Chapter-1-A date with Twan Kuyper?

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It's funny the way it is, if you think about it.

Somebody's going hungry and someone else is eating out.

Funny the way it is, not right or wrong.

Somebody's broken heart, becomes your favourite song.

Like the way your mouth feels on your lovers kiss.

Like a pretty bird in a breeze, or water to a fish.

[Funny The Way It Is] = by: <Dave Mathews>**

Chapter- 1 - A date with Twan Kuyper?

You know how nerds are supposed to live, breath, sleep and eat school? Well, Scratch that, I'm breaking that rule. School is the worst torture device anyone could have ever invented.

Dearest whoever thought school was a good idea,

Why do you hate children?

-sincerely, Olivia Sparks.

It's like a pattern is going on, someone would bump into me, I would mumble a sorry, then they'd walk away. Brilliant right? To put it bluntly, school sucks money butt.

Just focus on getting to your locker.

It's the first day of school, which means no more summer, no more summer means I have to avoid people again, avoiding people means being Someone who I don't want to be.

I have an awesome life right? Note the sarcasm.

I'm only about 10 more steps till I hear a loud laughter fill the hall way. I turn my head and take notice to the voice. It was Brayden Storm. Go figure.Typical, he's with his group of friends and ignoring every glance sent his way. What else should I expect.

I've never really been even five arms lengths close to him in my life. He's always just seemed to be on the opposite side of the school to me. But I'm not really upset about it either.

And I can definitely say that he looks way better in person then pictures. And that's saying a lot, the camera seems to love him. But who wouldn't? I mean, his perfect jawbones, hair that I would love just to trap in my hands, eyes that make me wanna melt like chocolate on a hot summers day and-

Snap out of it Olivia!

He doesn't acknowledge you, you don't acknowledge him, he doesn't care about you, you don't care about him, and we're happy that way.

I think I spent a little to much time staring because suddenly he jerked his head in my direction, with a smile plastered on his face from what one of his friends said. He locked eyes with me for a moment, and even from far away, I could tell that they were mesmerizing.

I wasn't going to let my guard down though, I quickly looked away and pushed my glasses further up the bridged of my nose, before things became awkward, causing me to be the first one to break eye contact, and headed towards my locker.

When I arrived at my locker I saw a very impatient, Stephanie waiting for me. She was already looking in my direction, and when she saw I was looking at her too, a wicked grin spread across her face.

Oh dear lord, I think she's in the mood to embarrass me.

I don't need to stop at my locker, all I needed was my pencil and eraser. I have my books in my shoulder pack, I'll just borrow a pencil from the kid who sits beside me.

I widen my eyes and quickly make a U turn and walk the opposite way then my locker.

Although I didn't go quite far, because I was quickly stopped by a hand on my forearm. Sighing in defeat, I turn around expecting to see Stephanie, but instead I see Danny grinning, teeth and all.

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