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Failure? Never heard of it. Acting out? Not in my vocabulary. Losing? I refuse to.

So to sum it all up, I need to be perfect. Don't get me wrong, I would rather not live a life where I try to be perfect everyday. I would rather let my flaws go noticed, I would rather get lower then an A+ on a test, I would rather not be the school nerd, and I would rather have fun for a change.

But no. That can't happen. I'm Olivia Sparks, and this is my life story.

I'm not an only child. I have an older sister named Amelia who is 22 years old, and living with her rotten boyfriend, Marc Jacobs. Amelia likes to go by the name, Mia, more then her full name. She says her full name makes her sound old, I don't know why, so don't ask. Mia has dirty blonde hair that flows a few inches past her shoulders, and sea green eyes that I've been jealous of since the day I was born. Mia has natural red checks, dark eye lashes and curves that would make any guy drop like a fly. In other words, she's more beautiful then I'll ever be.

Mia never experienced anything above a C+ in her school years, including pre-school. Mia is really fun to hang out with-unlike me- she's always cracking jokes-unlike me- she's out going and not afraid to break some rules on her way-unlike me- and she was really popular-again, unlike me-
I always felt like my parents expected more, or that they were slightly disappointed that she ended up like that. Again, don't get me wrong, my parents aren't mean to her at all. They still love her dearly, but I always had this small gut feeling that they were just expecting more from me, and they don't want me to be as care free as Mia.

I felt like, no, I still feel like I need to keep up my grades, never have party's and just be perfect to impress my parents and make sure they never snap one day and slash out on Mia. Because I love Mia a lot. She's an amazing sister, that I can always count on to relax me when I'm feeling stressed-witch is a lot.- and I honestly think she's wasting her time with Marc.

Marc's an alcoholic. Plain and simple. He smokes, drinks and takes drugs that I've never even heard of before. Mia may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but she was definitely the most colourful. And she could do a lot better then him.

Every time I see her with him, every smile she gives him, every laugh they share, every moment their supposed to be happy, looks fake. Like she doesn't actually like him, she's just dating him.

Now, I'd like to say she's doing it for his looks, but I can't. No offence to Marc, but everyone can see the beginning of his beer gut. And His long, brown, hair ends a few inches past his shoulders, witch he always wears in a pony tail, doesn't help any, it's really not attractive on him.

And then there's Maddie and Connor, my younger siblings. They're twins, that look like they could be cloned, and changed gender. Although I call Maddie 'original', and I call Connor 'copy' because Maddie was two minutes older. I would always get a slap from Connor and a high five from Maddie, but it was all worth it.

They're both 5 years old and have bright blue eyes, and light blond hair. Their always bickering about the stupidest things. One time I heard them arguing about how babies were made. Maddie was saying that a big bird delivered them in a blanket,while Conner was arguing with they were created by cold lava and the doctors took some of moms blood witch caused him/her to be a living creature.

Maddie is really smart, especially when it comes to writing, but she also has an attitude behind her that I've seen directed at me tones of times. Connor is fun and annoying. But isn't every brother?

My mom and dad are like every other old married couple. They love each other and us, the kids. Although on parents day, we're expected to drop everything and treat them like royalty. I usually laugh a lot that day at all the stuff they think I'm actually going to do.

My dad is funny and loving. He never told us exactly where he works, which to this day still confuses me. My mom doesn't say where he works either. And I don't like not knowing stuff. My dads hair is dirty blonde, sea green eyes and a charming smile. Although one of his flaws are probably his ogre sized hands and feet.

My mom - like the rest of the family - has blonde curly hair. She's honestly beautiful, and I'm glad that out of all the models she could date, she choose to stay with my loving dad. Her eyes are blue and she has little rings at the bottom of her hair. My mom is a hard working lawyer who usually stays out late for extra time and Extra money for the family. And I worry about that. A lot.

And Then there's me. Plain                  ol' me. Small, short, nerdy and easily scared. My whole family is blonde with an exception of my dad being dirty brown. So I have bright blonde hair, much like my siblings, that cascades down past my shoulders, hazel brown eyes that to me look like little chocolate chips, and naturally pink cheeks, just like Mia. I know I'm not ugly, but I'm also not to far on the pretty side either. Maybe of I tried, I could be pretty and maybe a little more well known.

Lets not forget my black, huge ass glasses that take up most of my face. I don't actually need them, I only wear them to school so I'll look like a nerd and people will avoid my like a plague to keep their social life intact. I don't need distractions this year.

I only let two friends in my life. That's Daniel Knight, and Stephanie King. Those were my two best friends. But I call Daniel, Danny or Dan. And I call Stephanie, Steph. And they both call me Liv, so it all works out.

Steph is really smart and really pretty. She has dark blonde hair that stops around her mid waist, and bright blue eyes full of hope and joy. Leave it to Steph to brighten up someone's day, or embarrass you to the bone. You can never tell wich one she's in the mood for.

Dan has decent length red hair that any girl would love to run her fingers in. He has green eyes with a hint of blue in them and he's captain of the soccer team. Wich gives him the opportunity to be bad ass popular. But he chooses to stick with me and Steph. Although I think he has a thing for Steph if you ask me. They would be so cute together. And if he were popular, he might hit it off with Brayden Storm. Ah... Brayden Storm.

I don't know him very well, I've only seen a few pictures from the year book. (You know being the in the year book comity and all) So from what I do know about him is, he has black hair as dark as midnight, bright green eyes that you could stare into forever. not that I have before. Psh. He's number one in the popular rank at this school wich means he probably has absolutely no idea who I am. Witch I don't mind. I don't hate him, I don't really know him enough to hate him, but I also don't like him, he's just kind of... Just there, I guess.

And following right behind him in the social rank would be Meg Halihand. The fake, plastic, Barbie doll, queen of the school. She obviously has fake boobs, everyone knows that, and she has perfect check bones and curves naturally. Her blonde, bleached hair goes down to her hips, and her blue eyes just top it all off. I might actually consider her pretty if she didn't coat her face with makeup and spray tan. and her attitude, that's a major flaw. Step in her way, she'll step on you and make your life a living hell. Simple as that.

I have thought about just getting rid of my glasses, they kind of over filled the whole 'nerd' part of me. I know I want people to see me as a nerd, but I also don't want people to think I'm discussing... I just want to fit in, have drama free life, impress my parents, have nice friends. I don't want to be little mrs. Perfect.

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. That's all I've heard my entire life. And I'm sick of it.

I want to break my glasses! I want to break a rule! I want someone to break my heart! I need to live a life were I can actually know what pain is and how to avoid it. Because if I don't experience it once, how will I know what I'm avoiding? And how will I live a normal life?

At the very least, I just want to break my glasses...


A/N- prologue, just explaining people, sorry if it's boring had to get all that stuff out of the way anyways. Please send me a new cover, I need one. Tell me if I should continue.





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