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     My eyes locked with Jason who was coming from behind....his hands was placed in his pocket as usual, he turned his back and walked away. What's with him now?....I let go of Harry;
   "I've to study, I'll see ya" I said
"Yeahhh.... good luck"
"Thanks..." I walked into the library. Walking to my new favorite place, I stared at my regular sit in the library, memories of how he sat beside me and slept slipped in, how we hanged out at Theo, hugging me so tight.... Duuuuudeeee!!
    The week ran quite fast, that was the last I saw Jason in school this week, I'd have said he skipped school, but he is the headboy, he has to be in school everyday.
    I laid on my bed, I felt really cold after solving some maths sums, weird how mathematics was getting easy for me, I covered up with my bedspread, as I picked my phone, my eyes caught the sight of Jason's sweater, everything reminds me of him, I wore it. He wanted me to always put it on when I got cold so he wouldn't be worried...... Liar!!!
    I woke up when I felt someone touched my leg;
   "Hi chiii" Sharon said as she laid beside me "on his sweater huh?"
"Maybe I miss him yunno"
She pats my back
"Its okay too....and it's also okay to hear what he has to say"
"He has nothing to say....I heard it all"
"But you don't know it all"
I rolled my eyes " does that relate?"
" I dunno......but, I'm just concerned like...why won't he like you? Because I believe there is no one who gets to know you really well and won't like you...."
" Puhhh--lease.... trying to make me feel good"
" No!" She looked serious " this is fact...why do you think Josy hates you? Even when we tried being her friend when she came newly, she only wanted to relate with me... because, she was obviously Jealous of you, you have got a personality no one in Angel's high have, despite being so stupid, you are really smart and a whole lot of problems....Jason must like you" I burst into laughter " he just has too"
   I stared at her and laughed more "Okay ma'am.... Tell me about you and Precious"
She began to smile, I coughed trying not to laugh;
   "He has been helping me out...... Yunno reading for exams...."
"Is that all?" I raised a brow
"Okay... He asked me out"
I blinked continuously... "Just wow!! And that idiot never told me"
   "He promised to stay away from those hot girls"
"For real..."
"Yeahh... But, I haven't accepted, I doubt his feelings"
"Should I tell you a secret?" She nodded "He has loved you even before your own feelings started building up"
   She led out the brightest smile ever "then it's working"
"What's working?"
"My Christmas wishes"
    "Hmmm.... Tell me about it"
"You've not heard of it"
"I did..... One time from Jason... How does it work?"
"Well.... My grandmother uses to say, December is a special month, why? It's Jesus birthday, make wishes as you want and get them all done.... So, at the beginning of the month... I write out my wishes, pray about them and believe.... On Christmas Eve I burn them and pour out the ashes... Then all begins to workout"
   " Just like that? " I asked surprised.
   " Keyword... Believe... Faith... I want to sleep"
" Thought we were going to have our regular sleepover games"
  " Exams are starting tomorrow quick reminder" she laid back " you could still wish for Jason... I know you love him" I rolled my eyes. She slept off .....
    I was awake for hours, I missed everything, especially my family... They say if wishes were horses even beggars would ride....
But, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move a mountain....
  I sat up and began to write my wishes.... Finally I came up with it;
   *My Christmas wishes*
* I wish Daddy comes back home.
*I want my happy family back.
* I wish Daddy gets a better Job, so mom will be less troubled.
*I wish for better grades this term.
  *I want Jason to like me for real....  
*I want to be on good terms with Josy maybe....
Good night

  The hall was filled, we were scattered, I sat with some Junior student and our first subject is Government. I was prepared for anything.
     Yeahhh! It was fine. After break we had English and that was all for the day, with my bestfriends i explored the school.... Lol
  The week went fast and soon we were done with examination. This period in my life, we would have traveled out of the country to explore...'Famtrip'.
    Nothing like that anymore, I laid on the bed and stared at my wardrobe door, I had hanged my Christmas wishes there, I wonder if any of it was ever going to workout, but I refuse to doubt though...
    Precious walks in and sat laid beside me;
   "I miss dad too" he admitted "I didn't imagine we going a Christmas without him"
"If only you'd have talked to him man to man....oh! You are not a man"
  He stared at me with a side eye;
     "I will find him and have that man to man talk"
" Hmmm.... " I smiled " I think I know where he is"

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