Chapter 11 - Hurray's Successful

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(Fade as cut to Hurray of Successful Room where the red room with mix of four seasons likes city mostly with bugs, clocks, bells, and lava while pans as started narrative.)

Cal: (narrating) Meanwhile as last one for room... My last 4 friends in last room for they have a important for their dreams but the apparently dangerous as they feeling... scared of... their own worst part. But they never give up as finishing the missions. The four of my friends was Hurray as remind of the song about they're got lost in far away of the place which starting to fear, then they're been brave as faced the fears for any kind to successful... with persistent.

(Cuts as pans to Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac in human forms as they're walking on the path as carrying Yuri, Cass, Iben, and Eis which no longer wearing Vision Goggles and Voice Collars and still unconscious but they're awake while groan in semi-corrupted voices as Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac stopped walking and let go their Inhabitants as they stand up.)

The Hydrac: (roars as translate saying) Hey, Dragon Tamer... Are you okay?

Eis: (in semi-corrupted voice) Hydro? That is you...? (Covers his mouth in shocked, muttered.) Oh no! Inventions was gone!

Yuri, Cass, and Iben: (in semi-corrupted voices) Huh? (Gasps as cover their mouths.)

Eis: (worried) Oh...! This is bad! (To Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac; calmly) And wow! You guys was nice forms.

Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: You're welcome!

The Grim Creeper: And there's no one in this room as safe.

Purrla: Yes! Meow! But you need revealed your Semi-Corrupted Forms, guys!

Cass: Are you sure, guys? (Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac nods.) Okay, let's do this!

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, and Eis closed their eyes as daze their powers around as covered them as turned back their semi-corrupted form as open their eyes with smiling.)

Eis: (trumb up) It's done, guys!

The Grim Creeper: That's great! I'm overheard our friends was singing the songs to unlock the door as already! We're splitting into 3 rooms as find to get out for three room as into one!

Cass: Yeah! Which means... We're last of three to unlock the door!

Purrla: Yes, but we're calling it... Unlock Clock Door.

Cass: Okay.

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac start walking as continue talking.)

Iben: My cousin knows your problem... of... your... behavior.

Eis: (uneasy) Yes... I'm always unlucky of my behavior as I was a kid.

Yuri: You are clumsy as accident prone, aren't you, Sentinel of the City?

Eis: (uneasy, then uncomfortable) Yes... No one care about me, but I was kid, Sana care me which she helped me for I never being clumsy, as I was teen, Uncle Bruce caring me when after my parents was died at fire accident of Timeville Space Laboratory...

Wormsworth: (speeches as translate saying while language signs; shocked along Yuri, Cass, Iben, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac) Wait! What?!

Eis: (sadly) Yeah... My parents' died at fire accident of Timeville Space Laboratory as I was 16.

Iben: Oh dear.

Eis: Also, my brother Archie was died too I think, he was at Space Laboratory when Flint was 2 years old. (Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac gasp in horror as Eis start cry.) Because of me! With irresponsible! Ohh! This is all my fault! I did Cal scared as accidently dropped his experiment and then I was left as Wally fuse the fire tossed Cal's chemistry, then fire explosion on Evergreen Junior High along me as it gave me for pyrophobia!

Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: (gasp in shocked horror) That's how you're got a pyrophobia!

Eis: (stopped crying as sadly) Yes... After fire accident as after few weeks as I healed, I went to the school... Cal wasn't here at school! (Nervously) Then I had a terrifying happened to me at the school was... Fire on the it again! But then back to normal while everyone looked at me in confused as I thought the fire on the place where has fire accident and incident.

Yuri: (realized) Wait! You always thought the fire on the place where has fire accident and incident, right?

Eis: Yes, Bugsy..

Iben: I thinks you has PTSD, Eis

Yuri, Cass, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: (shocked) What?!

Eis: (shocked) You're figured out?! How?!

Iben: Sana told me as she said about you by Cal and Bruce.

(Cut to flashback of March 13 as Cal drinking with straw as hold to his drink while he sitting on the bench at Timeville Park, he looks Bruce who cleaning on the park. Sana runs to them who noticed her as she feeling worried.)

Cal: (in flashback) Sana! Why are you rushing us in worried?!

Sana: (in flashback) It's Eis! He was going crazy!

Bruce: (in flashback; He and Cal shocked as their eyes widened) WHAT?! So... What's his problem?

Sana: Well, he and I are went to Space Laboratory while Eis looks up, then... He been panic attack around in the place! Until he stopped as he shocked around that and then he said "I always thought there fire on the place!"

Cal and Bruce: (puzzlement) Huh? What? (realized, then uncomfortable) Yeesh!

Sana: What? You know Eis' problem?

Bruce: He has PTSD, Sana.

Sana: PTSD?

Cal: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, that's what Eis' problem... Mental problem...

Bruce: Yes... Trigger of PTSD was the place where has fire accident/incident and burned stuffs from that.

Sana: Wow... When he been got PTSD?

Cal: (in nervously voice while uncomfortable) He's burned at Chemistry Laboratory of Evergreen Junior High which he got it along Pyrophobia... (He drinking his drink with straw.)

Sana: (shocked) WHAT?! Eis got PTSD and Pyrophobia from junior high school?!

Cal: (stopped drinking) Yeah... I'm feeling uncomfortable to Eis while triggering PTSD as he start panicked in the place where on the fire from past... Also, he acting weird and creepy while I'm feeling scared and uncomfortable.

Sana: (stopped shocks) Oh... That's okay, Cal. I knows you're always possibility from any danger and hazard. Anyway, thanks to you saying about Eis' problem... Mental problem... (Laughs as runs away.)

Cal: (shocked as feeling worried) Hey! Sana! That's my said that! Oh...! (Covering his face; muttered) This is getting embarrassing me! (Covering his eyes as continue drinking his drink with straw.)

(Cut to end of flashback as present as Yuri, Cass, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac looks Iben in paused while Iben chuckles.)

Iben: I like I said... Sana was sibling relationship to Cal!

Eis: Yeah... We're known that. (Sadly) I feels sad about Cal... I knows you're never gave up about this, Cal...

(Iben hold up her keyboard with style and color of The Grim Creeper as playing it as ballet music playing "When I Didn't Get Along" while they start walking on the path. Eis looks his reflection of broken mirror as looks his Semi-Corrupted Form and touches barely broken mirror in while singing the song.)

[Eis Glover]
Without you my life, it seems, is empty

(Fades to Eis' reflection into 14 years-old of himself and background mirror was inside Evergreen Junior High who happy while 12 years-old Cal who feeling barely glares as contempt at him.)

I spent all my time keeping him from doing wrong

(Young Cal walks in barely worried as away from Young Eis who getting disappointed while Young Cal enter Chemistry Laboratory Class.)

You were my only friend
You'd win any deal, but still I miss

(Young Eis scared Young Cal who dropped chemical experiment from test tube into flask.)

[Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, Eis Glover, Wormsworth Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac]
The moments when I didn't get along

(While one line of song as starts instrumental, everyone runs out Evergreen Junior High as Young Eis left while struck with glue on the floor as Young Wally hold match with fire and he throws into Cal's chemistry. Zoom out to Eis looks reflection of Evergreen Junior High which explode with fire, then mirror reflection fades into back to normal as he looking himself in sadly as he and his friends continued walking as start next verse. Fades to flashback as Cal walking in worried as seemingly blind as without pay attention, he bumped into Eis which start loses balance as walking into Stop Sign as he got hit and passed out.)

[Eis Glover]
I fell for me the moment that you pushed me

(Next flashback as Eis wearing lab coat and reading glasses as he hold astrology science projects, he looks Cal who feeling defeated and self-pity as rubbing his eyes and not noticed Eis who started sad.)

You avoided me and held me for so long
But you're doing battle without his friends from past

(Mirror reflection fades into back to normal as Eis feeling sad as coming out his tears.)

[Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, Eis Glover, Wormsworth Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac]
I miss him when I didn't get along

(Hurray of Successful Room fades into pitch black while Eis flying with fire wings, then land on as he saw Illusion Cal who looking and waves to Eis in happy while bridge on song as they walking to each other.)

[Eis Glover]
So search your heart, please, Cal Suresh
And I am sure that you will see
That you were always meant to be
My only loyal friend

(Eis hold Illusion Cal as he hold the arms as flying away while singing last chorus as background start fades into Hurray of Successful Room.)

You gave my life heroic cause
Back when my only mission was

[Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, Eis Glover, Wormsworth Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac]
The moments when I didn't get along

(Eis land as flying in perfect as he along his friends as Illusion Cal takes Eis as he walks and looking Eis in bittersweet.)


(While finish the song as Illusion Cal feeling bittersweet as fades in disappeared into blue glasses as it falls but Eis takes it and he and his friends looks Cal's New Glasses as Eis looks it in sadly.)

Eis: (sadly) I broken his old glasses while I didn't noticed it. After Cal's disappeared at the school, I made new glasses which it color of blue and experiment it which for I and Bruce make it... We're SO worried about him... Due to loss of memories about us after 10 years. (Yuri, Cass, and Iben sigh in sad as he start happily.) Then he's been remembered me!

Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: (confused) Huh?

Eis: After Cal's restore of memories about Bruce! I chased him in Evergreen Junior High!

(Cut to flashback of March 29 as Eis chase Cal in hall of Evergreen Junior High at the night as it burned when after event of School Reunion. Cut to Eis opens and enter Chemistry Laboratory Class, he gasp in shocked to chemistry set as chemical glowing for inside flasks and test tubes. He walks and looks at chemistry experiments.)

Eis: (in flashback; quietly) Wow... Did Cal made this? I-I don't understand about this... He was... (Shocked as hears Cal's screams.) Cal!

(Cuts to Eis runs out of Chemistry Laboratory Class and then Backyard as he shocked. Cuts to Cal looks and runs around Backyard in panicked while he holds up, looks, and the puts down anything. Cut back to Eis watching Cal in barely worried.)

Eis: Uh... Cal?

(Cut to Cal holds up box of burned books as paused and turns to Eis which make he shocked yells as dropped off box of burned books.)

Cal: (in flashback; shocked) E-Eis?! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!

Eis: (worried) Hey, hey! Calm down, Calvin! I'm not gonna hurt you!

Cal: Yeah, right... You better not about fire accident!

Eis: (still worried) Hey! I'm being seriously!

Cal: I'm trying find my old scientific notebook... when during fire accident! (Eis gasps in shocked as his eyes widened.) Oh! After years, I completely forgotten about this while I finding it as I realized hits about this! (Notices Eis shocked to; puzzlement.) Eis? Eisley? Are you okay?

Eis: (sadly and quietly) Cal...? You are... recognized me?

Cal: Uh... Yes? Why are you asking? (Eis starts sob as he gasps quietly.) Eis? Are you feeling—? (Eis hugs Cal in bittersweet as sobs while Cal shocked and then hugs.) Eis, why are you doing to me?

Eis: (bittersweet as sadly) Oh, Cal! I'm really missed you! And I'm worried about you! But I'm glad you to be back. (Wiped his tears off.) How did you restored your memories of my past?

Cal: Well, during Reunion of Evergreen Junior High as I looked around old school but something about that as I feeling not right about the school as looks burned stuff, read the news, and listen about happened of Evergreen Junior High, then I realized that was... fire accident! (Eis gasps in surprised.) Then I realized hits as I forgotten about something left in the school! That's why I went Evergreen Junior High.

Eis: Okay, now I understand about that. But hey! You've got restored of your memories of Bruce's past and then my own!

Cal: Yes... I'm still your best friend, right?

Eis: (nods) You are still my best friend, Calvin.

Cal: Thank, Eisley. (Realized as shocked.) Oh no! My old scientific notebook!

Eis: You means... (Holds Cal's old scientific notebook as known Experiment Record Notebook as he points at it.) ...this?

Cal: (gasps in shocked) Yes! That's it! (Takes Experiment Record Notebook from Eis as he looks it.) It's looks... fine as not burned it... How?

Eis: During you doing to experiment at Chemistry Laboratory Class as before got fire accident. I feeling incautious about you angry me as you're busy about your study or you seem like... never trusted everyone including me since your parents was killed by unknown killer... I got your stuffs from your homeroom classroom even Experiment Record Notebook as I'm digged at Backyard and then I went to you.

Cal: Wow! But when you gets it after fire accident?

Eis: Before you are here at Evergreen Junior High on School Reunion, Bruce and I went to Backyard digging at same spot where I hidden it as I got it... While I feeling self-conscious about shown true eye colors... After fire accident. (He removed Brown Eye Color Lens while Cal gasps to Eis revealed his true eye color was grey.)

Cal: I knew it! You are hiding your true eye color! Also I thinks about Jose.

Eis: You're thinking about Jose's true eye color? (Cal nods as rubs his eyes while he feels distressing.) Are you okay, pal?

Cal: (distressing as stopped rubs his eyes and come out the tears) Yes... I feels distressing about Jose... (Wiping his tears as inhale in calmly.) I seen him while he was something about himself was his eyes as I saw him removed one of his eye color lens was... green!

Eis: (paused, then surprised) What?!

Cal: I thinks his true eye color was... he was born. Until... until... Ugh... (Rubs his eyes in distress.) I can't remember Jose's past for my memories!

Eis: (sighs in sadly, then happily) Don't worry, Cal. You'll found our friends happened from the past as restoring your memories.

Cal: (sigh in relief) Thank you, Eis.

(Cut to end of flashback as present as Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac looks Eis in sadly surprised while Eis looks Cal's New Glasses in sadly as coming out his tears when dropping on it until he wiped his tears off and cleans Cal's New Glasses and then he looks it.)

Eis: (sighs in sadly For reason about him... Cal keeps rubbing his eyes in distress, he was blind in whole time as started at 6... Secretly, he was permanently blind.

Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: (shocking surprised) What?! Cal was permanently blind?!

Iben: (stuttering in fear) B-b-b-but he was seen everything without glasses! How?!

Eis: Cal used mostly his late father's eye contact lens and his eye drops as started 13 until he sometimes forgot used it when changed his mind.

Purrla: Wow! You're right about Sir Suresh! He have a problem!

Yuri: Geez!

Wormsworth: That was terrific problem...!

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac shocked for heard male voice yell in fear.)

Voice #1: (in female voice with Southern accent; quietly) Shh! Don't be paranoid about infection, know-it-all!

Voice #2: (in male voice with Italian voice-toned; quietly and worried) I know! But I couldn't handle this!

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac looking at giant red gift with orange ribbon as start walking slowly to it while voices was aloud from inside of giant gift.)

Voice #3: (in male voice with Irish accent and Dutch voice-toned; quietly and annoying) Shush it, man! You're always gettin' worried about dangerous of bein' infection!

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac stopped walks to giant gift, Eis pins as hears the gift and then he shoots it with fire from arms as it gets burn as done while they looks at and then shocked surprising. Cut to revealed of inside of giant gift as it burned was Hilary Vanderbilt, Cyan Marco, and Aiden Jansen who doesn't been infected yet as they're Eis' more teammates when they're shocked to Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac who also shocked until Eis raised his hand as wave them in uncomfortable.)

Eis: Uh... S'up...?

(Cut to Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden screams as Cyan and Aiden behind and hiding Hilary.)

Hilary Vanderbilt/Firefighter #4: (in Southern accent; irritated) Aw, come on, boys! Why y'all always behind me?!

Cyan Marco/Firefighter #5: (in Italian voice-toned; worried) Because... (Rapidly talking in surprised shocking) You're only girl in our firefighter team! I getting too much about nightmare of infectious!! (Screaming until Aiden shacks his head as he rubs and looks him; normal speed talking) Ow... Hey... (Hisses in pain) Ouch...!

Aiden Jansen/Firefighter #6: (in male voice with Irish accent and Dutch voice-toned; annoying) We're know you for you're scared as fear of bein' infection, Cyan!

(Cut back to Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac looking at Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden in confused shocking even Eis looks at his teammates in barely surprised.)

Eis: (surprised shocking) Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden?!

Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: (confused shocking) Huh?! You're know them, Sentinel of the City?!

Eis: Yeah! That's more of my teammates!

Cyan: (confused shocking) Huh?! Eis still his mind of own in infection, then why everyone attack me even Chief, Dan, Jet, and Rod? I don't get it.

Eis: (in thought) Hmm... I see... My four teammates wanted to me but I got infected already... Perhaps I'll talking them... in... carefully. (in speaking out) Cyan, what's happened to you and our teammates?

(Cut to Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden cover in circles as whispered.)

Cyan: (To Hilary and Aiden; whispered in worried) Hey... Eis talking to me? But I'm so scared right now!

Hilary: (whispered) But you must over to your fear of infection! Like... Eis did it even us as team work!

Aiden: (whispered) She's right, Cyan! Eis was special one on our team who helping us about overcome our fears of own from any danger!

Cyan: (whispered) Thank you, guys! (He, Hilary, and Aiden uncovered as looking Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac, clean throat.) Well... I went to Timeville Experimental Laboratory where Bruce and his parents was lived and work here, right? (Yuri, Cass, Iben, and Eis nod.) Okay then, I looked around that until... My teammates screams while chased by Semi-Corruption Infected People! (Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac gasp.) But I shouted them for they're hide to where I go to place as we're locked up, I looked around the laboratory until I found room called Abandoned Laboratory! Where Bruce's Parents' placed here before they're died as formerly known Secret Laboratory.

Yuri and Eis: Wow...

Eis: I knows Bruce liked his parents for their experiments. So, what's happened next, Cyan?

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, The Hydrac, Hilary, Cyan, amd Aiden start walking while Cyan continue tells of story.)

Cyan: I found it from Abandoned Laboratory! (Holds cardboard box as he opens it was VHS Tapes which everyone gasp in surprised.)

Eis: Wow, Cyan! It's VHS Tapes as recorded by Cal's 12 old closest friends!

Cyan: Wow! (Closed the cardboard box.) Thank, Eis. Where are we? Oh yeah! The doors and windows was busted as Semi-Corruption Infected People broke it as me and my teammates finding to out of laboratory until I found it to up there for escape, but Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod handle Semi-Corruption Infected People which they have no choice, then Hilary, Aiden, and I going to escape while Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod got infected! (Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac gasp in horror.)

Iben: Oh no...!

Yuri: I'm so scared!

Cass: That's SO really scared!

Eis: So, that's when Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod got infected! So, what's next?

Cyan: When you're chased by our four teammates as Hilary, Aiden, and I followed you as we're behind them! Then... I entered Christmas Rose Park, and then inside... This! Inside Haunted Funhouse!

Eis: Wow! Cool story, Cyan! One question though, what are you hiding this room as you hiding the giant gift along Hilary and Aiden?

Cyan: (realized) Oh... I forgot! For reason, how Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod got in Christmas Rose Park, and then inside of Haunted Funhouse. They behind me, Hilary, and Aiden as they followed us until I heard the noise, then looks them and chasing! Until hiding the giant gift of this room... (Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac gasp in horror.)

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, The Hydrac, Hilary, Cyan, amd Aiden stopped walking as Unlock Clock Door with eight lightbulbs turned on already.)

Iben: Oh dear...

Eis: So, that's how Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod got in Christmas Rose Park, and then inside of Haunted Funhouse!

Aiden: Yeah, Eisley. That's how to they here in there...

Hilary: Hey, Eis. Who's this person as same to you, eh, Eis? (Points at The Hydrac.)

Eis: Oh. This is... My brother! Name's Hyde Drake!

The Hydrac: (writing on the paper as roars as paper shown as saying) But called me "Drac"!

Aiden: (surprising) Woah! That's amazin' as you're writin' about you sayin', Drac!

Hilary: Yup! He's very loyalty, isn't right, Cyan?

Cyan: (uncomfortable while looking four shadows figures with Nega Bosses' eyes from far away) Uh... Yeah... He is... I guess...

Iben: Are you okay there, Cyan?

Cyan: (uneasy as rubs his right arm) Yeah... I'm started getting worried about now...

Eis: Cyan, I knows you scared about infected people but you must over your fear like... me. I'm rescued my nephew from Phoenix Apartments while my friends told me as I can brave as I think at first!

Yuri: I have too! I shown my classmate while teaching about passion about my bugs!

Iben: I have too! I shown that about my parents was always with me as not scared of love anymore!

Cass: And then as I have too! Paula was alive as car doesn't crash her while past can return!

Eis: See, guys? Our fears was over, 'cause the life is a journey... We have persistent as been successful!

Everyone: (jump up in gleeful) Hurray!!

Eis: Speaking of cheer, we're singing! Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden, do you mind... just watching me along my friends?

Cyan: Sure, Eis! Don't mind we do! (He, Hilary, and Aiden walks and sitting on giant box as they're watching Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac.) I can't wait about the song!

(Starts playing "Hurray!!" while Yuri, Cass, Iben, and Eis walk to Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac as look each other while instrumental along piano while Eis singing intro of song as he, Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac down their head and closed the eyes.)

[Eis Glover]
It's time to step in to a new world

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac marching the feet as instrumental upbeat while Yuri, Cass, Eis, and Iben dancing as same moving of the song as they singing at before on verse while Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac dancing like Costumes while they in the chorus of the song. Until the bass played as start dancing even stomps and marching the feet on verse.)

[Yuri Brand, and Cass Milligan] (Iben Bia and Eis Glover)
La-la, la-la-la, la, la, la, la, la, la (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ah)
La, la-la, la, la, la (Ah, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
La-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la (Oh-oh-oh, ah)

[Yuri Brand]
Outside my door

[Cass Milligan]
Lies everything I've wanted and

[Iben Bia]
So much more

[Eis Glover]
On my own I will find a way

(Viola playing on pre-chorus as color spotlights in Inhabitants' Main Color at Yuri, Cass, Iben, and Eis while Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac dancing on behind them.)

[Yuri Brand and Cass Milligan]
Oh, and I know, that it won't always be

[Iben Bia and Eis Glover]
But I'll never know if I don't take this one chance

(Spotlights change colors to Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac while electronic playing in the chorus until spotlights color return to main colors while electronic playing.)

[Eis Glover] (Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, and Eis Glover)
Hurray, got my bag packed (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

[Iben Bia]
And the wind covers my tracks (Oh-oh-oh, ah)

[Cass Milligan]
All I know is behind (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)

[Yuri Brand]
But the future's screaming "Don't look back" (Oh-oh-oh, ah)

[Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, and Eis Glover]
Ready to go, don't need a plan
The map is in me
There's no way, I can get lost
I found, where I need to be

(Spotlights dim off as Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac stopped dance.)

[Yuri Brand and Cass Milligan]
Oh, and I know, that it won't always be

(Spotlights started light up slowly while Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac stepping as stomps lightly while tenor drums playing.)

[Iben Bia and Eis Glover]
But I'll never know if I don't take this one chance

(Spotlights light up as Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac down their head and closed the eyes, then dancing like last time while in chorus of song.)

[Cass Milligan and Iben Bia] (Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, and Eis Glover)
Hurray, now it's time, to start a chapter (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ah)

[Yuri Brand and Eis Glover]
No need to be afraid (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh)
'Cause this life is a journey (Oh-oh-oh, ah)

[Yuri Brand, Cass Milligan, Iben Bia, and Eis Glover]
Hurray, it's time to step into a new world
Let's go
We are here for you
We are here for love


(While Eis sing of long noted "Hurray!!" as he, Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac make pose as final dancing at end of the song while Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden cheering. They turn and looking the Unlock Clock Door start up of four lightbulbs turn on as like clock's number places with Inhabitants' main theme color as total of 12.)

Eis: We're did it! We're done of three songs as unlocked the door! (Everyone cheering until Unlock Clock Door opened as turn on of hologram of 8 Inhabitants and their Nega Bosses while blue hologram was Stronger's Destiners and yellow hologram was Together's Optimists, they happy to them as he, Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac to them in happily.) Hey, guys!

Cal: (on hologram) You did it, guys! You're singing the third song of main theater songs! For now, we're escape this rooms!

(While talking, Cyan looking four shadows figures with Nega Bosses' eyes in uncomfortable as they walking slowly as they creepy smiling to him which more uncomfortable.)

Cyan: (uncomfortable) Uh... Guys?

Eis: Shush it, Cyan! We're trying talk to my friends! (To 8 Inhabitants and their Nega Bosses) Well then, there's no Semi-Corruption Infected People in the room, guys.

Cal and Bruce: (on hologram; uncomfortable) Uh... Not exactly, Eis.

Eis: Huh? What's you means, guys? What's wrong?

Bruce: I'm feeling worried already, I saw... Ward...

Iben: You means... My son?

Bruce: Yes, Iben. I saw him like... like...

Iben: Like what, Bruce?

Bruce: he was infected!

Iben: We're know that!

Bruce: But even worse!

Everyone expect Cal, Bruce, and Cyan: (confused shocking) Huh?! What?!

Cal: They're turned into Semi-Corrupted of Nega Bosses!

Everyone expect Cal, Bruce, and Cyan: (worried shocking) WHAT?!

Cyan: That's what I trying tells you, guys!

Hilary: What you means, Cyan?

Cyan: While you talking, I seen our teammates turned into Semi-Corrupted Form!

Everyone expect Cyan: (confused) Huh? What?

Benson: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Phoenion's voice; offscreen) As saying as you join us, Cyan!

(Everyone looking and the gasp in shocked. Cuts to four shadows figures walk into light as revealed was Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod in Semi-Corrupted Form as Benson in Semi-Corrupted of The Phoenion, Dan in Semi-Corrupted of The Ratacker, Jet in Semi-Corrupted of Dogaster, and Rod in Semi-Corrupted of The Laddeer, they're all smiling to everyone which feeling worried and horrible to Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod in Semi-Corrupted Form.)

Everyone expect Cal, Bruce, and Cyan: (shocking) What?!

Bruce: Yep, that's what I saw Ward was...

Cal: ...Semi-Corrupted Form!

Benson: Well, me and my crew knew already infected you, Eis...

Dan: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Ratacker's voice) Yeah! We're been listened you and your friends talking about happened even you, Eis...

Jet: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Dogaster's voice) Yeah, mate! You're special one of firefighters, Eis!

Rod: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and The Laddeer's voice) He's right! You helped us about over our fears even yours!

(Cut to Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac walking in backward slowly as behind Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden while 8 Inhabitants and their Nega Bosses start worried.)

Cal: Oh no! They're coming!

Eis and Bruce: Who is people in Stronger of Destiny Room, Cal?

Cal: (worried) It's... It's... Darren Family, Taylor Sisters, Miguel, Nancy, Sean, and Annie!

Eis and Bruce: What?!

Bruce: Also, they're coming in Together of Optimistic Room! Was... Your family, Iben.

Iben: (gasp along everyone but Together's Optimists and their Nega Bosses) What?!

Bruce: Yeah, they're Semi-Corrupted Form now...

Cal: Which means, infected people into Semi-Corrupted Form! That's completely stage!

Benson: Hey, Eis. (Everyone looking at him, Dan, Jet, and Rod.) We have surprise for you...

Eis: What is it, Chief?

Benson: Your nephew and sister-in-law turned Semi-Corrupted Form.

Eis: (gasp along everyone but Benson, Dan, Jet and Rod) What?! No... It's can't be!

Flint: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and Armollo 11's voice; offscreen) Yes, we can, Uncle Eis!

Eis: (gasps along Inhabitants, Nega Bosses, Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden) Oh no...!

(Cut to Flint in Semi-Corrupted of Armollo 11 as he flying and then perfect landing like astronaut while Benson, Dan, Jet, and Rod happily to him as Inhabitants, Nega Bosses, Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden shocking at Flint.)

Cyan: (surprised shocking) Woah! That's should see that coming!

Willow: (in semi-corrupted voice as her and Captain Aliea 51's voice; offscreen) Oh? Are you sure, know-it-all?

Cyan: (worried) Oh no! Not her!

(Cut to Willow in Semi-Corrupted of Captain Aliea 51 flying pass around Cyan which yelling, then she flying away as Cyan hugging Hilary and Aiden in worried. Cuts to Willow falls as perfect landing like astronaut next Flint.)

Willow: Hello, Eis, my brother-in-law! You always think your brother still alive as you already missed him?

Eis: (sadly) Yes...

Cyan: Guys, I have a truth... I really don't like people getting crazy about alien theories.

Eis: Wait... That's why you never go to Space Laboratory, Cyan? (Cyan nods.) Okay then... I'll talking you later.

Benson: Well, then. Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden, join us as we're infecting you, and then... Eis, you must help us! (He, Dan, Jet, Rod, Flint, and Willow walk to Inhabitants, Nega Bosses, Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden who started worried.)

Cal: They're coming us, guys! But... (Crying) I don't want leave my... my...

Bruce: They're started coming to us, guys! Hurry! Jump off the room! (Hologram of him, Together's Optimists, and their Nega Bosses turned off.)

Sana: (on hologram) You did hears, guy? He said to jump off the room!

Cal: (sobs) Please, don't leave us, Bianca!

Lucy: (on hologram; sobs) Me too with him, Clem!

Bianca and Clem: (on hologram; offscreen as sadly) I'm sorry... I have no choice...

Cal and Lucy: (sobs as coming out tears) No!! (Hologram of them, Stronger's Destiners, and their Nega Bosses turned off while Hurray's Succors and their Nega Bosses gasp in horror along Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden.)

The Grim Creeper: What's happened to Cal and Lucy?!

Iben: I don't know!

Cass: They're mentioned of they said; Bianca and Clem!

Purrla: Who?

Cyan: Guys, you out of this room! Me, Hilary, and Aiden handle this!

Yuri, Cass, Iben, Eis, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac: WHAT?!

Eis: But... Cyan... Guys...

Cyan: (sadly as bittersweet) Eisley... You're special one of this team... Oh! (Holds cardboard box of VHS Tapes as give to Eis.) You takes this. It's helping about happened for their problems from the past... As they recorded.

Eis: (takes and holds cardboard box of VHS Tapes in worried) Thank you, Cyan... You're the best!

Cyan: (tears out in bittersweet) You're welcome, Eisley... Now go!

(Yuri, Cass, Iben, Wormsworth, Purrla, The Grim Creeper, and The Hydrac jump off through Unlock Clock Door while Eis looks Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden in worried as they're smiling and then he smiles and jump off through Unlock Clock Door. Cut to Eis falling as he holds cardboard box of VHS Tapes, he looking Unlock Clock Door closed itself which Hilary, Cyan, and Aiden muttered screams as Eis sadly and closed his eyes.)

Cal: (in Eis' thought) Eis... You're special one on firefighter team! As Leo and Emma said... You're brave as you thinks! You're protected to everyone even me, our friends, and your family! (Eis barely open his eyes and put cardboard box of VHS Tapes on left hand.) Sana gonna love you... And I'm still your best friend, Eis.

(Eis fully open his eyes as his eyes glowing bright red and then his fire wings appear as flying while he feeling determined and happily as he saw Inhabitants and Nega Bosses which they looking Eis in surprised.)

Yuri: Look! It's Sentinel of the City! He used Hidden Power and his wings was appeared!

Everyone expect Yuri and Eis: Wow!

Eis: That's right! But please call... Sentinel Eis of the City!

(Eis flying to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses as they're grabs as join hands as he holds Sana's hand which he and Sana start happily each other as everyone surrounding of Eis' Hidden Power as they're feeling courage and happily, then Sana kisses Eis in lips as they hugs while Inhabitants and Nega Bosses surprised and then happy as falls slowly on ground as safety as faded out of Eis' Hidden Power, Eis' fire wings was hiding as disappeared and then Eis and Sana let go as they happily each other.)

Sana: Oh Eis! That was amazing your powers!

Eis: You're welcome, Sana... (Hugs Sana, then looks Cal.) Cal! (Runs and hugs to Cal.) Thank you for you saying about that!

Cal: You're welcome... (Notices cardboard box of VHS as Eis holds it.) Eis, is that...

Eis: Oh. Cyan found the box from Abandoned Laboratory in Timeville Experimental Laboratory!

Bruce: Cool! My parents always keep their friends' stuff!

Eis: Oh! Cal! I'm so happy to remember me as restored your memories... I have gift to you...

Cal: What is it? (Eis holds Cal's New Glasses which he gasps as he takes it.) My glasses! It's new!

Bruce: Oh! Me too as Eis' says about you! (Holds old picture frame of him and Cal which make Cal surprised and takes it.)

Cal: (sobs in happily) Thank you, guys! (Hugs Eis and Bruce.)

Eis and Bruce: You're welcome, Cal...

Cal: (let it go from hug as takes and holds cardboard box of VHS as put new glasses and old picture frame on coat) Now, come on. Let's go to glowing path over there. (Points at white glowing path.)

Everyone expect Cal: Got it, Cal!

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses walking to and then on white glowing path.)

Eis: One question... Who are Bianca and Clem anyways?

Cal: Oh... Bianca was my daughter.

Lucy: And Clem was my adopted son.

Everyone expect Cal and Lucy: (shocked) What?!

Jose and Sana: Your child?!

Cal: (sadly) Yes... Bianca was my and Valerie's daughter...

Eis: Woah... You means... She and Clem leave that like... My other teammates? (Cal and Lucy nod in sadly.) Me too for that... But we're going to this place where fell for it...

Haoyu: I'll hope there's no Semi-Corruption Infected People in there.

Fiona: You say it!

(Pans to two unknown shadows figures with Nega Bosses' eyes looking Inhabitants and Nega Bosses in happily as revealed for lights was Bianca and Clem in Semi-Corrupted Form as Bianca in Semi-Corrupted of The Slient Princess and Clem in Semi-Corrupted of Calligrafiend.)

Bianca: (in semi-corrupted voice as her and The Slient Princess' voice) Well, Clem... You already tell others about that?

Clem: (in semi-corrupted voice as his and Calligrafiend's voice) Yes, it's already!

Bianca: Good! Now, we're following them!

(Bianca and Clem following as behind Inhabitants and Nega Bosses. Cut to Cal feeling worried as glowing indigo while used Past Vision. Fade out as pitched black screen.)

To be continued.

Haunted Corruption (Outside Adventure of Wonderworld - Season 1 Episode 1)Where stories live. Discover now