Locked Out

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"You're not bothering my girlfriend are you?" He questioned the man who was flirting with me and the guy's eyes widen as he shakes his head.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize," He apologizes before slowly turning and walking away. 

"Come on, darling," The man with his arm wrapped around me pressed as he turned me towards the door and began walking me out.

I was utterly speechless at the moment and I had no idea why.

I have no clue who this guy is but not only am I feeling grateful towards him but there is another feeling I can't quite place as my eyes stay locked on his face as he walks me down the sidewalk.

Saying this was the most handsome guy I have ever seen would be an understatement. I'm not sure I have ever found myself this physically attracted to someone before, I was so flustered I couldn't even speak. 

At this point, we were coming up to Haewon and I's apartment complex and the guy stopped and turned his head to look behind us.

"I think we're good." He smiles and pulls his arm from around my shoulder, causing a sudden coldness to run through my body.

What the hell is wrong with me. 

"Oh.." I say, still too shocked to muster up more words.

"How was I?" He chuckled with a smirk, before stepping forward and bending down, bringing his face to my level. "Was I a good boyfriend?" He asks and my eyes widen.

I felt my cheeks become red and I stumbled backward a bit. 

Jeez, what is this effect he is having on me?

"Oh..um" I mutter again and he chuckles.

"I'll take that as a yes," He states happily and straightens back up. "That was fun, let's do it again sometime," He smiles and reaches out with his hand to ruffle my hair. 

His action completely shocked me and I stood there frozen with probably the reddest face as he turns and begins walking away, leaving me alone conveniently right in front of where I live. 


I stumble through the front door of the apartment silently and take off my shoes. I was still feeling strange and I couldn't get that boy out of my head.

The way he held me, smiled at me, ruffled my hair. 

I just wish I could've asked his name but my dumbass couldn't even talk.

"You're back," Haewon stated as she came tumbling down the stairs.

I look up at her and smile softly, for some reason I feel sad and drained.

"You okay?" She asked me worriedly and I nodded my head.

"Yes, just tired," I say, telling the truth. I was fine earlier but after meeting that guy and then him just leaving made me feel empty and I didn't understand it all.

"What?" Haewon whined and I sigh as I sit down on the comfy gray couch. "But what about the club?" She frowned and I look up at her to find a disappointed look on her face.

I didn't want to ruin her night by not going with her. Besides she planned the night for me anyway.

"I'm still going," I smile and her eyes brighten.

"Okay good," She stands up and makes her way up her stairs again. "I got a few dresses I want you to try on since your stuff isn't in yet." She says excitedly and once she disappears I sigh and throw my head back against the couch.

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