The marriage

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 Ruby and Lev were married they were getting into bed when lev had something to tell ruby "ruby their is something i need to say" "what is it lev" "ruby i'm gay we cant be married any more" as ruby said "me too actually ive got a wife but only an ex one because im in denial like you" she sobbed

lev couldnt speak out of speechlessness "thats good ruby i didnt want to upset you but we can agree that the marriage is over he said" then they smiled

the next day iain said"lev did you come out yet" as lev nodded and told them all about it as sam said "rubys gay too" as iain said "now we are the only ones in love" and smiled at sam but lev frowned and said "me and Ruby can still be in love jsut not with each other"

Ruby and Lev got called out to a shout in the ambulance they made dating profles for each other when Jan said "Lev and Ruby I know you need dates but they'res patients to treat" she wasn't angry though

Iain treated the patient for a burn as Lev talked to her about the weather then they were loaded in the ambulance as Ruby and Lev smiled at each other with the memory of their confessions

when the patients were safely loaded into RESUS Ruby saw Faith walk up the corridor towards her

"hello Ruby" said Faith hers and Lev marriage ended after Dylan and her cheated "where is lev" Faith asked

"Lev is in the ambulance our marriage is over Faith" Ruby said when Faith said "why I thought lev loved you and not me"

"no Faith me and Lev are gay we ended the marriage with agreements" said Ruby "the divorce paper is on its way" Faith frowned "sorry Ruby i'm a homophobic I cant talk to you anymore" she said as Ruby started sobbing when lev walked up and said Faith what are you doing Ruby is meant to be are friend then he told connie

connie said "faith this is not accpetable you are fired from working here" Faith looked sadly as she gave lev and ruby an angry staire

Then Ruby and Lev hugged in the station and the divorce paper was signed as they celebrated also Iain and Sam were there too

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