Chapter 5

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I open my eyes to see the worried face of Tai not far from mine.

"Sorry. I got a little dizzy." I say, trying to force a smile.

"Do you feel sick?" He asks, concerned.

"Just low blood sugar" I reply, trying to sit up, but he puts a finger on my shoulder, encouraging me to stay down.

"Does this happen often?" He gets his phone out and I look down to see that he's taken his jacket off and that's whats draped over me keeping me warm.

"No. I just missed a couple meals today. It's not an issue." I wave him off and sit up. My head spins and I have to lay back down again.

"That's a big issue. I'm ordering dinner. Do you have any allergies?"

"I'm fine. I'll eat when I get home."

"Y/n. Stop. You passed out, you are not fine." His tone is firm as he places an online order for delivery. He takes a deep breath after he puts his phone away and pulls an overstuffed chair over to the couch, propping his feet up close to mine.

I decide not to fight him on it. I should be worried about the type of food coming, but I'm almost guaranteed to be in a calorie deficit for the day. We sit in heavy, but comfortable silence until he goes downstairs to meet the delivery guy.

"It's probably not a good time to tell you this, but I have to reschedule our lunch tomorrow." I say, forcing myself to sit up to eat. I spin his jacket over my shoulders to keep myself warm in the frigid room.

The food laid in front of me on the side table he dragged over is a mix of healthy and unhealthy but also way too much for the two of us.

"Why?" He asks, pulling his eyebrows together in confusion.

"I got a call from my buddy at the police department and he needs my help."

"Doing what? And why on your break?"

"If I tell you, I have to tell you my quirk. Do you want the game to end?" I counter, selecting what looks like a healthy entree and a cup of fruit from the spread. I really want the unhealthy food, but I can't seem to let myself indulge.

"Your quirk can be used at a police department? I feel like I'm no closer to figuring it out than when I hired you." He shakes his head, picking up a family sized tray of takoyaki.

"Who says I'm using it at the department? I told you it's a friend from there." His face is so confused with a hint of annoyance and I can't help but throw him a bone "it will be used at the department tomorrow. In an interrogation room, to be precise."

"I'm at a loss." He shakes his head "have you gone to do this before?"

"Sure. Every couple months I get a call to go."

"And you always go on your lunch break?"

"I do."

"Stop that. Go on company time." He shovels in a few bites and finishes off the tray before picking up the next mixing bowl size ramen dish. I'm taking my time with my food, but I already know I'll want to reach for another plate or even a dessert. Especially a dessert.


"Don't use your lunch. I'll get someone to cover the desk for however long it takes."

"Why would you do that?"

"Maybe because you don't know when to take a moment for yourself. You ran yourself ragged today and passed out. You're not going to skip any more lunches."

"Yes sir" I reply sarcastically with a playful note to my voice, trying to lighten the somber mood that has fallen in the room.

"I'm serious, y/n. I'm tempted to require you to eat lunch with me everyday so I know you don't do this again."

Pizza My Heart (Fatgum x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now