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"And we are done with our figure of speech, it was nice working with you three" josh said as he shook hands with us. "Where is kelvin?" We all turned to kelvin who had full concentration checking himself out in the mirror. We were in Harry house, his big room and king sized bed, he was the only one home, his parents out for work, his little sister was out with her friends. Kelvin applied perfume, he nods then let out a cute smile, he turned to us, we were staring at him weirdly;
"Please spare me that horrible look, I've a date!" Kelvin said as he waves his hand dismissively.
"Hmm.... unusual!!spill" harry said
"Nothing much, I kinda met this really cute girl over the weekend, guess what? She isn't even a Nigerian" he smiled.
" And you kept that away from us" I said
" C'mon chi, the week was occupied for me to remember, she fixed the date" his cheek go pink "don't worry I'll tell you how it went,line by line" I heard horn " my driver is here" he kisses my cheek, he wanted to kiss harry too;
" Yew!!" Harry moves away.
" Whatever dude! Love you" he ran off.
"So unserious" josh laughed
"No doubt!" Harry replied "hope we get to top with our group work"
"We will!" I said "it's past 7
already, I should getting going"
"Are you going too?" Harry asked Josh.
"Want me to stay?"
"Yeah... I'd need company for some games and kel left"
"I gatchuuu then"
"Thanks man.... Let me see chi off"
We walked out of his street to the bus station, it was quite cold outside, I smell something familiar;
"You are doing better these days.... It's not obvious you're disturbed" Harry said
"I'm not the only one disturbed, I'm just the only acting up, I realized that so I had to change...."
"You are still troubled"
"You miss the luxury life"
"No! I miss my family, my dad... I'll get over it sooner or later"
"You've lost hope"
"What's there to hope about Harry? It's been a week, he didn't come home"
He turned to me "hope shouldn't be lost...." I heard the horn of the bus, it was getting really cold, he pulls my hands place some money in it, I hugged him "see ya" I got into the bus, it droveaway.
Someone from behind came to sit beside me, I was looking out through the window so I didn't care. He tapped my shoulder, I turned....come to reality...stop daydreaming...I closed my eyes, then open again....
"Why are you always being so dramatic?" Jason said.
"I wasn't" I said calmly.
He pulled his sweater, he place it over me "you look cold"
"Ummm....thank you" I blushed.
"You remember to say that today"
"Wear it, it's really thick, could make you feel better"
I wore it, I had an urge to ask why he cared, but of course his response 'I'm the headboy blahblahblah'
The bus stopped at my junction, I didn't want it too, I still want to stare at his cute eyes, pink lips and admire you know....
"Bye" I manage to say, he simply fake smile. I alighted and walked down home. Close to my house, I sat on a bench and became lost in thought, the moment the thought of Jason slipped in, I smiled brightly. I'm sleeping in his sweater tonight, it's going to be the best night after all.
"Miss Godfrey, this isn't you!" Principal James shouted at me.
"Sir, it's mathematics and it was impromptu" I tried explaining.
"So what?? I know you, this is Josette script, 25 over 40 and you are having 19, heard you've been skipping classes again"
"No sir!!"
"Your teachers are liars now right, been trying to put a call through to your dad he isn't picking, you are having boyfriends now, no time for studies"
"No sir... No boys time sir!"
"That's not convincing, from next week, after school I want to see you read for 2hours in the library, I will tell Precious to send the message across to your parent, I won't watch you get unserious!"
" Yes sir" I nodded
" Out!!"
I walked out sad, the test was impromptu, truthfully I haven't been reading, so unusual of me, the principal has always acted like a second Dad to me, he doesn't like when I play with my studies now I'm getting punished. I sat on a bench outside the staff office, Jason sat beside me. Was he stalking me?
"Here....Thank you" I gave him his sweater, been holding it since I got to school, Incase I run into him;
"No! You should have it" he declined
I smiled at him "why should I?"
"With it you won't catch a cold, when you are cold always put it on, I'll be assured that you are fine" he smiled, this time genuinely. His line of words got me, does he care about me?
"I'm the headboy, you can always talk to me if you have any problems" he puts his hand into his pocket and walked away.....
Aaaaaarghhh!!!! Headboy!!
"I have a positive thought on this....he is just using headboy to cover up" Sharon said as we sat eating at the cafe.
"But why would he like me sef?? There is no reason" I said
"You always told me to believe in myself, why are you making doubts now? There are so many reasons he would, you are pretty, bold and a genius"
I smiled brightly "hmmm....my head is about to blow off....but how will a genius fail maths"
"It's just your weak point, not like you've always passed it, like you said it was impromptu"
"Yeah....but the least I always have is 32 and highest 35, not 19 yewwww!!!"
"19 whatsoever.....you are still the best in art department, not like me still struggling to meet up Segun Raymond all the time, all you need to do is get over with all that is troubling you and buckle up....You are better than Josy!"
" Thank you ma'am!"
The bell jingled;
" Time for class..."we walked back to our classes. We had English, everyone sat with their groupmate, Josy glared at me as Mrs okon entered into the class with our works we had earlier submitted;
"Good day ma'am!" We greeted.
"I'm really having a good day as y'all impressed me, so instead of having our test today, I'd be marking y'all from these" she drops it on the table. "Team CHKJ are the only team to earn 40marks...geez!!!I was impressed"
" Team CHKJ!!!that's us yoo!!" Kelvin exclaimed.
" Ohmywuuuuurld!!" Josh exclaimed
" We earned it people!!!" I said gleefully, I winked at Josette.
A junior enters;
" Excuse me ma'am" she said to Mrs okon.
" Go ahead" Mrs okon responded
" Chinwe, principal James calls for you" she leaves.
I grumbled.
" Another problem I guess!" Harry muttered.

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