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"Renjun you're getting married how about that" Donghyuck said fixing his tie, Renjun went with a traditional suit, black pants, black suit jacket, black tie and a white button up

"before you" Renjun said and Donghyuck laughed, he had been with his boyfriend for a nearly four years but both were content with where they were in their lives

"do you think he'll like how I look" Renjun said looking at himself in the mirror

"how could he not" Donghyuck said kissing Renjun cheek to comfort him

"Renjun it's time" Chenle said walking into the room and Renjun smiled, he was finally going to marry his soulmate

"Do you think he's going to run away" Mark said panicking

"I think if he wanted to run away he would have done that a long time ago" his best man, Johnny said

When Mark heard the music begin to play he started panicking. He looked to Johnny for assurance and Johnny just smiled and gave him a thumbs up

Mark turned around and saw Renjun walking down the isle, and as soon as he saw him he could swear that tears started forming in his eyes, god Renjun looked ethereal

While Renjun wore something more traditional Mark decided to go with all black, black pants, black suit jacket and a black button up - with no tie. Mark never liked ties, or buttoning up his shirts to the collar, it felt restrictive. So when Renjun got close enough to see that Mark had the first few buttons undone he started fluster

"Hi" were the first words out of Renjun's mouth when he reached the alter

"can we just skip to the kiss part" Mark asked the officiant, which was actually Renjuns friend Kun

"No I spent like two days researching what to say" he said and Renjun and Mark laughed

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of there two individuals into marriage. Marriage is a beautiful promise between two people, each with their own emotional baggage, merging their separate paths into one. This ceremony is a symbol of how far you have come in your relationship, it is a symbol of promises you will make to each other to continue to grow stronger as individuals and as partners. No matter what challenges you face you now will face them together, and no matter how much you succeed you will succeed together. The love between you now joins you here as one"

"I'm guessing you both have your own vows written so the stage is yours" Mark smiled, Renjun motioned for him to go first

"I know the traditional wedding vows are meant to be all talk about how much I am going to love you and the promises you want to make to the other person, but I only have one promise and that is to never lie to you, I can't promise that I won't make you cry and I can't promise that I'm going to be the perfect husband all I can do is promise that I will continue to love you every day because you have a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and beautiful, and even painful at times, but I could not stop loving you any more than I could stop breathing." Renjun would've been lying if he didn't tear up, he and Mark weren't very big on confessing their love every second, they only did it on special occasions

"I wrote down stuff I was meant to say in this but I forgot it and I left the paper at home so I'm going to wing it" Mark chuckled, Renjun tended to forget important things when he was flustered "I love you so much because you're it, okay? I'm never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you and I don't think I would want to love anyone else. I love you without knowing how, or when, or why. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving you. And I promise that each day and each night I will fall in love with you all over again" Mark smiled, he cried, he was so happy and loved he just wanted to melt

"Now we will begin the exchanging of rings, Mark if you would please take Renjun's hand and repeat after me. I, Mark, take you, Renjun, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." So Mark did, he repeated the words after placing the ring on Renjun's finger

"Renjun you will do the same repeat after me I, Renjun, take you, Mark, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." Renjun repeated after him and smiled, Marks hand looked nice with a ring on it

"Well then congratulations your married" Mark and Renjun smiled so much

"Can I kiss him now" Renjun said and Kun nodded

Every time they kissed it was special, it was exciting, but nothing made him happier than this, Renjun loved how Marks lips fit perfectly with his, how whenever they kissed it still sent shivers down his spin and that there was always a spark. So they kiss, they kiss until they can't breathe, until they forget both of their names, until everyone else in the room disappears and it's just them

the end

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