Chapter 32

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"Um.... It's complicated" I reply, taking a step back and trying to usher them into the kitchen. Tai protested at first my want for a quick dinner and to send them on their way but I suspect that he is now fully on board with my plan and I hope he won't offer them dessert but still make it for us.

"And just look at what you're wearing!" She grips my shoulders and turns me to take in the full outfit.

"Mom, I just want to be comfortable while I'm relaxing."

"Fine fine. Just don't make a habit out of it, no one likes a slovenly lady."

"I think she looks great" Tai stands next to me and wraps a hand around to my waist before kissing the side of my head. He gives me a reassuring squeeze before guiding me to the kitchen. He whispers to me so my parents can't hear "Can I kick her out yet?"

"Not yet" I reply, wrapping my arm around his wider waist and returning the squeeze with a smile. "But thank you."

"Smells great in here" my dad says, as he follows us to the large island in the center of the room. Tai goes back to the stove

"Thanks! Y/n said Katsudon sounded good, so her wish was my command" he half lies. We both know it's because it's my mom's favorite but it also did sound really good today.

"Linda, it looks like you're in luck" My dad tries to bring my mom into the conversation as she scrutinizes the kitchen. The second we got home, I started cleaning. His place is well kept but I know my mom judges every corner of places she visits.

"Yeah, suppose I am" my mom mutters.

"Can I get you two something to drink?" I offer "there's milk, water, beer, wine, tea,......"

"Wine please" my mom says at the same time my dad asks for a beer.

I pour the glass of my mom's preferred wine and take the top off one of my dad's favorite beers. I get Tai a beer too.

"Thank you" Tai says with a smile as he takes it from me, finishing up our meal. He takes everything off the stove and assembles large individual bowls for everyone. There's still a family size portion left that I'm already excited to eat for lunch tomorrow.

We all take our food and drinks into the dining room. Tai sees that I didn't pour myself a drink so he gets me both a glass of water and a sweet wine.

Tai raises his glass once we're all settled "to family and good conversation"

"Well said" My dad comments and clinks his glass with Tai's. I raise my glass and join them. My mom just finishes her glass with a shrug. Tai gets up and brings both bottles of wine plus a couple extra beers. It's probably a good call.

Tai is sitting next to me and he makes sure our thighs are touching so he can nudge me whenever he wants.

"I hope you're not leading this poor man on, y/n" my mother says when we're half way through the meal.

"What do you mean?" I look at her like she's crazy and hope she'll shut up.

"Well we all know who you're going to end up with, so I don't exactly know what you're doing here? Is it a rebellious stage like when you gained all that weight when you were a teen? I see it happening again now, and I'm worried you're going to go back to that." She finishes her wine and pours herself another.

Tai starts to take a deep breath like he's going to say something, but I squeeze his thigh gently in request for him to hold his tongue for a moment. "Mom, Tai is my boyfriend. I'm never going back to Mike. He cheated on me and I will not be with someone who doesn't value me enough to not sleep with other women. Now I would appreciate if we could talk about literally anything else other than what you think are mistakes on my part."

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