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A/n : I just remembered that I never tell you about me shifting back but I did shift back a couple of times and there was a time when I met Hades and Zeus and god kidnapped by a demigod who looked like a, well god but that is a different story and the time I shifted to MCU, But before I go back to the spicy bits I just want to tell you like my reaction and how I felt when I shifted back kind of to prepare you for what is there to come, I felt really dizzy when I came back but I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my face I felt so happy but I also wanted to go back really bad I never left a clone (apart from one time<- we don't talk about that. ) I got up and pulled open my window it was still night and no time had gone past I literally yelled this time (well not really but I did kind of whisper yell) 

"Thank you sooo much I fucking love you my g and thank you for this." 

But if you haven't been able to shift so far I want you to know that in my theory the universe is preparing you and making sure you are able to collect yourself when you shift back because especially if you shift for a long time you never feel satisfied with your reality, I don't know how to explain this but I think it would make you want to never come back but I want you to trust yourself and the universe, also friend_of_the_snails shifted and I am so happy for her if anyone wants to join our Instagram gc drop your @ its getting kind of dry and we need more people Ig I want to have people from all over the world, also this is Draco's idea to do like a country shout out that my readers are from and like do 3 facts on the country tell me how you feel about that.

@your friend over here ---->

 Let me get on with my story now, I apologise for the longevity of the author's note.

I was back in my bed and I woke up again at like 3 am I couldn't go back to sleep so I thought, why not go annoy my lovely Dorado   (don't ask).

"Draco?" I said walking in.

"Mhm" He replied still asleep.

"Hypothetically What if I was from a parallel universe where I am actually a muggle and that over there you are famous and other people go to another universe where they have seggs with you?" I ask standing there awkwardly, honestly don't even ask why I said that by now you should know that I don't think before I speak.

"Really that's nice," He muttered.

"No I am dead siriu- Serious," I say.

"This is stupid because even if you here you would still be a powerful witch if you could just change universes and there cant be more than one me." He says suddenly awake and sitting up.

"Niya?  Is this really hypothetical?" He asks looking at me worried.


"I think u had too much fire whiskey," He says pulling me onto his bed. and I didn't bother correcting him or telling him that actually, it was him who drank a lot I had like 3 sips.

I just stared at the ceiling for ages before I finally said "Draco?"


"I can't fall asleep," I say turning to face him.

"But I am sleep-" But before he could finish I decided to wake him up, I kissed him, and this time I give the kiss 9/10.

"Never mind I am suddenly awake." He said. 

I fiddle with my umm top because Ig If cissy gave me a you-know-what It was he blessing Ig that meant she didn't mind did she? Anyways umm one of the reasons I wanted to shift is because I wanted to get railed...badly (GOD IF U KNOW ME I AM SO SORRY aka Yanna and Nyx)

"I don't think you are sober enough for that." He said looking at me amused. 

"Then sober me up dummy," I say, 

"Pixie I don't think you are ready for this you don't know what you are asking for." 

"What do you mean I am not ready! you have no idea How ready I am." I said. (In fact, I was so ready I shifted fucking realities for this and to hug Neville but this as well) I couldn't hide my embarrassment or hurt.

"It's not just that you're not ready but I also want it to be special for you." He said understanding.

"You would think deflowering me would be special enough but nooo," I say turning around no longer facing him and I let my tears fall, I mean it was so embarrassing but the feeling of rejection stung, I felt like it wasn't that he thought I wasn't ready (because that's stupid) but he didn't want to so he was prolonging it, I shifted back that night I guess it was too much for me.

Thank you for being with me until now guys it means a lot and here are my manifestations for you guys.

My followers will shift tonight.

My followers will shift tonight.

My followers will shift tonight.

My readers will shift tonight.

My readers will shift tonight.

My readers will shift tonight.

My voters will shift tonight.

My voters will shift tonight.

My voters will shift tonight.

People who comment in my book will shift tonight.

People who comment in my book will shift tonight.

People who comment in my book will shift tonight.

The person reading this will shift tonight and will be able to shift back and forth easily for the rest of their lives (amen).

The person reading this will shift tonight and will be able to shift back and forth easily for the rest of their lives (amen).

The person reading this will shift tonight and will be able to shift back and forth easily for the rest of their lives (amen).

So I just want to say how proud I am of you and right now I just realised how much I miss old Dracotok before it got all toxic if it hadn't been for that I would never know about any of this I am no professional but one person who helped me shift is shimeyshay in youtube I love you and if you don't know her check her out, But thank you for not giving up, it means a lot you will get there and it will be today and if not another day but it will happen so hang on don't give all of it up (because that would be so friking stupid.

I was going to stop writing but I realised that I inspire and give hope to most of you guys and that in it is rewarding enough, my phone got taken away and my Laptop is having problems, but I promise you I will try my best to continue writing for you guys, Right now I am just trying to get my rich uncle to buy me a new laptop but he is not budging 😭 so it's all up to me, but thank you for the votes and your funny af comments (feel free to spam I read them all)  and the fact that I have 2.2k already its so shocking in the next chapter or the one after might Be Draco message number 3 so once again if you have any questions ask way----> 

Also, feel free to @ your friends, I love you forever and always and even though my life is not the best at the moment you guys light it up <3<3<3 (Gosh I sound so friking mushy)

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