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warnings -
language, mentions of drug use/addiction,
mentions of alcoholism, mentions of neglect.

. . .

Faith Lee Finch. Rafe Cameron.

They could have easily been strangers until they died. They could have never walked past each other on the dry and hot streets of the Outer Banks. They could never have had to make that first awkward small talk. Never sit next opposite each other in an uneasy silence while one of the two waited stressfully for Barry to, in someone's words, "get his shit". Three guesses whose "shit" it was and what "shit" it is. "Faith and Rafe" certainly did not need to be spoken in the same sentence. Without a doubt, they could have never met each other. Should have never.

But shit happens.

So much fucking shit happened in the space of two months. Those sixty days would become the most exciting, painful, exhausting, depressing, romantic, memorable and regretful moments Faith would ever experience - even though she might not agree on all the adjectives used.

Faith was intelligent and a master at reading people, but 'people' did not include Rafe Cameron.

From the first moment they met when she staggered into her cousins cramped and empty household, just a few seconds of eye contact took her prisoner in this cage that seemed to be surrounding him. An invisible cage to anyone else, but she could feel the cold metal bars brushing against her hesitant hand as she opened the doors to them and he welcomed her right in.

Unbeknownst to both of them at that moment, Faith was all that Rafe wanted to know. Rafe was all that Faith wanted to see. Of course, the pair only got to know and see what was said and shown by another. For a long time, Faith saw only what she wanted to see from Rafe and this was the incredible part. The euphoric part.

Although as those days turned into weeks, some things changed and Rafe's cage was becoming smaller the closer he and Faith got. The painful part. And Faith was never given the key to unlock the cage.

Addiction was a major factor that played in Rafe's life and Faith happened to be his favourite one, because she didn't come with a price tag or an overbearing comedown. She brought some sort of energy with her that was more addicting than any drug Rafe could ever imagine. He hated it. He hated her. For the longest time, he wanted to grab her delicate cold jaw with his rough hand, pull her close, force her to look at him, really look at him, and ask her what the fuck she's doing to him. He did worse.

Abandonment. It was a recurring event in Faith's teenage years. Alcoholic mother who was never home; either in a bar, a desperate man's bed or in her own bed for three days passed out and suffering a head banging hangover. Her mother had a good soul though and never laid a hand on Faith. That made it harder when Faith was taken into social services at fourteen. She wished she hated her mother. She learnt that it's easier to forget people when you hated them. Meeting Rafe only proved that point more.

The Outer Banks; certainly a paradise on earth when Faith first visited when she was thirteen. Five and half years later, she decided to return and wasn't planning on staying more than she needed to. . . But that was before Rafe Cameron glanced in her direction under her oblivious nature and decided he would like to get a better look at her.

He would consume her before she got the chance to walk the other way.


help idk what i'm doing
i haven't wrote in like over a year
so sorry if this sucks
literal ass but i'm in no
way a professional writer ,
just a whore <3

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