Chapter-2- I'm blind in all different types of ways, without my glasses.

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I got some tricks up my sleeve.

Just wait and see.

Come a little closer. Close your eyes and count to three.



So spectacular.

I even got magic to make the haters disappear.

[Magik] = by: <Austin Mahone> + <Becky G>**

Chapter- 2 -I'm blind in all different types of ways without my glasses.

Loneliness. You know the feeling? I do, we decided to become best friends today. Well, I didn't. It was kind of a forced friendship.

But I don't feel entirely lonely, I feel awkward too. But awkwardness has been my best friend since kindergarten. So I'm pretty used to its company.

My real friends, Dan and Steph, decided today would be a perfect day to ditch me and catch a ride together doing God knows what. Which equals to me walking home alone, in the cold. But maybe I would rather walk home then be with them while they're alone, that wouldn't be pretty.

The school day was pretty boring. Then again, what else is new? I officially made my label clear at school today, too. I'm the boring old nerd girl sitting by her lonesome at the back of the class. Yay me. I mean it's kinda a good thing, right?

Steph and I have three of the same classes, me and Danny have four and Brayden Storm is in about three or was it four? Maybe it was two? I don't know. He's in at least one of my classes. I didn't bother to keep count.

It's about a twenty minute walking distance from my school to my house, so it's not too long, I like to walk. It helps me clear my mind, I find. No rhyme intended.

I kick pebble by pebble watching them with adoration thinking about my dream life. Every time I would see a new colour of a pebble, I would think of something I would like to have. But will never get.

I'm not going to lie to you, it would be nice to be popular. Or at least a little more known and liked at school. I'm not going to lie to myself, I do wish to be more happy, and popular. What teenage girl wouldn't?

Apparently I was so intoxicated with hope that I didn't realize a grey wall that I could have sworn was never there before. So, I unknowingly run into it.

The impact was hard, but soft. My nose hurts, but it felt too soft to be a wall, yet to hard to be a person. That makes sense right?

I fall back and land on my butt. Hard. I'm so shocked that I never realized the wall moved. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" Asks the wall.

Wait, what? I must have hit the wall hard, because last time I recalled walls don't talk, or bend down and offer me a hand. Or have a dreamy voice...

I look up at the "wall" and quickly realize that it's not a wall. He's not a wall. My cheeks flush with embarrassment. This just had to happen with the most popular person in school didn't it?

I love my life! Note the sarcasm.

I debate reaching up and grabbing his offering hand, but quickly think better of it and struggle to get up by myself. I do not need help. Especially by someone who will most likely laugh after.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumble as I rub my hurt thigh, slightly.

I make it up, push the hair out of my face and look up at Brayden Storm. That's right. Brayden freaking Storm. The one who has complete control over embarrassing me or walking away like nothing happened. He'll pick one of them. Everyone does.

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