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Renjun was actually the one to ask, he was tired of Mark's antics. Mark would become a nervous wreck whenever Renjun flirted with him, he would run away screaming if Renjun kissed him, most people would take that as he didn't like him but Renjun knew Mark, he knew he was just a very panicked nervous person and he knew when Mark had a crush, because he had watched Mark crush on countless people throughout the years

"Mark Lee look at me" Renjun said holding Marks face in his hands and Mark became a blushing mess

"hi" Mark said softly while admiring Renjun's face, and Renjun just melted. Mark always looked at Renjun like he was the reason the earth rotated around the sun, the reason why you can see the stars at night

"Be my boyfriend" Renjun said and Mark stared at him blank face, they sat like that for at least five minutes before Mark broke out into the biggest smile

"I would want nothing more" Mark said and Renjun smiled softly at him. Renjun kissed him, normally Mark initiated these big moment kisses but this time it was Renjuns turn, and this one was always Marks second favourite kiss, first place being the first time they kissed.

moments ⤿ MarkrenWhere stories live. Discover now