Cold and Sweet

14 1 0


Human: 98% of the population

Vampire: 5% of the population

Hybrid: 0.5% of the population

(Hybrid: Half Human/Half Vampire)

35 years ago the government revealed the existence of vampires to the world.

Due to their almost non-existent population rate, it's almost impossible for a human to run into one.

However, it happens.

Unlike the old wive tales, most vampires are harmless, but the species try their best to not be discovered for fear they will be hunted down by humans.

Miraculously on rare occasions, a human and vampire can conceive, creating what is known as a Hybrid.

Half Human, Half Vampires.

Hybrids are very rare, and the best at blending in.


"Jae!" Haewon squeals excitedly as the door swings open. The joyful smile across her face makes me grin and I giggle as she dramatically throws her arms around me. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're here!" 

"Me neither, I missed you so much Haewonie," I pout as I hug her back tightly. 

Haewon was my best friend from high school.

After graduation, I stayed in Busan and went to a university, while she skipped college and moved to Seoul, the capital of South Korea. 

It's been 4 years and after I finally finished college and graduated with a bachelor's in nursing, I finally decided to take Haewon up on her offer to come to Seoul and live with her. 

After moving here 4 years ago, Haewon got a job as a waitress at a club and quickly became a manager, and now she is the General Manager and lives in a loft apartment right across the street from where she works. 

"Come in, I can finally show you the place!" She says happily and pulls me inside. I smile and look around in awe. The apartment was basically just one big space.

You entered into the living area and across the room was a great kitchen and above the kitchen was a beautiful loft accessible by stairs, which was where Haewon slept. She's mentioned many times how much she loves that part. 

The place was great and definitely fit Haewon's style perfectly. 

"Wow, this is great, I can't believe I get to live here too," I gush and Haewon giggled excitedly before grabbing my hand,

"I want to show you your room," She says and pulls me around the living room and towards a black door. "I kind of took the liberty of decorating it already, I just really wanted to give you a 'welcome to your new home' present," She smiles and I grin excitedly and a bit nervous.

"Close your eyes!" She demands and I chuckled but oblige. 

"Alright.." I say and raise my hands over my eyes. I hear Haewon open the door and then she pulls me inside, I squeal as she causes me to trip a little bit and she lets out a laugh.

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