Skye's Christmas Vibes

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I softly smiled as I saw the team settle down in the Lounge of our new home. The Playground. Seriously! What is it with S.H.I.E.L.D and pun names? It was my first Christmas at S.H.I.E.L.D.  Sure, it's only been 3 months since I officially became a part of S.H.I.E.L.D, but it feels like I've been here forever. It feels like this team, this family has known me since the day I was born. Whenever that was.

"Skye?" Jemma's voice stopped my train of thoughts.

I hummed as I tried to remember what the topic or question was.

"You zoned out for a bit. It was kind of creepy. Simmons even thought you were in some kind of trance." Hunter, our newest agent stated.

"Simmons, had to, uhhm," Fitz snapped his fingers to try to put his thoughts into words, "Pull you out of, the, the trance by repeating your name."

"Oh, sorry guys." I blushed, "Tomorrow is kind of my first Christmas that I spent or will spend with somebody who actually care about me."

Coulson and May frowned.

"Don't worry guys. It's all good." I flashed a reassuring smile that decreased the frowns on their faces.

They nodded but May didn't seem to let the comment go. Mama May.

"May, it's fine. It wasn't all that bad. We had Christmas dinner and got small presents."

That seemed to satisfy May because she sat down on the couch beside Coulson. She placed her had on his chest and layed her head on his shoulder. Platonic Love.

I smiled as I saw the two people, whom I consider parents, get closer to each other.

"You guys love each other, don't you?"

Their heads snapped towards me, "Excuse us?"

"You guys love each other but are too afraid to admit it."

"Skye, are you okay?"

"I'm good."

May cleared her throat and got off the couch, "I'll be in your office."

"Don't bother to ask." He called out as May walked down the hall.

"Never." She called back.

"Why don't you tell her, A.C?"

"Tell her what?"

"That you love her. Duh."

"Not now, Skye. It's Christmas, Let's decorate the base. Or at least part of it."
He walked away after that, hoping to avoid the conversation.

"She loves you too, you know!" I called out after he walked away.

I saw a frown on his face as he turned the corner. I sighed and went back to the lounge to help decorate the base. I saw Jemma and walked over to her, she and I had become close friends after she returned from HYDRA.

"Let's get jingling."

She snorted, "As you wish."

We spent the next few hours decorating the base, which was soon interrupted by an annoyed Melinda May and an amused Phil Coulson.

"Stop it, Phil." May harshly whispered.

"We'll continue later, at length." He smirked as May swatted his arm.

May looked at me and nodded, "You guys done?"

"Almost. Just got the star on top of the tree left. Thought you guys would want to be here for that."

They smiled, and May brought over a gold star, she and Coulson had brought over from her apartment.

She and Coulson shared a look when Coulson saw the star. He nodded. Something was definitely going on with those two. They walked over to me and handed me the star. I looked at them, confused and surprised.

"You should do it, Skye."

"I,- I don't know what to say."

"Just put the star, Skye."

"Uhm, I can't reach."

"Here, I'll hold you up." Coulson walked over to me and bent down infront of me, he looked at me, asking for permission. I nodded and he held me up.

I placed the star on top of the tree, now illuminated by lights and decorations, brought in by agents. I saw smiles on every agents face and Coulson put me back on the ground.

I walked over to May and Coulson, "I'm sorry for saying that you two love each other earlier today."

May smiled, "It's fine, Skye. Don't worry."

"Now what do you say? Let's go bake a cake." Phil suggested.

I smiled. Family.

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