose uses power as appear and wear roller skates, then he uses Super Skater's Power as rolls to far front of Barktholomew chasing by Nega Super Skater as he rolls around in circle and then stopped it. He looks Barktholomew and Nega Super Skater.)

Jose: One...two... (Nega Super Skater charged as skater in super fast toward Barktholomew.) Now... Jump, Bark!

(Barktholomew jumps to behind them which Nega Super Skater tries stop changed as still rolling, Jose use Pounding Pig which drawing circle turns big crater from outline as Nega Super Skater falls into it which Negative Bubble and Negative Connector has been stopped move. Cut to Barktholomew have been surprised)

Barktholomew: Wow! Nice idea!

(Cut to Jose thumb up to Barktholomew.)

Jose: Thank! And now... (His roller skates start charges.) For final fight of my Chapter's Security Area!

(Jose break Negative Connector with Super Skater's Power into disappeared which Nega Super Skater and Negatis scream and then disappeared as Positive Crystal Tears appear to Negative Bubble which it flying through the gate which Nega Vine was destroyed. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer.)

Cal: We did it! We've been completed area of The Land of Fertility's Security! (He and Fort Brothers high five each other.) Okay! Let's go!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses run to the gate, Eis touches it which the gate turned on as opened, and then they run as toward doors of Timeville Science Museum.)

Cal: Wait! Before enter this, I must say to you about this.

Bruce: What is it?

Cal: Timeville Science Museum was been abandoned in 10 years... (11 Inhabitants gasp.) Yes... I been...accident... Sorry, guys...

Eis: It's okay.

Bruce: Now, let's go.

(Cut to inside of Timeville Science Museum where artifacts was covered by sheets as dusts and cobwebs on the sheets. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses enter it as they looking around while they walking as Cal feeling worried.)

Cal: I'm so worried about this.

Bruce: I know...

(Suddenly, Inhabitants and Nega Bosses stop walk as they hear the voices.)

Cal: (whispering) I thinks Atticus and one of Obscurity Rivals was near here!

Jose: (whispering) Come on, guys! (He and his friends runs off.)

(Cut to Atticus looks Cactar holds device as calls it while he sitting on music pad. As unknown place while in the dark with rock music.)

Cactar: I know about it which you can any plan. Calvin doesn't his friend's dark lyrics song in 19 years ago. (Turns around to Atticus but he still calling the device.) barely reach the level of popular music. (Angrily at the device while Atticus starts scared.) You can't even handle a simple music sheets! (Throws the device as it breaks offscreen. To Atticus.) He's very overthinking about that. It's not overworks... I means it is but– (Holds up corn with butter on it which butter already melting and losing, looks back to someone.) Can someone fetch me some sweet Butter Corn! (Throws it as splashes offscreen.) This one's all melted! (Defeat of his feelings, to Atticus.) Great, what else could possibly go wrong today?

(Jose kicks the door as he along 11 Inhabitants, and Nega Bosses which Cactar and Atticus scream and then look to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses who towards to them.)

Jose: So... You're one of Obscurity Rivals, right?

Cactar: Yup!

Barktholomew: What are you doing?! We're seen people in the bubbles as connected to Nega Costumes!

Cactar: Who are you and your 12 idiots. Are you Inhabitants' Nega Bosses?

Barktholomew: First, yes, and second, those aren't idiots; those are my friends.

Cactar: Whatever you said. You are all late about the party.

Cal: Party? This is museum, you idiot!

Cactar: (scoffs) I'll show you, Calvin...

(Cactar plays solo in electric guitar as music pad starts glow, it caused 7 neon lines from music pad as goes up to ceiling, then turned on the light to revealed the room was farm-themed party as he stopped playing electric guitar. Cal looks up and then gasps which everyone look him.)

Jose: Cal, what is it?! Say something!

Cal: Look...up...

(11 Inhabitants and Nega Bosses join Cal as they surprised gasp. Pans up to Seven Negative Bubbles while Seven Unknown People inside Negative Bubble each one. Cut back to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses look Cactar.)

Jose: (To Cactar) You caused all that?!

Cal: Scarecrow, he didn't caused all that, Obscurity Rivals did caused all that which one of Obscurity Rival did caused one chapter that.

Jose: One chapter? What you means?

Cal: Your friends...even your family.

Jose: WHAT?! You means...they're in Negative Bubble?!

Cal: Yup.

Cactar: (sarcastically) Wow! Nice information, Calvin. (Claps in sarcasm.)

Jose: Hey! Don't disrespect him, you dirty traitor!

Cactar: Don't you know who I am? (Plays electric guitar in solo while introducing himself.) Cactar, The Biology Guitarist! (Spins and then his own pose, he continues playing electric guitar.) I'm playing guitar while I know that for biology. What have you done today...? (His eyes glowing brighter.) ...Party Poopers!

(Cactar dancing in rolling skates while playing electric guitar as his eyes back to normal glowing along background music while Inhabitants and Nega Bosses look him even Jose looks him in irritated.)

Jose: Okay! Bark and I can handle of this! He's getting into you!

Cal: Okay! Careful!

(Cut to Jose and Barktholomew toward Cactar which he attacks them with Tornado Wolf and Dainty Dragon's Power from his electric guitar with Metal Bad Boy's Power as music beat to attack as Jose and Barktholomew dodge it or hit it to back as hits Cactar until music pad was destroyed as Cactar falls as barely hurts.)

Jose: You stopped fight with music as the party's over!

Cactar: (dust off his clothes from dirts) Fight with music? Sometimes. The party? (Shooks in politely.) Highly unlikely. (Uses Elastiplant's Power to pulls out the level as the any ground pops out the small circles along big music pad as barely falls for use Jumping Jack's Power to safely fall on the big music pad.) For the party will never end in the night! (Continues the actions.)

(Cut to 11 Inhabitants and 12 Nega Bosses turn to Negatis appear, they gasp and then fighting.)

Cal: Woah! Scarecrow! You just fighting Cactar! We can handle this!

(Cut back to Jose and Barktholomew as Jose happily to Cal, and then determine as fight Cactar which he attacks them with Tornado Wolf and Dainty Dragon's Power from his electric guitar as music beat to attack. After attack in two times, Cactar uses Elastiplant's Power to jump up, then uses Jumping Jack's Power to run in mid-air, then uses Pounding Pig's Power to pound down as the pillars show up from circles on the ground, and then rolling faster for use Super Skater's Power while he attacks them with Metal Bad Boy's Power as, Jose and Barktholomew dodge the attacks from Cactar until Cactar stopped rolling skates to higher pillar as it did by Jose who used Pounding Pig's Power on the one of pillars while Negatis disappeared as 11 Inhabitants and 12 Nega Bosses look them. Cactar falls on the ground as he got hurt and first hit which he gets scratch to his arms and legs which he getting scared.)

Cactar: Impossible... (Shooks in scared.) Impossible! Impossible, impossible!

Jose: Just surrender, Spikey Guitarist!

Cactar: (barely determined) Quite! You have barely... barely broken the surface of my strength! I'm done stooping to your level of power!

Barktholomew: Hey, come on, guy. (Cactar holds his power energy from hand.) I understand perfectly what you're trying to do... (Cactar touches his electric guitar as the power energy flows him, then energy blasting anywhere as Inhabitants and Nega Bosses covering from it while Seven Negative Bubbles got blasted as Seven Unknown People opened their eyes in glowing of Costumes' Color Theme as they appear to Cactar while Atticus scared to that as Castar's eyes glowing in Jose's Theme Color.) ...or maybe not.

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses fighting for same of last time as Cactar attacks Jose and Barktholomew with Tornado Wolf and Dainty Dragon's Power from his electric guitar with Metal Bad Boy's Power as music beat to attack in four times as Jose and Barktholomew dodge it or hit it to back to hit Cactar, After first movement attack, he uses Elastiplant's Power to jump up, then uses Jumping Jack's Power to run in mid-air, then uses Pounding Pig's Power to pound down on them as they dodge it in four times. After second movement attack, he uses Super Skater's Power to roll anywhere, then he creates wind and fire waves for appear of beating of electric guitar, then attacks them for beat the music in four times, and then repeat to back to being. Until Cactar got second hit which he gets more scratches as he getting determine and hold up his power energy while Negatis disappeared as 11 Inhabitants and 12 Nega Bosses look them.)

Cactar: Your endeavours mean nothing when a night party on the abandoned museum as never end and then– (Accidentally throws into one of covered artifacts.) Oops!

Cal: Oh no! (Unknown Artifact starts glow and then shoots with laser to anywhere.) Take cover!

(Everyone covering from Unknown Artifact's lasers until the one of lasers were going to Atticus who starts glow in his theme color as energy wave flows onto museum which all objects floating as they glowing.)

Cal: Oh no! He's got blasted as his powers was back and then... He activated Levitation to any object!

Atticus: (in echo voice) Calvin... You hits him... with objects...

Cal: Really?! (To Jose) Hey! He says, Cactar can hit by the objects!

Jose: Got it!

(Jose and Barktholomew catch any objects with Jumping Jack and Elastiplant's Power as throws to Cactar which he blocking from attack with his electric guitar while he roll skating with Super Skater's Power as his electric guitar with Metal Bad Boy's Power as music beat to movement as Jose and Barktholomew dodge it or hit it to back to hit Cactar. Until Cactar got third hit as stopped roll skating, and then stand up to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses.)

Cactar: (groans) You got me! As the party's over! But I will be back... As it'll never end of party...

(Cactar screaming and then disappeared in energy wave onto Timeville Science Museum and path turn to back to normal which Atticus got out from Negative Bubble was popped while Seven Negative Bubbles got popped as Seven Unknown People was out. Inhabitants and Nega Bosses cheer and toward to Atticus.)

Atticus: You did it! You defeated The Biology Guitarist! (Holds up Capricorn Key and Piece of Balance Heart which Inhabitants and Nega Bosses gasp as Jose takes it.) I went to it as hide from mysterious Nega Boss in 20 years ago.

Fortie VI: Ha! I was right about years!

Atticus: Huh? Calvin, who was that 13 people for rest of your 11 friends?

Cal: Yup! One question; how'd you know us as in Semi-Corrupted Forms?

Atticus: I used Chrono Vision in 20 years ago.

Inhabitants and Nega Bosses: (surprised) WHAT?!

Atticus: Woah! How did you know that?!

Cal: We'll tell you about that later!

Miguel: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Ozzolt Ligourning's voice; offscreen) Yeah... Then you talking about us...

(Everyone looking in surprised. Cuts to Seven Unknown People walk into light as revealed was Cliff Brandon, Iggy Quinn, Justin Offord, Trevor Keeler, Miguel Gallard, Nancy Gallard, and Stephen McAllister in Semi-Corrupted Form as Cliff in Semi-Corrupted of The Kangatastrophe, Iggy in Semi-Corrupted of Strivoicer, Justin in Semi-Corrupted of The Drantom, and Trevor in Semi-Corrupted of Roarwen, Miguel in Semi-Corrupted of Ozzolt Ligourning, Nancy in Semi-Corrupted of The Proller, and Stephen in Semi-Corrupted of Thunderbloom, they're all happily to everyone which feeling barely worried and horrible to Cliff, Iggy, Justin, Trevor, Miguel, Nancy, and Stephen in Semi-Corrupted Form.)

Jose: Guys! (Runs to Miguel and Nancy as he hugs them.)

Nancy: (in semi-corrupted voice as her and The Proller's voice) Hello, Jose! We're missed you!

Stephen: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Thunderbloom's voice) Yeah... Us too.

Jose: Wow. Nice to change your attitude.

Stephen: Thank, Joseph.

Cliff: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and Kangatastrophe's voice) Also, I'm changed that.

Justin: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Drantom's voice) Me too.

Trevor: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and Roarwen's voice) Three too.

Justin: I'm really sorry about pushed you off the cliff while I'm too much about myself.

Cliff: (clear throats) Yeah... I'm sorry.

Trevor: Yeah, I'm only respected you of former band.

Everyone expect Stronger's Destiners, Cliff, Justin, Trevor, Nancy, and Stephen: (shocked surprising) What?!

Cal: Yup! While I looked them as I hiding from them... when I saved Jose from the cliff.

Iggy: (in semi-corrupted voice as their and Strivoicer's voice; they surprised along Cliff, Justin, Trevor, Miguel, Nancy, and Stephen) Woah...! That's been...surprised about that!

Nancy: Yeah... Stephen and I saw you saved him.

Cal: Huh? You two saw me?! For I saved him?! (Nancy and Stephen nod.) Okay then...

Fiona: (Looks to Jose who looks sadly) You know, Jose. You already missed one more former bandmate, you know? Kai's father?

Jose: (sadly) Yeah... Joe Meioh...

Yuri: Don't worry, Jose! We're gonna find your former bandmate!

Jose: (barely smiling) Thank you, Yuri...

Cal: (sighs) Well then... Atticus, you care of them from danger.

Atticus: Got it, Cal! (To Cliff, Iggy, Justin, Trevor, Miguel, Nancy, and Stephen) Come on, everyone! Follow me! (Walks away along Cliff, Iggy, Justin, Trevor, Miguel, Nancy, and Stephen; offscreen) Cal! Good luck about that!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses wave goodbye to Atticus, Cliff, Iggy, Justin, Trevor, Miguel, Nancy, and Stephen as they leave Timeville Science Museum.)

The Grim Creeper: One question enough, what's one of the artifacts was one into it as turned of multiple ones?

Cal: (realized as starts static glowing indigo eyes.) I remember...for caused of this... (Stopped glowing to normal as looks Unknown Artifact which smoking around it as walks to it.) ...about been abandoned in 10 years as I been accident! (Holds and remove the sheet as uncovered it was sliver cube with green board in middle and blue circle at inner most middle.) It's called... The Multiple Reflection!

Everyone expect Cal: (run to Cal as join him.) Wow!

Cal: That's Atticus' latest discover item for his heart's balanced.

Jose: Nice! You're takes it!

Cal: Sure! (Holds and lift up the glass box as takes The Multiple Reflection.) Got it!

Fiona: Nice! (She and Inhabitants joint the hands along Nega Bosses.) Go to back the secret base!

(Fiona started Teleportation as everyone flows blue energy from her, then disappeared in thin blue air, pans to Kylemera and Wilmatiger in human forms where popped out of the box.)

Kylemera: Hey! We're got defeated Cactar! (High fives to Wilmatiger.)

Wilmatiger: Sweet! They'll save Former Chapter 2 Inhabitant!

Kylemera: Yeah... From Aquatic Catcher.

(Kylemera and Wilmatiger wearing coat as hiding their face and the run away. Fade out as pitched black screen.)

To be continued.

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