Baby Noel?

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We were just leaving for the doctor's appointment when Daisy burst into the room with her eyes closed.

"Are you guys all dressed?"

"Yes. Daisy we're dressed." I rolled my eyes and stood in front of her with my bare back to her face with Phil's help.

Her eyes opened and she shrieked, "WHAT THE HELL? GUYS!"

I rolled my eyes and pulled the black sweater on.
"It was my back, you know."

"And it's nothing you haven't seen before."

"Uhm, gross. Don't you wear a bra?"

"I'm sort of flat chested, Daisy."

"That's not how I remember it." Phil murmured. I playfully punched his arm.

"Gross. Eww. I need bleach for my eyes and ears." She walked out of the room.

We were going to leave for Maui in a few days, so we were going to the doctor to check up on the baby.
Just to make sure everything is fine. And maybe find out the gender.

We left the apartment and drove to the SHIELD approved doctor. Dr. Wen. Her file said she was most experienced with Asian genetics.

"Phil, it says she specializes in Asian genetics. What if there's a problem or something?"

He softly smiled, "Mel, it's gonna be fine."

"Plus, we make some cute kids."

I huffed, "Yeah, we do."

"I mean let's think about names, do you want to?"

"Sure?" I smiled, "Lila sounds good. For a girl."

"Yeah. Or how about Maggie?"

I snorted, "Phil, no. We're not naming our kid after Peggy Carter."

"Fine. How about Buchanan? For a boy. Or even a girl."

"Gee, you want them to get bullied?"

"You're right." He smiled, "We'll talk about it later. At length."

"How about,- I'll tell you later."

"Uh, okay. You good?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm better."

"So when's the baby due?"

"Sometime December I think. We can ask the doctor about it."

"Do you want to?"


"Then we will."

I looked down, "Phil, how are you so calm about this?"

He snorted. "I'm a lot of things. Not calm. Definitely not calm. Just trying to stay positive, Melinda."
He smiled.

I nodded and took a deep breath, "We're here." I pointed out.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car, I followed. He held out his hand for me and I held it. Taking one last breath, we walked into the OBGYN clinic, it was crowded with other patients and we found a seat.

"So, this feels oddly familiar."

I softly smiled, "At least, this time, you're not the one who's freaking out." I pointed.

He nodded. Right then, the receptionist called my name, "Mrs. Coulson?" I looked up.

"Yes?" I stood up.

"We can take you right now, if you're ready."

I nodded, "Come on." Phil got up and we followed the receptionist into the secluded room.

"You must be the Coulsons." A tall Asian woman held out a hand, I shook it, "Melinda May."

"Phil Coulson." Phil shook her hand and nodded.

"Right. Congratulations on the baby. Your first?"

"Third." I nodded, "One miscarriage."

She nodded, "Please sit on the gurney." She looked at Phil, "You can stay if she likes."

"Stay." I sighed, "Please."

He nodded and moved to my side, "Very well." Dr. Wen left the room.

"She's strict." I said, "Reminds me of my parents."

He bit his lip and kissed my forehead, "They're good people."

I smiled, and fell into his touch.

I heard someone clear their throat, "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but we should get going if you don't mind." Dr. Wen pointed out.

I cleared my own throat and moved away from Phil.

"If you'd lay back." I did as told.

Her cold hands touched my bare stomach and I slightly flinched. She applied a gel to my abdomen and proceeded to do so.

Once she was done, I felt tears threatening to fall and bit my lip. Suddenly, a steady beat filled the silence. A felt Phil kiss my forehead and I fell into his touch. I let a tear slide down my cheek as I felt Phil gasp. The heartbeat made it a thousand times real. I squeezed Phil's hand and he squeezed mine back.

Dr. Wen softly smiled, "Your child is due around Christmas. It might be a Christmas baby."

We nodded and she continued, "The main risk is your age, Mrs. Coulson. You have suffered major injuries in the past but you're extremely healthy physically. If you don't mind me asking about your miscarriage, what happened?"

"Uhm, we had a mission. It was uhm, 9 years ago. I had to kill a child." Her eyes slightly widened, "I guess it was the guilt or stress. Andrew, my ex-husband, tried to talk to me. Get me to talk to him with his shrink ideas. I didn't go to SHIELD therapy or get consultation from someone. Phil was the only person I talked with about it. He didn't know about the miscarriage till two month ago."

She nodded, "So is this your first child with Mr. Coulson?"

"Uh, no. Second."

She raised an eyebrow. "We had a daughter 28 years ago. We weren't married."

"Oh." She nodded, "Well, that means your body is most likely used to his European genetics."

I nodded, "Do you both want to find out the

I looked and Phil and nodded, "We want to keep it a secret, is it possible that you can give us an envelope with the gender in it?"

"Sure." She excused herself from the room.

We waited in silence until Dr. Wen re-entered with a white envolope. She handed us the envelope and nodded.

"You're free to open it anytime you'd like. Call me if you have any questions."

We nodded and bid farewell to Dr. Wen.

"So.." Phil started once he started driving. Oh, no.

"What do you think of Christmas names?" He smirked.

"I think,-" I looked at him, "You're a nerd."

"Well, yes. But how about Faith? Hope? Mary?" I shook my head, he continued.

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