What the Hell

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   Trying out a new writing style, hope it'll work nicely. And fair warning there will be mentions of violence, gore, and swearing.

The night sky's beautiful stars hid away from the bloody battle below. The two foes exchanged brutal blows, the only difference was that one of them healed his wounds.

The once peaceful village lays in ruins. Any and all humans who once lived here were long dead.

One of the figures fighting was the ever so feared demon king, Kibutsuji Muzan. Although his finely made suit was covered in blood, he showed no signs of weakening. His face was twisted into a scowl as he launched attack after attack at the evasive demon slayer.

The second figure was a hashira, the night hashira to be exact. She panted heavily, dodging almost every strike Muzan threw at her. Of course, she could not outmaneuver all of them, that was evident by the multiple injuries that cut deep into her very being. Her haori whose original color was black with white star desights near the end was turned crimson and brown. She raised her dark blue almost black nichirin blade high before charging again.

Both were highly skilled opponents, but both knew only one would survive the battle.

The wounds that etched themselves into your body burned with each movement, but you paid no mind to that. Your only focus was the demon in front of you.

Focus, you mustn't lose control. Control your breathing, control your movements and give this bastard what he deserves.

You felt the hand pierce through your chest, a scream tore through your throat. Blood gushed out the newly acquired wound, while the demon king merely smirked above you.

"I'm impressed human, you nearly killed me." his cold taunting voice seemed to echo throughout the area.

A cough escaped your mouth while you glared up at the monster in front of you. Your hands gripped your katana so hard your knuckles turned white. Shakily you stood, positioning yourself once more to attack.

"I have an offer for you hashira," Muzan began. "Become a d-"

"Fuck no!" You snarled as you slashed at the demon. "No way in hell am I becoming a demon!"

Muzan growled throwing you to the side like a rag doll. Wincing from the wounds littering your body you rose again. You can not let this monster live. No, you will not let him live.

Even if it kills you, even if your body aches in pain, and even if you know the grief that will be left behind when you die.

You won't let this monster roam free.

Forgive me you thought as you readied yourself. I don't believe I will be able to come back alive.

"Third form, shooting star!" Blasting forward at such a speed even Muzan could not follow, your blade came upon his neck etching its way through.

A scream ripped through Muzan's mouth, his plum eyes shaking with rage. The nichirin blade was so close to cutting off his head. When finally his head torn off his body, flying through the air.

A second of relief.

A second your guard lowered.

A second of false hope.

That's all Muzan needed. Despite being headless, he tore your arm off with a twist. Shock and horror reflected in your eyes only to be replaced by rage.

Your body now tired and exhausted finally collapsed to the ground.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Damit! You cursed. You watched helplessly as Muzan approached you, his hand reaching for your head. Then suddenly everything went black.


A gasp ripped through your throat as you jolted up. Your hands skimmed your body but found no signs of blood.

Wincing at the bright light, you let your pale blue eyes adjust to the room. You looked around confused. You sat in a black leather chair and in strange foreign clothing. You quickly took notice of your lack of nichirin blade.

What the hell... I definitely should be died.

A low chuckle made you stiffen and snap towards a male who sat opposite of you. He sat behind a dark wooden desk in a leather chair of his own.

He has long white hair and golden calculating eyes. His posture showed confidence and looked quite similar to a predator looking down upon his prey.

"I see you are awake, (l/n) (y/n)" narrowing your eyes at the strange man, you came to a conclusion. This man was a demon. No doubt about it. He has the presence of a demon and seemly was extremely powerful. "There's no reason to be so hostile, I am the one who brought you back to life."

Fist clenched as you glared at him. Attempting to move or do anything would be futile as you no longer had your katana. "Who the fuck are you, and why the hell am I here?!"

"How vulgar of you, but to answer your question I am Karlheinz pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"That sentiment is not shared," you spat. "If you're going to kill me, get on with it."

"Why would I kill you when I went through all the trouble of bringing you here?" Karlheinz asked. "I brought you here to make sure Komori Yui does not die."

You pause before giving him a are you fucking kidding me look. "Am I suppose to know who that is demon?"

He blinked at the name before smirking slightly. "I would not which is why I am going to explain everything to you, I should let you know something."

"Although the term demon is correct, I prefer the term vampire,"

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