What's lost by one is found by another

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Soon morning had arrived for many and the golden sun was shining throughout the chilly land with a champagne like hue laying across the cold morning mist. Frost fell from the trees as small morning birds landed upon their branches and called out to each other through song. It was a beautiful morning anyone would wake up early to get a glimpse of. That is except for the search party that UN had sent out yesterday to look for Estonia. They had been searching late into the night and had sadly come back empty handed. There had been traces of Estonia upon their search such as broken tree branches or scuffed dirt from where she had run but eventually that came to a dead end and no further trace could be found. A more thorough search might have proven to be more successful in their hunt for Estonia but as of now even her disappearance was kept in secrecy and things such as search helicopters and vehicles would make it quite the opposite.

Finland after getting a better nights rest had woke up to the gentle morning light shining through his bedroom window and now rested his eyes and listened to the birds as they sung outside. At least until he heard his house phone ring in the next room. Finland was quick to get up and rush to the phone hoping it was some positive news about Estonia. "Hello?" Finland answered upon putting the phone to his head.

"Hello Finland." The voice on the other end would be that of UN. The head of the search party had given UN a report of their findings of which now UN had to pass on to Finland. "Did they find her?! Is she safe?!" The worried Finn hastily asked the other. A sigh could be heard from UN on the other side before giving the bad news. "No, No Finland they didn't."
Upon hearing those words a sinking feeling of disappointment could be felt in Finland's chest.

"What about evidence? A trail? Just any clues to where she is?" Finland asked in a desperate tone hoping the search hadn't left them with nothing at all to aid Estonia's search.

"The only trail they could find lead them to a dead end, sorry Finland. Once the search party has rested they can go out and try again." UN would answer to them only to be left with a short pause of silence on Finland's end of the phone as he thought. "Then i need to get out there and start searching too. She needs someone to find her.." Finland says, already on his way to the door to put his boots on. "I see, then i wish you luck. Goodbye Finland." And with that UN hung up. Fin placed his phone aside and tied his boots then swings his coat on and makes his way outside. He didn't want to waste any time he could be using to search for his friend. Before he went anywhere else Finland went to his shed that sat just beside his cabin to pick up some supplies.

The first of the items he gathered was a rope. He hoped he wouldn't have to use it on Estonia themselves but remembering how Estonia had acted towards him the first night he might have no choice. After swinging it over his shoulder Finland also picked up an old lantern that could be lit with matches. Although it was early morning and light outside right now he would no doubt need it later, Finland planned to continue searching late into the dark. Before leaving the shed Finland took a spare coat and a thermal blanket to warm up Estonia if he happened to find her that night. It probably wasn't going to cover her very well while he was some tall monster like creature but it was the best he had.

Closing his shed door he walked back to the front of his house a mound of snow would sit. Finland pushed off the snow and lifted some sort of cover to reveal a small winter sled. He'd neatly place down his items into it then pull the sled out of it half buried hole in the snow.

Finland pulled the sled over to his reindeer Pippuri who had found another patch of lichen to graze on. "Come on Pippuri. We need to go find Estonia." He would say as he took the reindeer harness from the back of the sled where it was usually kept and carefully put it on Pippuri.

The harness was decorated in a few shiny golden bells that rang out as Pippuri moved, this would let Finland know where she was at all times even if she wasn't visible in the trees and the snow only having to listen out for the ring of the bells. After making sure she was comfortable he would hook the sled up to the reindeer and then a lead to her halter. Now that everything was packed and ready Finland began leading Pippuri towards Estonia's house where they were going to begin their search. Finland hoped he'd be able to find more then the search party had been able to.

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