End of Story

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Okayy, so that last chapter was kinda crazy heh
Anyway, just want to be clear that to this day I still struggle with sin. In fact there are times when I still get scared and have some doubts about myself. But it's different now because I know who will defend and help me. I have someone who will never leave me nor forsake me, someone who will listen to me when I have no one to comfort me. Someone who corrects me and shows me a way to take. And I can rejoice and have peace, knowing that He have already won✨

I try to share my story and testimony with others, including the gospel. The gospel is what saved me from my mess, and looking back at my life I learned that I was never a true follower. It's not that I was never a christian, it's the fact that I never knew Him that made a big difference🤍

But there are times that I forget what he have done for me, and there are times when I do fall away and backslide. In fact there are times that even I fall short, and sometimes I do things that Christians should never do.. It's so, so important to remember what God have set you free from, and all the kindness and goodness he have shown to you when you first accepted Him into your life. So be grateful and thankful, there are times when I can be pretty ungrateful about my life so I don't encourage anyone to keep sinning just because I say that I struggle.

This is a fight against the principalities and rulers of darkness in the heavenly places. This is a constant battle between flesh and spirit, so we should keep fighting the good fight of faith, enduring til the very end. Why am I saying all this? Well I don't want anyone to assume that just because I became christian, doesn't mean the battle isn't entirely over. Just look at the world! It's getting darker and depressing with all it's hopelessness and corruption, and it's our job (as good soldiers of christ) to bring and share the light of the gospel to all nations! It could be your family, friend, sister or brother - anyone! Pray and ask God constantly for strength and boldness in these times 🙏

Remember, you are only saved by grace through faith, and that not of yourselves lest any man should boast - Ephesians 2:8

Just know that there is a reward waiting and that you're not alone in this fight. God is going to have the final victory and the final say - this is God's promise and one day it will come to pass✨

🤍 keep looking up, set your mind on things above, not below, on eternal things and not on temporal ones. His Kingdom first and not mine, seek and everything will be added unto you🕊

You may share this with anyone you like.
Thank you for reading my testimony, I know it was kinda messy especially Pt. 2 😩 but it must be shared.
Also I hope it blessed you and may it lead you to the saving grace and mercy of the Father.. I thank God for looking down on someone like me when I was invisible to everyone else, what a loving God he truly is that would notice the forgotten

God bless

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚢✨Where stories live. Discover now