Chapter 37

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I pull the knife out and try again, knowing I won't stop until I do some damage.

"Knock me out or let me stab you in the side. I don't want to kill you, but it has to hurt" I hold myself back long enough for him to make his decision and then he raises his arms above his head. My knife sinks into his side as Medic busts through the door, the limp body of Charlie in his arms.

He dumps Charlie on the ground and goes over to Tai, taking stock of his injuries and getting his last hand free. Medic gets his phone out and calls for back up when he eyes me. I shake my head even though my arm is bleeding pretty badly. I nod in Mike's direction.

"You did good little one." Medic says as he passes by to heal Mike's wound, my impulse finally sated. Mike yelps as his skin and muscles knit back together.

Tai slides off his chair and ends up on all fours. I rush over to him and take stock of his wound and glance up at Medic.

"My quirk has limit" he explains "the big one too hurt for me to heal fully. Must mend some on own. Help come soon."

"Fuck" I say under my breath as I drag Tai to a rug that isn't drenched in his blood.

"Oh so it's bad" Tai tries to joke like I did when I was shot.

"Not the time" I take the roll of gauze Medic has in his supplies and start wrapping his wrists and ankles where the restrains cut in. All his clothes are tattered and hanging off him in strips, but the pants are in tact enough to keep his decency.

"I'm so sorry, y/n"  he reaches up to touch my face "I didn't mean a single word I said."

I can't seem to find words and instead I pull his hand to rest it on his chest. I can't bring myself to look him in the face either.

Opening his hoodie makes my eyes go wide to see the damage. There are electrical burns, cuts, scrapes, bruises, and other unidentifiable wounds.

"Say something" he whispers as I do what I can to staunch the bleeding that I can see. "Or at least look at me."

I bring my gaze up to his and let him see everything I'm feeling.

"Not like that" he says, looking anguished and trying to reach for me again but I pull back just far enough that he drops his hands. I want him to touch me but at the same time I don't. My brain knowing he was lying when he hurt me doesn't take the sting out of what I still feel from it. "look at me any other way"

"And how am I looking at you?" I ask with a lump in my throat.

"Like I broke you"

"Don't be ridiculous" I say, taking a larger piece of gauze to clean up his face.

"I'm sorry"

"Save your strength" I whisper, getting up to let Medic have a chance to look over Tai. I don't want to check on Mike and a glance at the villains shows that they haven't moved. When Tai lets out pained whimpers from getting his wounds cleaned, I have to step outside.

Sirens can be heard in the distance and I hold my center as I watch the lights get closer. Jack is the first one out of a squad car and he rushes over to me.

"Y/n?" He looks me up and down, pulling a clean rag from his pocket to hold over my still bleeding arm "what are you doing here?"

"Tai was in trouble" I feel numb.

"Who is inside?"

"Medic, Mike, Tai and two others. The threats are neutralized." I say, as Jack leads me to his car and opens the passenger door for me while other squad cars and several ambulances roll up.

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