Chapter 1 // Mad House

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Sounds like I'll have to be replacing 24 new plates now. I guess I should get used to it, but the Prince never used to play target practise with the Queen's perfect China. Well, the Prince never used to do anything he does now since...

We're not allowed to talk about it, but a severe bereavement in the Royal family happened about a week ago. Let's just say that the 'Big Guy' isn't the 'Big Guy' anymore. It was so sudden - who knew that the rash on the back of your neck could cause you to collapse and die?

I heard thundering footsteps from above me, causing the rotting wood to creak and crack making a handful of dust fall onto my shoulder.

Ahh, the struggle of working in the kitchen/basement - having to wipe all those specs of dust off of your dress is very tiresome.

I finished washing all the plates and cutlery, leaving it to dry on the side of the metal sink. I grabbed the hand towel and rubbed it against my hands, drying them off. I turned around to look at the empty space before me.

The space was wider than it was high, counters lining the stone walls on either side, until - on the left side - the counters stopped to make way for the open fireplace that was always on. In front of the fireplace was the long, oak dining table (Imported from India, I'll have you know) all us servants eat our dinner on in the evenings. Each of the 20 chairs were neatly pushed under the table, making space for the normally busy room, but today it was quiet.

It was quiet because the King of Norway was visiting, which meant all the older servants had to be on show and serve everything, pampering the King into giving the Queen any money he had. But being the youngest had some advantages, like not being allowed upstairs and having to sit around, staring at a fire for almost a day. Well, it was better than being bossed around by a man I'd never met before.

But right now, it didn't sound to good up top. I could hear muffled shouts and heavy footsteps, thundering all over the place.

"I bet he's causing trouble again." I sighed quietly to myself, throwing the hand towel in my hands onto the wooden dining table in front of me.

Just as I was about to walk over and pull out a chair, a loud thump scared me out of my skin. I laid my hand over my chest, trying to calm myself down. Next was thump after thump after thump, then a loud scream. The thumps got a little slower, and there was more moving.

I stared up at the ceiling, wondering what on earth was happening.

Suddenly, the thumps stopped and it was all calm. I shook my head and slowly advanced forward, scraping a chair against the red-tiled floor and sitting on it.

I tapped my fingers against the hard wood of the table, puffing out my cheeks in boredom. Was there anything else to do? I'd cleaned the dishes, swept the floors, polished all the brass down here, swept up all the ashes from last night's fire, varnished the table-

"Min-Hyo!!!" A voice yelled after the bursting open of a door.

In the doorway was my best friend, Soon-Yi, staring at me wide eyed and panting.

I jumped to my feet, staring at her blonde curls bobbing up and down under neath her large black hair bow.

After a second, 2 other familiar servant girls struggled in, carrying the Prince with each of his arms over their shoulders. I pulled out the chair towards them, watching them push him down onto the chair with difficulty. The Prince's head swung back, showing me his bloody nose, black eye and busted lip. He gave me a wide grin before sitting forward, propping himself up with his elbows on his knees.

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