Chapter 2: Family

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Jeremy and Pamela Mason did everything they could to help Pamela's younger sister Gina and her husband Matt Spellcaster, to get situated with the baby girl Jeremy's mother Ida found at the doorstep. They took her to the hospital to get check and the doctor said she was only just born at least an hour or two before they found her. They filed a police report but no news ever came about a missing child so they got the adoption paper and started the process. Gina was in a world of bliss, happy to finally becoming a mother even if it's not her own child. She would raise Angela as her own. They decided to keep the name she was given for two reasons. They felt the name fit her perfectly and out of recept of the person that named her but clearly couldn't keep her. Gina and Matt decided to go back home to New York and raise Angela there. But the concrete jungle of the city will turn a little angel into a fallen one.

*~*~*~*~14 years later*~*~*~*~*~

"If I catch you trying to bully her again, Ima rearrange your face! Nod your head if you understand!" A short Redhead said, holding a jock by his shirt collar, as he was on his knees and a bruise forming on his face already. He nodded his head quickly and she dropped him to the floor. Many feard her in the school. She wasn't part of any friend group and niches. She was the school's loner bad girl. She sighed and turned to the girl with round glasses. The smaller girl was clearly scarred from the whole situation but also scared of the girl that helped her. There were too many rumors about her so she wasn't surprised by this.

"He shouldn't bother you ever again so your welcome." She said to the girl, watching her flinch as she addressed her. Deciding to walk away first, the redhead continued down the hallway to lunch.

"W-wait, I-I uh.." the girl stuttered. The redhead paused and looked at the other girl. She took a breathe to calm her nerves.

"T-thank you A-Angela for-r helping-g m-me." She stuttered out, looking down nervously. Angela looked surprised she actually thanked her. She smiled softly at the smaller girl.

"No problem Jenny." She said walking away, shocking the girl that she actually knew her name.

Angela continued on to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. Putting on some headphones, she let her mind wonder, zoning out and letting her body go into autopilot. She looked around at the typical groups in the school. The popular kids, the art and music kids, the athleats, the nerds, the bad kids, and the stoners. She was more of a loner, she didn't try making friends realizing how fake people could actually be here. The bullying is terrible and no one stood up for anyone. So she does, and that just makes her even more of a loner because no one could be on the same level of empathy as her, they were either too scared or assholes. She know she was different from the rest. She grabbed her lunch and left the school grounds. She went to the park that's close to the school and decided to be in nature, in this contret jungle. Once she found the tree she likes she sat down to enjoy her lunch and continued to let her mind wonder.

In general she felt different from people, including her parents. There was just something about herself she noticed that's different. She always had heighten senses but lately she started notices things most people don't and see things a majority of people can't see. It started around two month ago, when she fainted during gym class. She doesn't remember what happened but apparently she fell unconscious randomly out of nowhere and was out for a couple hours. Doctors couldn't determine the cause and just told her to watch out for fainting spells but it never happened again. Since then she see and hears different entities and creatures. At first it freaked her out and felt like a freak, but her gut feeling told her to act like she doesn't see them and they wouldn't bother her. Since then she realized that those entities were ghosts.

'So now I'm a loner and a freak..' she sighed at the thought. She also noticed the black crystal around her neck tends to glow softly as well. It started doing that around the same time of her incident, luckily, only when she was alone. She didnt need people questioning her. This crystal is important to her, its been with her since birth. Whenever she asked her parents about it though, like where they got it, they always dodge the question or brush it aside because they weren't listening. She realized there's a big secret around it and her parents wouldn't tell her, or at least for now they wouldn't. Well thats what she hope for. She glaced at the time and noticed it was almost time for class. She was gonna be late if she didnt hurry back. Once she arrived back to school, the bell rang.

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