Chapter 3: Truth

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Angela's POV

I woke up the next morning drained. I felt numb, remembering everything that happened yesterday. It hurts... my chest feels too heavy. I sighed and looked around the room I was in. Henry's eldest daughter is away for college so he let me sleep in her room. His other kid is just two years older than me. She was shy so I didn't mind if she talked to me or not. His wife was a lovely lady, her kindness reminded me of my mom too much though... Numbness crept up and then I felt nothing, I guess I'm going to be on autopilot till the right time. I get ready for the day and exit out the room I'm in and take my bag with me. I had breakfast and then Henry drove me home to meet up with my aunt and uncle. They must be there already.

"How are you feeling this morning ?" He asked watching the road. I paused and thought of it over.

"Not good but ok for now? I guess I'm still in shock. I don't know how to feel."

I answered honestly, knowing he's asking about my parents but I'm thinking about them and the adoption papers. My aunt and uncle must know the truth. We arrive in front of my house, watching my aunt and uncle run out. Worse than my parents, my aunt and uncle are the literal words prim and proper. Luckily my parents didn't care if I was, but I know how they are with Sam since she chose the goth lifestyle. Stepping out of the car, I was bomb rushed into a group hug. The warmth of the hug brought tears to my eyes and the numbness slowly going away and sadness replacing it. I squeezed them tighter, wanting to cry but again my pride didn't allow me to.

"Aunt Pam, Uncle Jeremy, I really missed you guys," I said whipping a tear away. They smiled sadly and patted my head.

"Everything is going to be alright, sweetheart, just leave everything to us ok?" She said sweetly, sadness clear in her eyes. Of course, her little sister just died. But as an adult she won't grieve in front of me, she's being strong just for me. I really appreciate that so I gave her another hug. Uncle Jeremy turns to my principal.

"Thank you Mr. Madden for taking care of Angela, we really appreciate it and I know her parents would too." He said shaking his hand. He nodded.

"It was no problem, she may be just my student, but I see her as my own kid and I couldn't leave her by herself. And she didn't have anyone to rely on so of course, I stepped up." Henry said, messing my hair up. I glared at him and pushed his hand away.

"Henry you're so lucky you're an adult, I would have punched you for that," I mumble, fixing my hair. He chuckled, clearly hearing me.

"Well, I got to go and head to work, got a school to run. I'll handle all the paperwork and  her school transfer information for her new school. I'll need signatures but you can do it later when she's ready to clean out her locker." He said, heading toward his car, driving away.

We waved goodbye and stepped inside the house. There was an empty feeling in my stomach looking around. It didn't feel like home anymore even though nothing was out of place. My aunt place a hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly. I tried smiling back but it came out more like a grimace.

"So aunty, what's the plan?" I asked sitting at the kitchen table. She decided to make some food, I ate already but she insisted I'd eat more. Uncle Jeremy was on the phone with what I guess are the movers.

"Well sweetie, we're going to hire some movers and pack the whole house and your parent's belonging. For now, we just need to pack your room up, and whatever important things and document your parents put away. Everything here is under your name now, including this house. So if you ever want to come back and live here you have a place to stay. It's on a will they wrote when they had you." She said I caught the way she said that at the end. They didn't have me though. So they are keeping it a secret. I decided now was the best time to talk about this. I wanted an answer and I wasn't about to wait and see.

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