Chapter 1

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A girl of age 18 with long wavy dark brown almost black hair was being escorted in goblin made chains to the shore of the lake for her exicution with 6 Aurars with their wands trained on her. Her red cloak billowed around her but a black silk dress sheilded her from the bitter cold. There was a small crowd of reporters, Potter, and a couple of teachers from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry stood by the shore, all looking worn out and broken from the battle. Her brown eyes flashed blue but an aurar pulled the cloak over her head. Her bare feet were wet from the morning dew. Her ivory skin was flawless. A burning rage burned in her chest as she laid her eyes on none other then The-Boy-Who-Lived. He was the source of her pain and for that he would pay. The Aurar took her cloak off and she saw the Minister standing there with a Dementor. This is how it ends... Those words circled her mind. She was made to stand on a solid steel plateform as the Aurars locked her chains in all four corners of it, ensuring she couldn't move. The Minister cleared his throat as she turned her eyes on him. He looked away, refusing to meet her deadly gaze. He unfolded a roll of parchment. "We are gather here today to wittness Sapphire Gaunt Riddle's exicution," Sapphire rolled her neck and came to look at the dementor with no fear. "The crimes are as follows," the Minister cleared his throat again. "Murder of the first degree of Sirius Regulas Black, Murder of the first degree of Ginerva Weasley, Murder of the first degree of Ronald Weasley, Murder of the first degree of Hermione Jean Granger, Murder of the first degree of Neville Longbottom," She looked over at Harry Potter who glared at her with a mixture of hate, malice, and extremely murderious causing her to grin but an Aurar stepped in front of him causing her to chuckled. "Murder of the first degree of Albus Purcival Wilfrick Brian Dumbledore, Murder of the first degree of Charity Barbage," Sapphire chuckled. "Those were my finest achievements." She was told to be silent. She knew he was nearing the end of the list. "Murder of the second degree of Fred Weasley, Murder of the first degree of Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin, and Finally," he lowered the roll of parchement. "Murder of the first degree of Severus Tobius Snape, along with many muggle families." He finished. She clentched her jaw as she lowered her head. She took a calming breath. "The penalty of these crimes... is death by Dementor's kiss." He said. She raised her head and met the hallow sockets of the Dementor. A sinister grin spread on her lips as the clouds grew darker. "Hello, old friend." She greeted.

Ok, ok we're getting ahead of our selves in the story. Let go to the beginning where it all started.

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