Before the Storm

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Nobody's POV

Skye walked in the halls, shivering and scared. It had only been a few hours since she discovered her powers since, Fitz had protected her from prying eyes. She saw the team in the Lounge, saw their fearful looks, yet, she saw pity. She didn't want pity. Pity that she was a foster kid who found her dad, who turned out to be a murderer. She saw May standing there with an emotionless expression beside Coulson, who had a sympathetic expression. She walked away, headed for her dorm but instead found herself inside the Bus. Where it all started. She went to the kitchen and pulled out a photo album from the cabinet. She looked through the pictures, the second week she was here, a month later, a picture of Coulson and May, she stopped at a picture of the team standing infront of a tall pine tree. Christmas last year. It was December 23 today. Two days before Christmas. She felt tears drop down her cheeks as she hastily wiped them, but more followed. Soon, she was sobbing, wanting to be held and wanting to be normal. She flinched when she felt hands wrap her torso.

"Shhh, Skye. It's okay. Breathe. We're here." A soothing voice held her.

Skye calmed down after that, finally looking at the face of the soothing voice. May, sitting beside her while Coulson stood behind May.

"Guys? You shouldn't be here. I can hurt you."

"But you won't." May stated.

Skye sniffed and looked away, "It's Christmas in two days. It's not going to be the same as last year, I know that. I don't want to hope but I can't help it."

"Skye -"

"Uhm, no. Please. I need some time."

They nodded and walked away.

"You thinking the same thing?" May asked once they were away from Skye.


"We need to show her that we care. We need to tell her that she's not alone."

"Surprise Christmas party?" Coulson looked at May.


The debated on asking the team for help but decided against it. If they wanted to help, they wouldn't have argued about helping Skye.

"I'll get the tree. Get the ornaments?"

May nodded , and sighed. "Gotta go to the apartment then."

Coulson looked at her and his eyes softened. "I'm sorry. I forgot,-."

"It's fine. I was gonna go there soon anyway." May stopped him, and softly smiled, "I'll get the boxes."

They nodded at each other and went to finish their assigned tasks.

May reached her apartment in about 20 minutes, taking Lola had its benefits. She walked up the stairs and entered the password of her digital lock. She opened the door and stepped inside.

'Just get the box and it'll be fine, Melinda.' She thought. She walked through her large apartment and quickly grabbed the big box of ornaments from under the couch. She hurried out of the apartment, it had bought too many emotions to surface.

She drove back to the base in silence, only listening to the radio.

Phil was waiting for her when she arrived.

"I'm fine." She said as she handed him the box.

"No, you're not."

"We'll talk later. We have work to do."

They snuck into Skye's bunk, knowing she won't be there till it's late. "I'll put up the tree. Can you tidy it up a little?" He nodded and they started working.

After a few hours, the door opened and the awkwardly stood behind the door. Skye closed the door a jumped when she saw them behind the door. "What the hell, guys?"

"Uhm, surprise?" At that, she looked around herself, realising what they did.

"Guys.." she choked up at that, "I,-."

"Merry Christmas, Skye."

Skye walked over to hug the two. "Thank you, it means a lot to me."

They smiled, holding back tears, they nodded. Just like that, they had their own little Christmas party.

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