Chapter 19 // Fabrication

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"How about here?"



"That clashes, though."

"Just pick somewhere!" I sighed frustratedly.

All the servants were busy in the ballroom, putting up decorations for the Ball in a couple of days. At the moment, I was asking for Soon-Yi's opinion on where to put a drape of gold fabric at the back of the hall, and she was successfully annoying me.

"I'm sorry! How about..." She tapped her finger against her chin as I slowly descended the small step ladder and stood in front of her, hands on my hips. "Along there?"

She pointed to the spot we'd gone over about 10 times.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the step ladder with my foot over to where I needed to be, clambering up it and pinning the fabric to the bare wall.

After I was done, I stepped down and stood back, admiring the golden fabric against the white wall, the morning sun shining onto it from the window, making it glitter all around the room.

"We did a good job, Min-Hyo." Soon-Yi giggled, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and squeezing it.

"You mean I did a good job." I laughed.

"Hey! I told you were to put it!"

"I know," I smiled. "I know."

We suddenly went silent, just staring blankly at the decorated wall.

"Have you got a dress yet?" Soon-Yi spoke very quietly, still gripping my arm.

"I'm not sure if I even want to go." I whispered.

Soon-Yi let go of me and spun me to face her, gripping me tightly.

"How can you not want to go?!" She raised her voice. "It's a magical night where you can dress up and have a good time acting like a princess!"

"I-I-I know," I stuttered, raising my hand to my face. "But I just...I feel like I'd be the odd one out, you know? I've never even been to a Ball, I have no idea about the etiquette you're supposed to have!"

"It's simple - be yourself." Soon-Yi smiled softly at me, reassuring me slightly.

A sudden loud noise came from the other end of the hall, all of the servants stopped their chatter and looked.

It was Kyungsoo, running towards me with a goofy smile, his disheveled hair on top of his head and his shirt all crumpled.

"Min-Hyo!!" He yelled, skidding to a halt in front of me, grabbing my hand and dragging me back.

"Good Morning, Kyungsoo!" I chuckled, quickly following behind his eager footsteps.

He didn't say a word until we were outside the hall and halfway down the corridor.

"Quickly, get a coat!" He smiled widely as he swung me around, heading towards the servant's basement.

"Why? What for?" I asked, stopping by the door and getting my breath back.

"You'll see," He grinned. "I have a surprise for youu~!"


After I'd pulled on my shawl, Kyungsoo immediately pulled me out of the door, almost skipping.

He took me through the woods surrounding the castle, taking me through places I never knew existed before. We came to a part of the town centre I'd never seen before, and it was pretty deserted. He lead me through the backstreets, away from the hustle and bustle of a Tuesday morning.

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