Is Murdering a Vampire an Excuse to Avoid School?

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    Pale blues blinked as you slowly sat up from your bed. Looking around at the annoyingly pink room in slight confusion before recalling the bullshit that happened. A groan escape your lips, dammit so it wasn't a fucking dream. Before you could attempt you get out of bed, Laito teleported on top of you.

Frowning at Laito's sudden weight, your hands twitch to strangle him. You honestly had no idea if vampires needed oxygen, but hey, only one way to find out.

"Hey there Bitch-chan~" Laito licked his lips while scanning your body. "Oh my, your body looks so good in that nightgown. Though it would look better on the floor~" He began to crawl over to where you laid. He was basically asking to be strangled.

Sadly before you could figure out if vampires need to breathe, Ayato shoved Laito off of your bed. "I already told you that pancake here is ore-sana's" he snapped before turning to you. "And you, get ready were going to school."

"...School?" you mutter already dreading the day. It wasn't that you weren't smart, it was just you were apparently in the future and... You never got the chance to have much of an education. "Great."

"My I love that expression your-"

This time you ready did strangle him.



Making your way downstairs, disappointed once again... Attending school was mandatory. Wearing the school's uniform which consisted of a black jacket, a black skirt with yellow buttons, and white and red bow ties around the neck. You absolutely detested the skirt. Honestly, it would be better to burn it in the fireplace.

Making it down to the table for breakfast, you took a seat by Reniji finding him the least annoying so far. Looking around the table at the mouthwatering food, you sighed Rengoku would have loved this.

"Oi Reniji tell pancake the rules so I can eat!" Ayato yelled from his placement at the table.

Reniji glared at Ayato for his lack of manners. "Very well. As Ayato has already informed you, we attend a night school. You are expected to attend school and receive high grades. Skipping or getting low grades won't be tolerated." Reniji continued. "And if you inform anyone of our true nature or that you are in danger that person will die and you will be punished."

"Great, anything else that isn't obvious?" you asked sarcastically rolling your eyes. "Or is there more bullshit?"

"Your language must be corrected," Reniji muttered. "But to nothing that you shouldn't already know, you have been to school before right?"

Hahaha no. "Do you take me as someone uneducated," you said but knowing perfectly well you have never been to school.

"Good, it would be a hassle to explain more to you," Reniji said. Finally being allowed to dig in, everyone started to eat (except Shuu because he's a lazy bastard). The situation could only be described as tense. No one spoke and everyone was glaring at each other. Ayato was stuffing his face, Laito was... Making suggestive gestures towards you, Reniji was eating politely, Shuu was listening to music (not that you knew what the weird headband he was wearing was), Kanato eating an assortment of sweets and Subaru was eating but doing the most glaring out of anyone. Honestly, you have only been here for a day, and you were done with this shit.

After finishing breakfast you made your way being 'kindly' guided by Ayato to the 'car' whatever that was. Arriving out the door to the 'car' you realized it was the small train, but the car was a whole lot bigger than the first one you arrived in. Taking a look at the seats available, Ayato attempted to drag you towards the back. Keyword attempted. You removed his hand with ease and just to spite him sat down in the back without his help.

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