Chapter Nine: Terraria's Rebirth

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Upon entering Terraria's estate property, Noble is taken to see Dante, who was already looking at the stones he had.

Dante: These...are Mega Stones. A Lucarionite, and Catalyst Stone to be more precise.

Noble: Mega Stones?

Dante: You don't know what those are?

Noble: Vaguely... I just know my father could use it with his Lucario. I just don't know how he does it.

Dante: I see... Well, then let me give you the basics then. Mega Stones allow a Pokémon to achieve what's called a Mega Evolution. However, this can only be achieved when the warrior and Pokémon share an incredibly strong bond with other, and you must have the appropriate stone. When your Riolu evolves, you'll be able to access this amazing power.

Noble: I see...

Dante: But considering the rate you're going at right now, it may be a while until that happens.

Alora: Dante, that was uncalled for...!

Noble: No, he's right. I know I have a ways to go until I gain Riolu's full trust.

Dante: At least you acknowledge your weaknesses. That's one thing that I like about you, Prince Noble.

Noble: Really?

Dante: Mm. It must have been a long ride here. You should rest yourselves. I have something I need to handle.

Noble: What is it?

Dante: The Magma Masters. I've received a report that they're dangerously close to Groudon's volcano, and I need to step in and stop them while my father is away.

Alora: I'll go with you.

Dante: No, it's okay. Me and my personal guard will be enough to handle a bunch of lackeys like them.

Noble: You should never underestimate your opponent. We'll go with you.

Dante: ...guess I can't stop you... Sure, why not? But you, Alora, you stay.

Alora: But why?!

Dante: I don't want you getting hurt. These guys are dangerous. After all...they...

Dante pauses, looks over at Noble, then shakes his head.

Dante: They're dangerous.

Alora: I've been in battles before!

Dante: I know that! And do you know how worried I get every time you're out of sight on the battlefield?! If you were out there, not only could you gravely hurt yourself, you'll be hurting me too since I won't be able to focus on the enemy.

Alora glares at her twin brother with tears in her eyes as she turns and runs off to her room.

Noble: Was that smart...?

Dante: She'll get over it... Let's go. We don't have time to waste standing around for much longer. I know a way into the volcano's crater. Follow me.

Noble: Right... Okay. Lead the way.

Following Dante through the mountains and caves of Terraria, he leads them to the crater of Groudon's home volcano. But they were too late. The Magma Masters had already found their way in and were pouring out in droves, along with a taller male who was wearing an upgraded version of their uniform. That was the leader of the cult, Maximus.

Dante: Dammit...! Let's go, before he reaches Groudon!

Now it was a race against the clock. The presence of Noble and his group immediately alerted the enemy, as they grouped up to protect their leader. Overall, the Magma Masters were no pushovers, as most of Noble's group didn't have any water type Pokémon, or anything super effective against Fire, Ground, or Rock types other than Riolu's Fighting moves for the Rocks. But thankfully, Dante was strong enough to handle most of them off with his Umbreon thanks to it's tanking capabilities. And at another entrance to the crater, Alora had made her way into the battle as well.

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