It's official, whatever gods are out there... They hate me

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    You stared at the 'vampire' in front of you, watching his every movement. He leaned forward, clearly amused by the weariness you expressed.

"Currently you are not here physically, neither am I," Karlheinz explained. "Your body is still intact and in your world, and I believe your allies have already recovered it."

"So I'm not really here... That's fucking weird," you muttered.

Ignoring her comment Karlheinz continued. "My goal is to create a new demon race, a race that is immune to a disease called Endzeit. That is where Yui comes in, she will be Eve, the mother of this new race. It's Yui's job to choose an Adam, a father for this race. Her choices are out of my sons and the Mukami, where she'll choose one and fix them."

You frowned at the word fix. In order to fix something, it had to be broken first.

As if he read your mind he answered your question. "I had my wives... Prepare them for the project."

"Prepare them? Bullshit," you snarled. "You mean abused them, break them, I haven't known you for very long and I already hate you."

He sighed. "You wouldn't understand-"

"No shit, I have morals."

A more irritable sigh left his mouth. "It doesn't matter, I would simply like to make a deal with you."

"A deal with the devil, why the hell would I make a deal with you?!" He narrowed his eyes, a dark look overtook his features.

"Because you are not dead yet, you can still return to your body." Your fists clenched, oh so badly itching to wrap around his neck. "My deal is you keep Yui alive and when she awakens you can return home."


"Yes, but so far she has yet to survive that long," he sighed tiredly.

"So you brought her back to life after each death?"

"More of I reverse time, it's quite annoying the number of times she's died."

You seemly had two choices. Keep this 'Yui' alive and go back to your world, or deny his request and potentially die. Perhaps he would just reverse time and repeat this interaction. You shuttered, time manipulation. What a terrifying powerful ability, something that cannot be given to Muzan.

"...Why me? You could have chosen anyone, why me?" you asked.

"Simple, yourself being a demon slayer means you can do what humans normally cannot. You will not easily bow down to my sons, so that can either make you die faster or make you survive longer than Yui."

"You talk as if I am Yui..."

"You are quite observant, that will prove helpful for you." Karlheinz went on. "Will you protect Yui's body until she awakens?"

"...I have a feeling this isn't a choice, that this conversation might happen again if I deny, maybe this conversation has already happened."

"You catch on fast, but I would prefer you complete coordination."

"Fine, I'll keep Yui alive. You better keep your end of the deal."

"I am many things, a liar is not one of them,"


"I doubt that," you snapped back at Karlheinz. With a wave of his hand, your vision went black. You felt your seemly soul rip apart before being stitched back together.

A gasp left your lips as you sat up straight. You looked around and notice yourself in a white seat... Inside a black moving box of metal...

What the fuck, is this some sort of small train you thought desperately looking around. Fucking Karlhellz didn't inform me of this!

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