Chapter Two: Edenus Ten Years After

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Noble: Riolu, use Vacuum Wave!

Lena: Evade, Zoroark!

Today, the twin royals are training their partner Pokémon. Ten years after King Aaron had passed, Lucinda has assumed control of the Kingdom of Edenus, and the twins are now 19 years of age.

Lena: Now, use Flamethrower!

Lena's Zoroark lands a devastating blow against Noble's Riolu, who lands on the ground, fainted from the battle.

Noble: I lost... Again...

Lena: Are you feeling okay, Noble? This is your 365th loss already.

Noble, despite having the type advantage, couldn't grasp victory. This has been a regular occurrence since they started battle training the year previous.

Noble: Why...?

???: Is your father's death still troubling you after all these years, young master?

Noble's personal attendant, Philia, approaches the pair of royals, as well as Lena's butler, Jakob.

Noble: I wish not to speak on that topic...

Philia: Yes, young master. I apologize.

The woman bows for a pardon, and Noble picks up Riolu.

Noble: If you please?

Philia: I will nurse him to health.

Lena: Jakob, would you like to assist me in grooming Zoroark's fur?

Jakob: Of course, milady.

As the other two leave with their Pokémon, Noble heads off on his own, to his usual alone time spot. There is a hill on the castle grounds with a single tree growing at the top of it. This was King Aaron's favorite spot to sneak away to with his Queen when they were younger. Since his father's death, Noble had begun to occupy the space, trying desperately to fill the emptiness there. The young prince lowers himself to the ground, and lays in the shade of the tree. He looks into the bright midday sky, watching as the clouds race by.

???: Sol.

Noble looks to his side, and sees an Absol lay next to him. This was Philia's partner. He had helped Philia bring Noble out of dangerous situations many a time.

Noble: Absol...? Do you think...if you were with father that day...he would still be...?

???: I doubt that, Prince Noble.

Noble: Logan.

Edenus' Prince sits up from his spot, and faces his friend.

Noble: Why are you here?

Logan: No reason. My father dragged me here, so I didn't exactly have a choice. And I'd rather be around you than listen to his politics for hours on end.

Noble: I see... I feel the same way, honestly.

Logan: Did you lose to your sister again?

Noble: How could you tell?

Logan: Your Riolu isn't with you.

Noble: What about your Pokémon?

Logan: Frogadier is still at home, training.

Noble: I see... Everyone around me is growing and getting stronger... And then there's me...

Logan: Yeah, that's true. You're becoming more and more pathetic by the day.

Noble: You're right...

Logan: ...

The two fell silent, until Logan finally sighed.

Logan: Just going to take those now? Before you'd get all competitive on me.

Noble: What's the point of denying it if it's true at this point...? The way I am now, I'm not fit to be King...

Logan: I know that, but you could at least talk tough while other people are around. Your negativity is really starting to show, and I don't think your subjects will appreciate being invaded once you ascend the throne. If your subjects see your weakness, so will your enemies.

Noble: What...? Edenus doesn't have enemies.

Logan: I wouldn't be so sure.

???: Prince Logan, it's time for us to be leaving.

Logan: Right. Thank you, Skylar.

Skylar, one of Logan's attendants, gives Noble a friendly wave as the pair leave him for home. As they leave, Noble heard little paws in the grass running towards him. Riolu had made his recovery, and sits next to Noble.

Riolu: Rio...?

Noble: I'm...fine.

Noble puts on a fake smile as he pets Riolu's head.

Philia: Prince Noble. Queen Lucinda wishes to see you as soon as possible.

Noble: Okay. Thank you, Philia.

Noble stands as he walks back to the castle with Riolu. After walking the halls, he finally enters the throne room, seeing his mother, Lucinda, sitting there and holding his father' staff.

Lucinda: Noble.

Noble: Mother...

Lucinda takes a swift look at the Riolu by his leg, then back to Noble.

Lucinda: It would seem your training is not bearing fruit.

Noble: ...are you disappointed...?

Lucinda: Not at all, my son. I am only worried.

Noble: I am sorry, Mother... I am trying, I really am...

Lucinda: I know. For now, you must continue to-

Royal Guard: Your Majesty!

Lucinda: ...? What is it? Speak.

Royal Guard: An unidentified golden ring has appeared around the outskirts of the Kingdom! Three of them to be more precise! And what's more, Crimean Soldiers are pouring out in astonishing numbers!

Lucinda: Crimean forces?! But they were just...!

Noble: Logan...?!

Lucinda: Engage them in battle at once! I will join you shortly!

Royal Guard: But your Majesty, you-!

Lucinda: I will not hear objections! Move, soldier! Noble, you stay here.

Noble: But I want to help!

Lucinda: As you are now, you cannot.

Lucinda turns back to the Royal Guard who reported to her.

Lucinda: Summon Lena, Jakob, and Philia to meet me on the front line.

Royal Guard: Yes'm!

Lucinda: Where is the enemy?

Royal Guard. They are approaching from the north, southwest, and southeast, your Majesty!

Lucinda: I shall handle things in the north. Send a message to the lord of Terraria to send forces down south for a pincer attack. As for the southeast and southwest, send Lena and Abadon southwest, and Philia and Jakob southeast!

Royal Guard: Yes ma'am!

With that, Lucinda and the guard leave the throne room, leaving Noble there alone.

Noble: I...I need to help... But I'm not strong enough...! I'll only get in the way...!

???: Go. Head north.

Noble: What...? Who said-?

???: Just go. There is no time.

Noble, heeding the mysterious voice's warning, heads out with his Riolu partner as they head to the northern mountains to meet the Crimean forces.

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