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POT, written date : 15 April 2020, 17:23.


New worlds pass by. A second within our eyes turn into hours, days, months and years but what does it all go to? New turns into old,, everything becomes forgotten only for the same things to start and be remembered by the people within the past.

History becomes forgotten, unless important, no one will remember what happened as long as was/it relevant. People only remember the important events in past lives that built society as it is today.

How does time pass by so quickly one may ask? Because we all have so much to do with such limited time to do all of those things, while in-fact, one may feel that they have all the time in the world to do them, denying reality. This feeling is time pressure, almost indescribable. Allowing this emotion to engulf you, will extend your limitations so you end up realising you have so many things to go through and do,, but for others, it may not be the same case.

Time passes by slowly, when someone is gone within your life, or when you're not having fun. its expected that you mourn for a while or find something else to do that makes you happy. Sometimes its truthful but hurtful to say that, nothing always goes that one day you want it to go to. Weeks turn into years. 52 weeks and emotions within you, will tell you that nothing has changed. No more yellow, no more feelings, no more happiness ; but rather teardrops exit from your eyes and fall, drenching your cheeks. You become numb. For many people, time passes at a quick pace, almost like a toddler taking its own steps, each like everyday is crawling towards an end but in your heart, its always like nothing has been passed at all.

For example, Take into account of when you were in a study class,, the teacher has always been talking about something boring so you look at the clock and wish that time went quicker.. 'Has it been 30minutes already?' , 'Are we done yet?' are the thoughts that go through your mind, so you stare at the clock again only to find out that 5 minutes has passed. Everything is just the same. However in some cases, time could move so quickly, yet it could again, feel like everything is the same ; nothing has changed, everything has just been repeated.

First moments of coming into the world allow us to see the beautiful colours of our surroundings. As time passes by, our appearances change && nothing ever stays the same. New memories are made, new emotions are felt, but some people take the start for granted leaving them with nothing. As time passes, the world slowly begins to die. Colours are not like what we used to see before, but rather duller as the hand passes ever second within a clock ; within the ageing of time. Before, we could see the freshness of the greener around us, see new life bloom and set a new cycle but suddenly.. it starts to slowly all fade away. Its like everything gets taken for granted but it cannot be stopped at any means.. its out of humanities hand.

New experiences pass by through the passing of time. Old memories become flushed with new ones, yet no one really notices anything.. We all begin the forget most of the past moments in our lives and remember the little things in life. By the time everything has come to an end ; death is near. Only then, will people be able to see what time was like before in a matter of 7 second ; "My life flashed before my eyes. Goodbye."

Oh, What a beautiful sight.

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